Kate Gosselin Dreads Children’s Teenage Years – Begs For Help and Advice

I think that Kate Gosselin has had a pretty good week. For once she appeared on a reality show and wasn’t met with an onslaught of doom and gloom criticism. Her spin on Celebrity Wife Swap presented her as an insightful and smart mother that knows how to run a huge household. Her kids showed that she may have her dicey parenting moments, but when it comes to parenting she can’t possibly be the monster that some outlets would like for us to believe she is.

Kate is also mommy blogging over at The Stir and this week she is nervously pondering having not one, but two kids that will turn 13 later this year. She is dreading it, seemingly forgetting that 13 is just a magic number that we all assume equals hell- kind of like those supposedly “terrible two’s”.

Welcoming in the year of 2013 and all of its promise (and perhaps a bit of dread and trepidation for mom?) also brings with it a birthday that in one fell swoop will take ME into the realm of parenting teenagers … times TWO. Basically what I’m saying is … I need advice and I need it NOW!! Can you read my panic, here? Help me!!!” says Kate in her blog.

Kate is clearly a Type A personality and is going to over-worry about things that she can’t control and fear the unknown.  As a seasoned parent I have to say that if you survived keeping your baby’s every move safe and you survived a tantrum throwing three year old then dealing with teens will be just fine. Kate wraps up her post by reassuring herself that somehow she’ll survive this year and all of it’s changes and that she’ll still love her kids no matter what happens.

Obvious Kate and her PR machine are trying to help her become more likable and empathetic. Do you think it’s working? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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