The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Jill Returns With A Major Agenda – Secret Mission Stirs Genoa City Pot

The Young and the Restless spoilers tease that Jill (as played by the splendid Jess Walton) will be back in Genoa City for Christmas, with her first air date on Monday, December 18 – Y&R fans will quickly learn that Jill is on a secret mission. This fierce diva always stirs the pot when she’s in town. Jack (Peter Bergman), Cane (Daniel Goddard), Billy (Jason Thompson) and of course, Esther (Kate Linder) must prepare for impact.

Old-school fans fondly recall the epic daytime battles that Jill and Katherine (played by the late, infinitely great Jeanne Cooper) had. Jill (initially played by Brenda Dickson, starting in Y&R’s debut 1973 season) was, at first, Kay’s nail stylist and then, paid companion.

Phillip Chancellor II (last played by Donnelly Rhodes) fell in love with Dickson’s character and fathered her child (Phillip III, Thom Bierdz). Dramatic events eventually led to tragedy, as Phillip II was killed in a car accident as a result of Katherine’s drunken behavior.

These seemingly eternal opponents had their world’s upended when they learned years later that Jill was Katherine’s daughter. That reveal proved to be false, but actually led to both characters realizing that they did care about each other.

Fast-forward to December 2017, Jack is bound and determined to one-up The Moustache. One way he intends to do that is by acquiring Chancellor Industries. According to The Young and the Restless spoilers Jack’s ambitious move will lead to a Jabot boardroom showdown with his rival for power, Ashley (Eileen Davidson).

Y&R spoilers say that Jill is interested in selling off CI and devoting her time and proceeds to philanthropy. This solid spoiler leads to the obvious conclusion that Jill must be considered as prime candidate for the anonymous purchaser of Chancellor Park.

Cane was helped by his step-mother when she made him the acting head of Katherine’s company. It wasn’t a pity move, as Cane has performed well and is repositioning the conglomerate as a key player in business circles.

Y&R fans haven’t often been given information regarding exactly what CI does. But soap stock holders don’t demand quarterly reports as long as the storylines flow well.

Of course, Cane’s bigger accomplishment is having a new son. Sam’s arrival and Juliet’s (Laur Allen) demise will surely be addressed by Jill.

Jill allowed Colin’s (Tristan Atkinson) son to move into the mansion after Lane split. There’s no doubt that Mrs. Atkinson will attempt to revive Lily (Christel Khalil) and Cane’s marriage in between barbs with Esther. Kevin (Greg Rikaart) and Bella (Gia Poeme) are also visiting. They have their own mommy issues to contend with, though only Victor (Eric Braeden) knows that, for now.

“Billy, Billy, Billy,” as Jill would and will say. His mother wanted him to reconnect with Vickie (Amelia Heinle) and reclaim his family. Jill’s plan for that former couple’s reconciliation never materialized despite establishing daily interaction between Villy at Brash and Sassy.

Jill is not a fan of Billy’s current love interest. Phyllis (Gina Tognoni) has been written as a far softer version of this classic character than Michelle Stafford’s ever was. Regardless, Jill just doesn’t like her. So Billy, Phyllis and the fans can expect Jill to lay into Philly on more than one occasion through the entire Christmas and New Year’s season.

CDL is a leading source for everything linked to The Young and the Restless. Check back regularly for Y&R spoilers and news!

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