Taylor Swift Dating Brenton Thwaites, Obsessed and Moving To Australia – Buying a Sheep Farm?

According to a new report from OK! Magazine, Taylor Swift is ‘infatuated’ with Brenton Thwaites, who she was spotted flirting with at the Toronto International Film festival. According to the report, Taylor fell ‘head over heels‘ in love with Brenton after just one meeting, with a source explaining, “They’ve been hanging out a lot lately, and Taylor won’t stop talking about Brenton.”

If this was about anybody else, I would refuse to believe the story, but since it’s Taylor Swift, it’s possible that she actually fell ‘head over heels’ in love with a boy after just nine days of knowing him. Taylor’s famous for putting her heart over her heard when it comes to matter of the love, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was happening again – I mean, it’s about time, isn’t it? When was the last time Taylor was serious about someone? Almost 7 months ago? That’s a long time, even if it took her that long to get over Harry Styles.

Besides, Brenton’s just her type. Young, twee, cute, and with strong career potential. I can totally see her moving to Australia and buying a house there, just as she did with Conor Kennedy when she was stalking dating him. And why wouldn’t Brenton go out with Taylor? Sure, she’ll probably write an embarrassing song about him when they break up, but for now, she increases his profile and makes him so much more visible to casting directors and producers in Hollywood. As a budding actor in Los Angeles, he needs all the help he can get to stick out amid the competition.

What do you guys think about Taylor and Brenton dating? Do you believe that she’s in love after just two weeks of knowing him? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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