Dancing With The Stars All Stars – Maksim Chmerkovskiy Defends Bristol Palin

Maksim Chmerkovskiy astonished all of us with his recent Bristol Palin/Mark Ballas revelations. According to Maksim, Palin is “doing a fantastic job”; even though she is scoring the lowest of the season and sent Maksim and his partner Brandy Norwood packing during the 11th season of the show. Why the sudden change of heart Maksim?  If you’ve been following Celeb Dirty Laundry, you’d know that we’ve spoken openly about the Palin/Ballas voting bloc scandal, the devious DWTS production methods and the political line voting. Maksim told Today, “When they got called safe in a foursome that Val [Chmerkovskiy] and Kelly [Monaco] were called in jeopardy, Mark came up to me and said, ‘Dude, whatever happens happens. It’s not my fault!’ This is also my 13th season, and I’ve learned from my mistake,” Maks said. “Everybody deserves to be here. I’m not looking at Bristol the way I may have done in the past. She’s doing a fantastic job.” Yeah, okay, whatever!

In yesterday’s article on the shocking Joey Fatone exit, we stated that Palin “should not be blamed for her staying power. She should, however, be blamed for her behavior and paranoid self-indulgence on set.” She has been able to captivate the DWTS audience with her pouting bitch fits on live air and general sourpuss attitude. We know Mark Ballas should not at all be blamed for any of the controversy, because blaming him would be like blaming the waiter for the rotten food on your plate. He is not our problem, Palin is. It becomes extremely hypocritical and contradictory if you remember Maksim’s vocal Palin quips during the 11th season, so for Maksim to become her biggest fan does not make him a favourite in the general vote, it makes him a suck-up of epic proportions.

We can just imagine how chuffed Palin must be with herself after Maksim’s revelations. Palin doesn’t need to be paid any compliments, she just needs to be voted off, and it is as easy as one, two and three – just don’t vote for her! Now, Cha-Cha-Cha out of here and keep your mouth shut Maksim – don’t add fuel to the already raging fire by being a hippie suck-up.

Photo Credit: Mark Wilkins/FAMEFLYNET

Renier Palland:
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