Teen Mom Jenelle Evans Plays Anastasia Steele In Fifty Shades of Grey – Yeah, Not Going To Happen!

Fifty Shades of Lame should be the title to Jenelle Evans’ reality television career. The Teen Mom 2 “star” – we use that term as loosely as possible – recently revealed that her favourite book is E.L. James’ BDSM-based Fifty Shades of Grey. Ah, damn, here we were thinking that Twitter was Jenelle’s favourite novel to read! According to Hope Carson over at Celebs Gather, “Since all reality stars want, in their hearts, to be movie stars, does this mean Jenelle fantasizes about playing Anastasia Steele in the movie version of the BDSM romance novel? Probably.

Jenelle discovered the erotic tome a few months ago, and has been obsessed with the books ever since. She revealed on her website, “So, I just started to read this book recently. I can honestly say I FELL IN LOVE. I’m not giving away all the details because you need to read it for yourself. This book will make you blush as you read it.” Is that so? Jenelle’s superfluous attempt at a five star review of Fifty Shades is akin to a five-year-old kid playing with dough and telling his mom that she “should try it for herself”.

Her quasi-intellectual foray into supermarket literature should definitely be acknowledged, but perhaps she should also stop hunting men, stop juicing the last second that’s left of her 15 seconds, and dip her nose into more classical works, like Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, and the seminal Virginia Woolf classic, Mrs. Dalloway. According to clever and anonymous scientists, intellectual people are much more adept at coping with life’s curve balls, and we all know Jenelle needs some urgent overhaul in the brain and life departments.

Oh well, if all else fails, at least Jenelle’s feeble attempts at literature could remove that grammatically incorrect stench from her Twitter account.

Renier Palland:
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