Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Plays Dirty to Score a Victory Over Ciara – Plan Backfires, Tripp Caught in Crazy Aftermath

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) will grow even more determined next week. She wasn’t happy when Ciara (Victoria Konefal) entered the New Face of Bella contest, but that’s just something she’ll have to deal with. Claire did her best to downplay her concerns about the competition, but she’ll eventually realize she needs to do something drastic.

Ciara isn’t the only one who could give Claire a run for her money. Tripp (Lucas Adams) noted that plenty of other “hotties” are hoping for the gig. Of course, Tripp also suggested that outward beauty wasn’t as important as a person’s heart. That’s certainly true, but it won’t stop Claire and Ciara from freaking out about the looming results.

However, Claire’s the contestant who’s truly vain and uptight. She’ll determine that there has to be a way to come out on top. Failure just isn’t an option for Claire. Days of Our Lives spoilers state that Claire will resort to scheming. For starters, she might butter up the people over this contest.

Eve (Kassie DePaiva) encouraged Claire to enter and Brady (Eric Martsolf) seemed supportive as well. Claire may hope they can swing things her way if the votes don’t quite add up. She doesn’t have to win this fair and square. Claire doesn’t care how she pulls it off as long as it happens.

Nevertheless, Days spoilers say another strategy might be necessary. Brady and Eve may not be willing to change the results to make Claire the winner. Even if they are willing to do that, Claire won’t know beforehand. She’ll feel like she has no choice but to play dirty.

Claire will want to beat all the other girls, but a victory over Ciara would be particularly sweet. Days of Our Lives spoilers hint that Claire will put a new plot in motion. It looks like Tripp could inadvertently get dragged into the aftermath. He may feel stuck between fuming Ciara and Claire once again.

Will Claire try to rig the competition by manipulating the votes online? Could she view Ciara as her main threat and target her specifically instead? Days spoilers say Claire’s plan could backfire big time, so stay tuned for all the DOOL chaos. We’ll give you updates as other news comes in. Stick with DOOL and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates and news.

Heather Hughes:
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