Keifer Sutherland Needs Surgery on Kidney Cyst – Production On “24” Halts

Keifer Sutherland needs surgical intervention to deal with a ruptured kidney cyst and this has led to a halt in production of the hit series "24."   The series, which is a mainstay on Fox, takes a serious and realistic view of America’s counter-terrorism enterprise and turns it into a consistently entertaining crime/mystery drama in which the bad guys are BAD but the good guys are sometimes gray!   Thankfully ignoring the politically correct inclinations of most shows on the other major networks, "24" is not afraid to paint America’s and the Civilized World’s enemies both for what they are and as they are.   We wish Keifer a speedy and complete recovery – "24" is an important show – it provides a nice counterbalance to the typical anti-American drivel we are fed by Hollywood – where they paint the false picture of the USA as the World’s Big Bully rather than the Hero and World’s Protector that it is.  Photo: Fame Pictures