Nashville Season Recap – Keeping up Appearances: Season 4 Episode 2 “Til the Pain Outwears the Shame”

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday September 30, season 4 episode 2 called, “Til the Pain Outwears the Shame,” and we have your weekly recap below for you. On tonight’s episode, Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) has a breakdown on a daytime talk show, prompting concern from Avery, (Jonathan Jackson) but then her erratic behavior continues.

On the last episode with Juliette’s starring role in the Patsy Cline bio-pic, she was at an all-time career high, but was hitting a personal low. Meanwhile Avery, separated from Juliette, tended to baby Cadence at his parents’ home in Texas. Rayna, along with her family and friends, grapple with the chilling aftermath of Deacon’s liver transplant. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Juliette has a breakdown on a daytime talk show, prompting concern from Avery, but then her erratic behavior continues. Elsewhere, Rayna strives to showcase the validity of her label by making a play to sign Marcus Keen, a huge rock artist.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Nashville begins with Maddie and Daphne fussing to Rayna about the school talent show then she finds Deacon getting ready to go back to the hospital. She says to stop punishing himself and says they’ll call him the minute something changes. She tries to get him to stay home but he says he needs to be there. He leaves anyway. Jeff tells Layla he can’t be at the meeting and says he fired Patrick so he won’t be there. He says he’s on Julia’s plane and can’t get back.

She says he should be there when she talks to Bucky and Rayna. He says to leave the label. Juliette is on Kelly & Michael’s morning show and she shows a photo of her with Avery and Cadence. Juliette tears up and wipes away tears. Avery is watching. She says she misses them so much. Will asks Avery if she means it and he says he has no idea and hasn’t seen her in weeks. Will says he’s meeting with Luke’s people tomorrow. Luke is told by Ms Manning that country is not ready for a gay star.

She tells him to drop Will. Luke says his teen son thinks Will’s demos will do well and he doesn’t even like country. Manning says he’s all that and he says if he is, why can’t he kick open doors for Will. Cole shows up to tell Rayna that he can’t do the deal and says it’s too much of a risk since she hasn’t been able to hold onto big acts. Bucky says they nearly swept the CMAs. Rayna says she doesn’t need to talk him into anything but if he doesn’t want to take a risk, she wishes him well.

Scarlett and Gunnar are at a shoot for their t-shirt photo and she says there’s a reason they’re called the exes. The shoot is awkward then she walks away to take a call. She says they’re taking her mom’s breathing tube out and tells Noel she has to go and runs out. Jeff tells Juliette’s party friend to move away when she starts talking to J about Ibiza. Jeff tells Juliette she has to be seen with her family to kill some bad publicity that’s brewing. She tells Lindsey to get her another drink and tells Jeff no way.

She says Avery hates her and won’t be down for it. Bucky finds Rayna moping and she says they’re not taking them seriously. She admits she dropped the ball on the label with all her personal stuff. Layla shows up and Bucky says it’s Wade’s and Juliette’s loss, not hers. He says she saw something special with Layla and the Exes. Rayna says they need to sign a big name. She says she has to go to the hospital and says she has to go. She asks Bucky to talk with Rayna.

Layla asks what’s up and Bucky says she has a solo gig tomorrow at the Bluebird. Layla is thrilled. Caleb tells Deacon that Beverly will have some cognitive issues. Beverly wakes thinking the surgery just happened. Luke meets with Will and says it’s a shame he can’t be with them but they had to wait to see how things shook out. Luke says he doesn’t have an answer for him yet but he’s still on the label and wants him to come to Juliette’s launch.

He says not to stress because he’ll be among friends. Jeff shows up to see Avery who threatens to hit him. He tells him to get off his porch. Jeff says he’s worried about Juliette and thinks she’s off the rails. He says she’s alone, scared and needs him. Jeff says she hasn’t been in contact since she thinks Avery hates her. He says she’s desperate to see him and the baby but doesn’t know how to tell him. Avery reminds him it’s been five weeks. Juliette gets home to her empty house.

Deacon tells Rayna that Beverly asking for the remote is a good sign. She reminds him that the girls have their talent show tonight and he asks if they’ll understand if he’s not there. Then he asks what’s the matter with her. She says Wade turned the label down and is feeling irrelevant. Deacon says Beverly will be back on her feet, they’ll get married and all kinds of stars will sign with them. Scarlett talks to Beverly who asks if she’s still dating the doctor. Scarlett says they’re living together.

Beverly says she likes him better and Scarlett asks better than who. Gunnar shows Will how they photoshopped he and Scarlett all up close together. Will says sex sells and Gunnar says he doesn’t want to sell a lie. Gunnar calls Leon because he doesn’t want the exes to look like the sexes. Avery brings Cadence to Juliette’s place which looks like a nightclub. There’s loud music, drinking and people making out. Avery glares at Juliette who is stunned to see him there.

Juliette shuts off the music and tells everyone to get out now. They leave. Avery asks if this is what she’s been doing and why she brought all these strangers to their house. He says he actually believed her on the interview. She says she loves him and starts crying and begs him to listen. Deacon sits with Beverly when Scarlett says oh no. She says her manager wants to meet with her right now and Deacon tells her to go. She kisses her mom and leaves.

Caleb shows up and tells Beverly that everything looks good. Scarlett says she has work and Caleb asks why so late. She says Noel asked her to come and she doesn’t know what it’s about. He offers to give her a ride so they can have dinner later. She hesitates then accepts. Maddie and Daphne perform at the talent show and Rayna videos it. Rayna is stunned by their talent. Juliette tells Avery she never should have put her career first and says it means nothing without him.

She says the longer it went, the more afraid she was to talk to him. She says she wants to be a good wife and mother but doesn’t know how. Cadence fusses and he picks her up. Then Avery says he’s scared too every day but pushes through it. She asks to hold Cadence and he hands her over. Juliette cuddles her then asks if she remembers her. Gunnar comments that Scarlett brought her BF to the band meeting. Noel says they need to get on the same page about the merchandise photo.

Scarlett says it doesn’t bother her and they can go with it even though Gunnar is asking weird. Noel says they added 50 more dates. Scarlett says it’s fine but Caleb seems stunned by the extra time from home. Scarlett and Caleb leave to go to dinner. Rayna calls Bucky about signing Marcus Keene who is a rocker. Rayna says she wants to meet with him and Bucky says he can’t get past his gate keepers. She says they have to move fast. He reminds her about Layla’s gig but she says this takes priority.

Rayna tells the girls she loved the song and they were great. Daphne goes to the bathroom and hears some mean girls gossiping about how their dad is in jail and they should be embarrassed to call themselves the Conrad sisters. Then one says Daphne’s necklace is probably stolen. Juliette and Avery put Cadence down for bed. Juliette says she doesn’t deserve Avery and says she never stopped loving him. They kiss.

Deacon wakes in Beverly’s room and he asks why she’s up so early. She says he snores loud. He gets a text from Rayna saying she’s going out of town on business. Beverly says she knows Deacon hasn’t left her side but says she’s okay now and he can go home. She says if he wants to do something for her, give her the house and paint it yellow. He says she can have the house, but no yellow paint. He tells her he loves her and leaves and says he’ll be back tomorrow.

Avery, Juliette and Cadence are at the launch party and Avery says it’s been hard while she was on the road but they may just tag along for the rest of the tour. Luke approaches Gabriella Manning and she asks if Will is there. He says he is but didn’t walk the red carpet. She says he’s smart for a country boy. Bucky shows up to the Bluebird with flowers and says Rayna is sorry she can’t be there. Bucky says he may have to run too. He asks about Jeff and she says he’s at Juliette’s event.

Bucky says it’s a good crowd there and will be a great show but she looks pouty. Rayna sits in first class on a flight by Marcus Keene. He says he has meetings in New York. Luke introduces Will to Cole and some other people and Cole says Will was brave. They make small talk with Will casually. Marcus tells Rayna that he hated the way he sounded with the band and says every label head he met wants more of the same and she says she dealt with that and that’s why she started her own label.

She asks what he wants and he says he has no clue what his next move should be and says no one ever asks him. Rayna says he should try country. Luke introduces Juliette and she takes the stage then mentions Avery and Cadence and dedicates a song to them. Jeff comes over to Avery and says he’s glad he took his advice. Avery says not to take any credit for this then says his daughter crying is a sign she’s a good judge of character. Cadence keeps crying.

Juliette sings but hears her daughter crying. Cole comes to chat with Will but then chases away a guy who tries to take a photo of them and then walks off. Gabriella asks Luke if he still thinks she’s wrong. Cadence keeps crying and Avery tries to calm her. Scarlett sits with her mom and Beverly asks what she’s working on – she says it’s a song. Beverly asks if it’s about her then mentions Black Roses and says it hurt so much to hear it because every word was true.

Beverly says she was never the mother Scarlett needed or deserved and she’s glad she didn’t die without saying that to her. Scarlett hugs her and they cry together. Juliette ends her show and comes down to kiss Avery and she takes Cadence and then goes to change her diaper but she has no clue how to do it. Juliette is frustrated and says there’s poop up her back. Avery says he can do it and tells her to go mingle. He says she can master diapering while they’re on tour.

Juliette makes a face and then leaves. Rayna tells Marcus that he can be heard and says country is the new rock and roll and needs a Springsteen or Dylan and he could be that. Marcus asks if she’s pitching him and she says hell yes. He says he’s flattered. She says if he came to her label, it would be a new and truer chapter for him in his career and he would have her undivided attention. Layla plays her Bluebird show. She’s upset at the empty Reserved table where Rayna should be with Jeff and Bucky.

Juliette’s ex-manager Glenn is there listening. Caleb checks on Scarlett as she hangs out in her mom’s room. Scarlett calls Gunnar but gets voice mail. She leaves a message saying maybe 50 tour dates is too many. Avery has Cadence and looks around for Juliette. He asks Will who hasn’t seen her. Will is alone and people are giving him a wide berth. Cole is posing for photos with Luke. Will is clearly a pariah. He walks out. Glenn is entranced by Layla’s performance. The crowd goes wild for her.

Marcus agrees to talk soon with Rayna. She takes a call from Bucky and says it went great. Bucky says they want full creative control and all the money that they just got from Juliette’s buy-out. Rayna says it’s good and Bucky asks if she’s sure. She tells him to make the deal. Avery goes home and calls for Juliette. He calls her and hears her cell ringing in the house. He finds her phone in the trash can. Jeff tells Layla that he has to leave again. He says Juliette is crazy and he has to get her situated then will be back.

Layla says no one from Highway 65 was there and Jeff says he told her so. Glenn approaches Layla and says if she ever decides to change managers, he’d like to be her first call. Juliette is drunk and Jeff says no more booze tonight. He hands her the new phone and she asks if no one else knows the number. He says no. Jeff asks why and she says no problem – he got all the red carpet photos he needs. Gunnar comes to see Caleb and asks if he’s the reason Scarlett is rejecting tour dates.

Caleb says he’s not threatened by him and says music is fun but they’re not saving lives and the odds of their success are pretty low. Caleb says they’re chasing a fantasy and Gunnar says he may not be the one for Scarlett, but neither is Caleb. Will comes to see Luke the next day and Luke says he thought about this a lot and has to drop him. He says the community and their fan base just can’t handle it. Luke says it’s not personal and he’s great and would put some of Will’s songs on his next album but with Luke singing them.

Will is angry and Luke says to tell Kevin he says hello. Gabriella is there and tells Luke it was the smart move. Luke says it was one of the hardest things he’s had to do. Rayna finds Deacon at home and is thrilled. He shows her the news release about signing Marcus and she says at least now her girls think she’s cool. Deacon says she’s cool and hot plus very sexy. She asks if he’s staying this time and he says oh yeah.

Scarlett comes to see Beverly who asks what she’s doing today. Scarlett says she’s going to scale back her tour. She says she doesn’t want to be gone from her right now or Caleb. Beverly up and goes limp while Scarlett is looking at some fake flowers she bought her. Scarlett screams for the nurses and they call a code to try and revive her. Looks like Beverly’s medical attention is about to go really bad.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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