‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Curtis Ignores Nina’s Orders to Stop Claudette Witch Hunt – Reveals Nathan’s Homicidal History

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) is still a cop at heart and he’s about to dig up dirt on Nathan West (Ryan Paevey) despite Nina Clay (Michelle Stafford) telling him to back off. Here’s what to expect in coming days.

Nina assigned Curtis to dig into Claudette Bolland’s (Bree Williamson) shady past with all the best intentions to protect her big brother Nathan. The thing is, Nina doesn’t know that her brother shot someone in Claudette’s bed while in a jealous, drunken rage.

Once Maxie Jones (Molly Burnett) told Nathan that Curtis is investigating Claudette, the sexy detective flipped out because he’s worried that Curtis will find out about the shooting. Whoops. Looks like that horse has already left the barn.

In coming days, General Hospital spoilers hint that Nina will abruptly tell Curtis to drop the Claudette investigation, at the request of Nathan, Maxie or both who appeal to her to butt out of the issue. But it looks like this request is too little, too late.

Remember when Curtis and Maxie were searching Claudette’s hotel room at the MetroCourt? They searched separately and Maxie found little of interest aside from the wedding pic on Claudette’s night stand of her with Nathan.

Curtis, though, may have discovered something much juicier. When Curtis left the MetroCourt, he made a beeline for the hospital and staged a deliberate run-in with Griffin Munro (Matt Cohen). Curtis made some very provocative remarks and asked probing questions of Griffin.

Curtis told Griffin, “I can’t imagine living a life without the ladies. That whole vow of chastity thing? That’s a killer.” Griffin responded with, “Why is it that people always think that’s the reason for us leaving the priesthood?”

Ironically, it seems that was Griffin’s guilty conscience talking because we all know that Claudette is the reason he got shot and left the priesthood. It seems that Curtis knows info on Griffin and those questions were Curtis’ cop side coming out.

General Hospital spoilers hint that Curtis already knows that Griffin and Claudette were involved. Curtis also knows that Claudette is holding something over Nathan’s head that’s potentially destructive. Claudette cheating with her priest doesn’t add up to Nathan blackmail.

It will only take a nudge and a few more clues for Curtis to figure out that Nathan shot Griffin. In fact, Curtis may figure out Nathan shot Griffin before Nathan figures out that it was Griffin he shot. When Nina asks Curtis to end his investigation, he will tell her that he will since she’s paying the bills.

But Curtis won’t drop it. He’s a die-hard cop at his core and will keep probing that sore spot until he gets the answers he needs to satisfy his curiosity. Once Curtis figures things out, the real question is, what will he do with this information?

Clearly, Griffin doesn’t want to press charges or he already would have. Claudette also doesn’t want to turn Nathan in for the crime – she just wants him back in her bed. Will Curtis use Nathan’s homicidal-intent when he shot Griffin to get something he wants?

We know that, more than anything, Curtis wants to be a cop again but Jordan Ashford (Vinessa Antoine) doesn’t seem to enthusiastic about giving him a PCPD badge. Could Curtis leverage Nathan to advocate with Jordan to let him on the force?

With Curtis now in the attempted murder of Griffin storyline, will it be Curtis that reveals the truth to Nathan that it was Griffin he shot? Or will it be Claudette or Griffin himself? Claudette doesn’t seem too inclined to talk, so more likely it could be Curtis.

If Curtis tells Nathan that not only did he shoot the man that Claudette was sleeping with, but it was a priest he shot, Nathan will be stunned. Shooting a priest while in a drunken rage would not sit well with a jury – Nathan would be out of luck and in Pentonville for life!

What do you think GH fans? Will Curtis crack the Nathan shooting Griffin case and spill the ugly truth to Nathan and Maxie who are the only ones still in the dark? Will Nina fire Curtis for defying her orders and continuing to investigate her brother?

Share your comments below and check back with CDL for all the latest General Hospital spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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