Charlie Sheen Let’s Party Girls Know That Party Is Over… For Now

Charlie Sheen Let's Party Girls Know That Party Is Over... For Now

As part of his recovery from the depths of addiction and self-abuse Charlie Sheen has been communicating with his bevy of porn star fellow partyers.  Charlie has been texting several porn stars since he began treatment in his rehab program with a clear message – the party is over.

Among the messages Charlie has sent — “Please lose the number, we are closed … please drive through … thank you.”  Another text reads, “Right now we are on lock down.”

Charlie is taking his treatment seriously and wants to go back to work by the end of the month.

You can be sure that leeches and other parasites that thrive of off Charlie’s decline – the whores, the madams, the drug dealers and other panderers will be waiting in the wings to destroy Charlie’s recovery – after all business is business.