The Good Doctor Recap 04/30/24: Season 7 Episode 7 “Faith”

Tonight on NBC their new medical drama “The Good Doctor” airs with an all-new Tuesday, April 30, 2024, episode and we have you The Good Doctor recap below. In tonight’s The Good Doctor season 7 episode, 7 called, “Faith,” as per the ABC synopsis,

“Shaun and Jordan’s patient is in dire need of a kidney transplant. When they find the perfect donor, they also discover that he believes he is Jesus which could compromise his ability to give consent to the surgery.”

So make sure to tune in between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our The Good Doctor recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, videos & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Good Doctor recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Good Doctor episode, Dr. Shaun Murphy can be a bit blunt. It comes with the autism he has. He doesn’t know it, but he could work on his bedside manner. He came close to telling a child her mother could die. Shaun failed to realize that’s not something a child should hear and the patient herself cut him off.

Naomi Pine knows her days are numbered. She didn’t want her daughter to know she could die. She wanted to be hopeful. She and her husband were both hopeful about a kidney donation. Suki, the daughter, has been making posts on social media about her mom’s condition. She felt she needed more followers in order to get her mom some help. And her parents didn’t want her taking on that burden.

If her mother dies, it’s not on her. It’s not because she couldn’t find a donor on social media. It’s also not on the doctors. They along with Shaun were doing their best to keep the patient alive.

They thought they had a miracle when a man came in saying he wanted to donate his kidney. The guy claims to be Jesus. He said his mom was a saint. He was adopted on his father’s side. He goes by the name Emmanuel. He even has a rare blood type. He was a carpenter by trade. Jordan was the first to figure out that this man thought he was Jesus.

Dominick didn’t spot it because he’s still new at this. Only weirdoes come out for all sorts of reasons. The hospital couldn’t legally accept a kidney donation from a man that might be too crazy to consent. The doctors called in for a psych consult. Emmanuel was deemed delusional with a sense of grandiosity.

He also wasn’t impaired enough that he didn’t understand the surgery. He knew what he was signing up for. The surgery was given the go ahead. Shaun told the patient and her family. And they didn’t mind their savior thought he was Jesus.

They were just glad that Suki’s social media video worked. It turns out she didn’t need a million followers. Speaking of followers, there was a small influencer at the hospital.

She was also there because of a parent. Eve’s father was dying from an inoperable tumor. He was given a year. He’s lived for ten months and he only came in because he got injured during the landing after skydiving. It was on his bucket list. Eve was recording everything to make memories with her father. She even took off school so that they could spend their final moments together.

Eve’s videos have gained a following. She was always going viral. She and her dad also learned some good news. They learned the injury to his back had shrunk the tumor.

It can be removed now. The cancer can always come back only the removal would give him years instead of weeks. He just would be left paralyzed. Something he didn’t want to do. He didn’t care about extending his life for years. He didn’t want to be a burden on his daughter or have her give up her whole life to take care of him when he’s already made his peace with death.

Paul wants to spend the little he has left on his feet. He wants to finish his bucket list. He wants his daughter’s last memories of him to be filled with laughter and joy. He’s earned that.

The doctors agreed to do the surgery that would get him back on his feet. It would also leave the tumor alone. Elsewhere in the hospital, there was beef between Lea and Morgan. Lea had told Morgan about this amazing nanny she wants to hire. She just has to wait for Shaun to run scenarios before they could hire her. And while they were waiting, Morgan snaps up the amazing nanny known as Joelle.

Morgan offered her more money. She said her current nanny was always late. She also liked that Joelle was bilingual. Something she heard from Lea when they discussed it.

Now, Lea wants to steal the nanny back from Morgan. Lea has Shaun on her side. Morgan has Park on her side. They needed to have a sit-down before they go to battle for a nanny. Park thought they should try to end things peacefully before the ladies tell them they can no longer talk to each other. They set a meeting. They all tried to make it to said meeting.

There they realized that the best solution was an in-house daycare at the hospital. The hospital could hire Joelle and so everyone gets to experience Joelle. Glassman said he’d work it into the budget.

He talked about it with Lim. They do need a daycare. There were plenty of parents with small children that work at the hospital. Also, this can guarantee that none of the doctors or nurses had to rush back home to relieve the babysitter or nanny. It was a great fix. It certainly got both Lea and Morgan back on the same page.

Emannuel also had a health crisis. They needed a bag of blood to treat him. Once he was in recovery, they had to tell him that they only have one more bag of his rare blood. This would make surgery nearly impossible. Which wasn’t helped when Emmanuel finally left the fugue state. He said his name is Carl. He’s not Jesus.

He doesn’t want to donate his kidney anymore. Meanwhile Eve’s father spoke to Jerome. Jerome made him realize that he was forcing his daughter to deal with death when he should be protecting her. He could protect her and even see her graduate and fall in love if he agreed to the harder surgery. And so he agreed to it.

Jordan also got to talking to Carl. Carl saw Naomi and Suki. He realized that he should donate his kidney. It was the right thing to do. His surgery was tricky because he didn’t have enough stored blood to safeguard him during surgery. He started to crash after they took the kidney. Shaun got him back on even footing. Carl lived. Noami lived.

Jerome finally got the tattoo Asher was always trying to convince him of.

Eve also still climbed a mountain with her father. He had to be carried, but after a long day, there was a lot of hope at the hospital. Jordan even stopped being angry at god.

And then Shaun realizes that his six month old might be autistic like him.


Kristine Francis:
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