Which Celebs Were Born On Your Birthday (08/09/2010)?

Happy Birthdays August 9th, 2010

Gillian Anderson 1968 Chicago Illinois
Actress, known best for her role as Dana Scully on TV series “The X Files”
Zodiac Sign: Leo – Ascendant: Leo

Whitney Houston 1963 Newark New Jersey
Singer, actress, films include “Bodyguard”, “Waiting to Exhale”, married to singer Bobby Brown
Zodiac Sign: Leo – Ascendant: Pisces

P.L. Travers 1906 Brisbane Australia
Author, best known for tales of “Mary Poppins” first published in 1934, other works include “What the Bee Knows”
Zodiac Sign: Leo – Ascendant: Leo

Charles Farrell 1905 Walpole Massachusetts
Actor, made money by creating Racquet Club with Ralph Bellamy in Palm Springs, 1959 with wife joined Alcoholics Anonymous
Zodiac Sign: Leo – Ascendant: Libra

Zino Francescatti 1902 Marseille France
Violinist, early training from violinist parents, close friend of pianist Robert Casadesus who he performed with often
Zodiac Sign: Leo – Ascendant: Scorpio