Return to Amish Recap 03/28/23: Season 7 Episode 3 “Fannie, Are You OK?”

Tonight on TLC Return to Amish, the Breaking Amish spin-off airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 28, 2023,  season 7 episode 3 called “Fannie, Are You OK?,” and we have your weekly Return to Amish recap below. In tonight’s Return to Amish episode as per the TLC synopsis, “Jethro comes back to make amends with Sabrina. Kenneth tests his basketball skills. Rosanna’s older brother learns about her sleeping arrangements.

Facing being shunned, Fannie flees to Florida only to be dropped in the middle of more drama.

Tonight’s episode is going to be exciting you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 10 PM – 11 PM EST! While you wait for our Return to Amish recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of the Amish family.

Tonight’s Return To Amish episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Return To Amish episode, Sabrina had to go to the hospital. She was pregnant with her third child and she was left feeling because she had seen blood in her underwear. She had been afraid something had happened to her baby, but her friends did their best to comfort her and they even went to the hospital with her.

Their support meant the world. Only Sabrina wishes that Jethro had been there as well. Jethro was the father of her kids and they’ve been struggling with their relationship since forever. It was one thing or another with him. And so Sabrina had started off this season saying she needed a break from him.

But when it really counts, she wishes that he had been there. Her baby turned out to be all right and she got to see the baby’s face in a sonogram. She was having a little girl. It just didn’t stop her panic attack. She cried for a good while before she would let the doctor see her and so that’s when she missed Jethro the most. Sabrina wanted their relationship to work only she wasn’t getting the love she deserved. Jethro had started taking her for granted. She wishes that he could be someone she turns to for support and he just wasn’t that guy.

Jethro needed to work on himself before he could be the man Sabrina needed him to be. Until that happens, she has to make it through without him. It was just easier said than done sometimes. She looks at Jeremiah and Carmela and they seem so happy. They were trying for a baby. Sabrina only saw the good and there were so much more going on with them.

They were struggling to conceive. Carmela thought it was because all the stress they’ve been going through. Jeremiah found out that Dennis Blake wasn’t his father and he really wanted him to be his father. And now he was doing his best to make sure Dennis stays a part of his life.

Also, if it wasn’t that then it was this new batch of Amish kids. Jeremiah was doing his best to help Amish kids leave the life if they want to but the least they could do was tell him when new people are coming.

They were just inviting down there. Rosanna was doing it too. Rosanna invited her cousin Fannie to come down to Pinecraft. Fannie was a good Amish girl. She was engaged to be married and then she told her fiancé that she has a cell phone. She wasn’t using it to get Uber or to buy drugs. She just wanted to keep in contact with family and he got upset by that.

Her fiancé threatened to break the phone. He demanded that she handed it over to him so that he could break it and when she refused – he went running to the Bishop. He told the Bishop about her secret cell phone. The Bishop decided to shun her. Fannie was getting shunned by everyone when she finally had enough. She contacted Rosanna. She told her that she needed to get away and Rosanna got her out of there. Rosanna contacted Maureen. Maureen was running from her own situation and so she agreed to help Fannie get to Pinecraft.

They drove to the airport. Fannie got on her first plane and it had been scary. She didn’t know how a plane managed to get off into the air. She thought they were going to crash until suddenly she looked out the window and she realized that she was flying through the skies like an angel would. Fannie landed in Sarasota. They traveled to Pinecraft. There she had to find her own sleeping space because her cousin refused to share her room. Rosanna was actually sharing a large room with Johnny. They weren’t married and that was frowned upon in the Amish community.

Except Rosanna thought she could fool a bunch of Amish kids by saying it was allowed. She said that boys and girls sleep together all the time back home. Which was such a blatant lie that everyone called it out in their confessional. Even Fannie was taken aback. The others hadn’t said what they were thinking to her face, but they still thought what she was doing was wrong and so Fannie was very uncomfortable on her first day there. The guys could at least run off and go play basketball with other Amish guys.

They lost to the others only they still had fun. They later returned to the house where they met another new uninvited face. They met Rosanna’s brother. His name is Ray. He came to check up on his sister and he found her on a bed with her boyfriend.

And Jethro came back when he heard about Sabrina’s medical scare. He told Sabrina he misses her and that he wants to marry her again. And she told him that first he needs to love her.


Kristine Francis:
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