Kristen Stewart Dating Robert Pattinson: Twilight Stars Using Romance To Promote Movies At TIFF 2014?

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have been apart for more than a year now, but their fans are still not ready to give up on them. Understandably, since they’re not called Twi-hards for no reason. But these same fans have been holding out hope for a Robsten reunion at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, even though the duo avoided meeting each other [in public, anyway] at the same festival last year. We know that both Rob and Kristen will be present at TIFF 2014 for their movies, but will they actually meet at the festival? Will they pose for photos?

According to our sources, it’s possible that they’ll meet at a premiere or at an industry party. Although we’d initially heard that they didn’t want to draw attention away from the movies they were there to promote, they probably realized that nothing would draw attention to the event like a #RobstenUnbroken reunion. After all, On The Road received a huge boost of publicity at TIFF after Kristen’s cheating scandal, even though nobody was allowed to ask questions about her affair. But even then, all the press – even ones that wouldn’t normally cover an indie movie – were present at the premiere, and while the buzz may not have been positive, it was still attention that the movie would never have received on a normal day.

As such, Rob and Kristen know that their relationship draws more attention than the movies they star in – and they understand the mechanics of how famewhoring and publicity works, trust me. The only question is – will they actually give in to the pressure and meet for a photo-op? Or will they refuse to use such underhanded tactics to promote their movies? Actually, I shouldn’t say underhanded since everybody in Hollywood does it, but perhaps unexpected? I mean, these two are always preaching about privacy and respect, so it would be strange if they used their romance to promote non-Twilight related projects.

What do you guys think is going to happen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet and Elle

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