The Twilight Saga: New Moon – What a Bad Movie!

New Moon, Old Story – in fact when I watched the movie I was struck by its amazing similarity in theme and even plot to the much cleverer and better acted True Blood series.  Even the special effects on New Moon were weak – Hollywood was producing much better effects 10 years ago.   And the love story… well just because they tell us that Bella and Edward are "In Love" does not make us believe it.

Most of the movie revolves around the drama of Jacob reaching werewolf age and Bella pining for Edward who left her without so much as a fare thee well. Near the end Edward decides that he is too much in love with Bella to go on without her once he learns (incorrectly) that she is dead and plans his own death at the hands (fangs?) of the Volturi.   Of course Bella shows up in Italy as the ultimate gate crasher saves Edward – I was hoping he would die and we’d be rid of this sad insipid dud of an actor.   I was hoping Bella would choose the much more handsome and braver Jacob!