Teen Mom Gary Head Brings His Gun Everywhere!

Teen Mom Gary Head Brings His Gun Everywhere!
The above photo is of Gary Head, the 24 year old fiancee of Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans, carrying his gun.

Here in America, we have a thing called the 2nd Amendment, which is known as “the right to bear arms.” In other words, the right to own a gun. That being said, opinions vary a great deal within the USA on this controversial right.

Those who are more gun-weary tend to feel that guns do more harm than good. They tend to be in favor of tighter gun-control restrictions (such as who can own a gun and where a gun owner may carry one). Some people feel guns should be outlawed altogether.

Those who are more gun-friendly tend to view guns as a method of protection and tend to feel an armed society is a polite society. They tend to advocate more freedom and less restrictions on who can own a gun and where gun owners can carry one. Some people feel that there should be no restrictions on who can own, buy or carry a gun.

Gary is definitely on the more gun-friendly side of the spectrum. He freely and unapologetically admits he carries his gun wherever he goes. “[You] never know when something will go down,” he tweeted. “I keep it on me EVERYWHERE.”

Asked why he would even need a gun, Gary replied, “because people in this world now days are pure mean and I use it to keep the devil up off me.”

That being said, there’s no question as to where this Marine stands with the 2nd Amendment!