Scandal Recap – Candidates Drop Like Flies: Season 5 Episode 20 “Trump Card”

Tonight on ABC Scandal starring Kerry Washington continues with another exciting episode in an all new Thursday May 5, season 5 episode 20 called, “Trump Card,” and we have the recap for you below. On tonight’s episode, though Olivia (Kerry Washington) and Abby (Darby Stanchfield) are at odds, they must team up in order to defeat Hollis.

On the last episode, Florida’s powerful governor met with the candidates, who competed for her endorsement. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Though Olivia and Abby are at odds, they must team up in order to defeat Hollis. Elsewhere, Edison realizes that joining forces with a manipulative Rowan and Jake may have been a poor choice on his part.”

Tonight’s episode of SCANDAL is going to be absolutely incredible and you won’t want to miss even a minute. We’ll be recapping it for you here live. In the meantime, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Scandal starts with the new reporting Hollis taking the lead in the primaries. The gladiators talk while Abby and Olivia make a temporary truce so they can take out Hollis. Huck doesn’t like it – Quinn does. Olivia tells the team to get her dirt on Susan for when the truce is over.

Abby tells Liz they need dirt on Mellie in case of a war. David comes to see Susan to take her to lunch. She says she has no time. He says that’s why he brought Gettysburger to her. He asks why she’s working with Mellie and she says there’s a cease fire for now while they burn Hollis to the ground.

David talks about some horribly dull case he’s pleading before the Supreme Court then talks about them taking a beach vacation. He tells her all the times he thinks about her while he’s working and their plans for the future. Susan asks what’s happening and he says it’s clear.

Susan says no it’s not and is this happening. She says say it clearly in a full sentence. He says he wants to get married if she wants to. Susan shushes him and says ask me like a normal person. He takes her hand and says: Susan, will you marry me. She busts out a huge smile.

Cyrus meets Olivia and tells her about Vargas and how great of a human being he is. He says the guy hugs old ladies and prays with the sick. He says he really wants to make America better. He says he’s pure and he’s like Kennedy and King in one.

He says Vargas is still losing in the primary though. Olivia says Cyrus believes it and he says he keeps losing to Edison Davis. Olivia says it’s not Edison, it’s her dad he’s losing to and he asks what’s the plan. Olivia says she’s done trying.

Cyrus says Rowan will steal the election from Mellie. Olivia says he was command and can steal the election for sure. She tells him good luck. Abby meets Rowan at his request and he hands her dirt on Mellie. She says Hollis is her problem right now.

Rowan tells Abby that Olivia aborted Fitz’s baby then hands her the envelope and asks her what would Olivia Pope do? The gladiators talk about taking down Hollis and Abby brings in oppo research. He stole tax money and other stuff.

The news breaks and Fitz calls him shameful. Hollis hits back and says Fitz looks down on him then mocks him. They bring Hollis’ second wife on the news that he raped. Hollis sys he loves women and they love him. His numbers go up.

They bring up that he hangs out with the KKK leadership. Hollis plays it as free speech. He reams political correctness as a response. Edison tells Rowan this is an opportunity. Edison says people want to know why he’s not speaking up.

Rowan says this is America and says white people are the target and talks about how they want a black man who’s not too black. Edison says race is a social construct. Rowan tells him to shut up with that and says he’s from the ghetto and calls him an Ivy League idiot.

Rowan says “you gonna be our first black president” by making people forget you’re black. He says stand still and hope no one notice that’s not a tan. Rowan says don’t make me angry. Edison looks away first. Edison says let the Republicans go after Hollis and Rowan says good thinking.

Rowan asks him about VP candidates and Rowan says add Jake Ballard to the list. Edison says he’s not sure it’s a good idea. Rowan says the decision is his but gives him the death stare. Quinn says they can’t touch the guy – Hollis is a rock star.

Abby tells Olivia what if Hollis isn’t anti-abortion. Olivia says the conservatives only care about how he votes on it, not what he thinks. They see Hollis is on Sally’s TV show. They rush to listen. He says whichever woman drops out first can be his VP.

Liz and Abby talk and Liz says they are down 140 delegates and he could win. Liz says they need to take it before Mellie does. Liz says she has dirt on Mellie and hands Abby a paper. She saw a psychic 12 times after her son died. Liz says that’s crazy for a commander in chief.

Abby says the worst is embarrassing. Liz says it’s all she’s got. Abby looks at the folder that Rowan gave her. Mellie is with Marcus and says maybe she should take the VP spot. He says you’re going to win, don’t talk crap. She says okay.

Olivia finds her dad at her place and says move away from my door. He says he’s still her father and says take Hollis’ deal. She says he wants to face Hollis in the generals. He says take the deal or Abby will. He says Abby can’t be trusted and will use her friendship against her.

Olivia laughs at him. He says take the deal the kisses her cheek and goes. Edison talks to Jake and says he won’t consider him for VP. Jake says no and says he’s not reasonable. Edison asks what this is. Jake says Rowan chose him because his brain can’t compute the inevitability.

Jake says he will put him on the ticket and they will take him to the White House. Edison says no. Jake says the car accident that broke his body after he met Olivia was not an accident but was him. Jake says don’t say no to me.

Olivia goes to see Hollis and he says he knew she was the smart one. He says Mellie is a classy piece of ass. Hollis tells her he doesn’t believe any of that racist crap – he gives the customers what they want, that’s all.

Olivia tells him they have a deal and they shake hands. Olivia comes back to the office and tells Abby and the gladiators that she went to see Hollis. Huck says calm down. Olivia says she also went to see Sally. Hollis is on Sally’s show again.

Sally says the truth is different and she plays the video that Olivia recorded and him talking about filthy inbreds. Hollis says that’s out of context and then Sally plays more of the video. Hollis stymied and the news reports his campaign is combusting.

Hollis faces angry protestors that were his supporters. Abby and Olivia laugh and wonder when he’ll suspend his campaign. Olivia says 24 hours max. Abby says then their truce is over. Olivia tells Abby she won’t hold back and Abby agrees.

Olivia comes to see Edison and he says he’s surprised to see her. She says she respects him and he says he doesn’t need this pep talk. She says he may win but will not run the country – her father will. Olivia talks about the pattern of statistical anomalies and says her dad is stealing this for him.

Olivia says he thinks Edison is easy to control. She asks if Rowan suggested Jake as his running mate yet. Edison says he’s this close to the White House. She says he needs to drop out and says she can make sure he has a chance next time if he drops out now.

She tells Edison to say everything he wants about Hollis. He tells a reporter that Hollis is a disgusting piece of trash and goes off on Doyle. He says they should be ashamed for not asking these questions before and brings up Jim Crow and slavery. He says black lives do matter.

Edison says young black men and immigrants are under attack. He calls Hollis a thug and punk and so are his supporters. The reporters comments to one another that Edison just lost the presidency.

Jake and Rowan watch Edison’s speech on the news. Rowan is pissed and Jake says he put the fear of God in him and they wonder why he did it. Vargas calls Edison who concedes. Cyrus and Vargas are thrilled. He ends the call and the campaign office erupts in cheers.

Cyrus says you’re the democratic nominee and they hug in jubilation. Olivia talks to Cyrus who is happy with what she did. Quinn says the dirt on Susan is enough to get her to drop out of the race. Abby calls in a Secret Service agent who was on Olivia’s detail.

She asks him about the night of Mellie’s filibuster and where Olivia went after that. Abby calls Liv and says they need to talk. They know the other has something. Abby says come to the White House tonight. She does. Abby is stunned when she hears Olivia is in the Oval with others.

Abby rushes down and finds Olivia with Susan, Mellie and Fitz. They are sharing oppo research to decide if anyone wants to drop out and see their dirt buried or face it being exposed. Fitz says they will both get hurt and one will lose to Vargas anyway.

Fitz says it’s smart. Liz asks how do they know it’s the worst and Olivia says they have no reason to hold back. Olivia says this is about David and tells her about David’s finagling the Florida governor to get her endorsement. Susan rants.

Fitz says if it’s true, David has to resign. Liz says that’s a bad idea and will ruin Susan’s career for what he did. Now it’s Abby’s turn. She says Mellie hired a psychic to talk to Jerry after he died. Abby didn’t use the abortion.

Susan says she’s done she quits and congratulates Mellie. She walks out of the Oval. Mellie is thrilled. Liz rants to Susan about dropping out. Susan says no one will believe she didn’t know about the sugar deal. David comes to see Susan as Liz storms out.

David says he knows there’s nothing he can say or do. She says she didn’t want to run for President and he convinced her. She says he made her want it then took it away. David says he’s sorry and did it for her. He says he believed in her.

Susan says he didn’t think she could do it on her own. She says she’d still be in love with him and he says he still loves her. He says she’s amazing and she says she knows that. She says she’s witty, cute, funny and smarter than him and this is over between them.

She says he doesn’t believe in her and she’s going to change the world and says she has to be with someone who feels the same about her. She tells him he can go now and says he’s been dumped by the Vice President of America and she has work to do.

He walks out hanging his head then she breaks down crying. Susan announces her campaign suspension and blames it on low funds. Susan says it’s not her time and will clear the field in this race and says a Republican must win and it must be Mellie.

Marcus tells Mellie he told her and makes her repeat his words back. She says “I won” and they hug and then they almost kiss but Margaret says they need her for the interview. Mellie graciously thanks Susan for her support.

Olivia, Quinn and Huck watch her speech. Huck says she actually did it. Olivia comes to Abby and brings her a bottle of wine. Olivia says you lost on purpose then asks what else she had on Mellie. Olivia says she saw the folder and asks what it was.

Abby says she had nothing else on Mellie. Abby stares and Olivia says it was me. Abby says the night she moved out of the White House. Olivia says my abortion and Abby says she didn’t want to hurt her. Olivia thanks her and says she’s not ashamed of it at all.

She says Fitz was the only one who would have been hurt – publicly and personally. She asks Abby if he knows. She asks who told her and Abby says her father did and Abby says Rowan is not done with you. Jake and Rowan come to Edison’s office.

He says he won’t apologize. Rowan asks if that was Olivia’s idea – the big speech. He says Edison isn’t crafty enough to think of that on his own. Jake slams his head on the desk and says he will let him live because Rowan needs him later.

After Rowan walks out, Jake whispers to Edison – tell Olivia I need help. Tell her I want to escape and am running for the sun.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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