Nashville Recap 10/15/14: Season 3 Episode 4 “I Feel Sorry For Me”

Nashville Recap 10/15/14: Season 3 Episode 4 “I Feel Sorry For Me”

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday October 15, season 3 episode 4 called, “I Feel Sorry For Me.” On tonight’s episode, Rayna wants to sign Sadie to her label, so she entices her with a girls’ day out. Meanwhile, Juliette can no longer hide her pregnancy symptoms; a backup singer pursues Deacon, who can’t shake his sour mood; and an unhappy Avery keeps turning to alcohol.

On the last episode, Rayna set a wedding date which reverberated through the lives of those she loved. Juliette struggled to manage her secret which could prevent her from getting a career-defining movie role, and she met the leading man who would play her love interest if she got the part. Luke’s new back-up singer, Pam, made her presence known, Gunnar got a visit from his first love, Kiley (Alexa PenaVega), and Layla decided to wield her power over Will. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, Rayna goes after Sadie Stone as a new artist to sign to her record label Highway 65. In order to woo her, Rayna invites Sadie out for a girl’s day on the town, which she thinks may help to seal the deal. Juliette continues to try her best at hiding her pregnancy but when she starts to have stomach pains and mood swings, she has to let down her wall. Later, an assertive and sultry backup singer takes a liking to Deacon but his down in the dumps attitude does nothing but shut her out. Then, Zoey witnesses odd behavior between Scarlett and Gunnar and lets her inner jealousy get the best of her. She tries to mend things at the Bluebird but they end up backfiring terribly. Meanwhile, Avery continues to use alcohol to drown his sorrows, which only takes him to new lows, and Jeff has ulterior motives as he pursues Teddy and the girls.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Nashville, so far?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Bucky goes over Rayna’s schedule and she asks him to get her a spot with Sadie. She thinks she’s label shopping and doesn’t want her to sign with Jeff. She tells Bucky that they may not be able to count on Juliette this year because she has a lot going on but doesn’t mention the baby. He says he’ll talk to Sadie Stone and set it up. Deacon wakes and hears Pam in the shower singing. He sneaks out. Avery watches a news report that Juliette landed the Patsy Cline part and then news that she’s getting cozy with her sexy new co-star Noah.

Deacon is holding an AA meeting backstage on the tour. Pam comes in as he’s saying he can’t replace one addiction with another. Deacon is done and walks out. Pam follows and he apologizes for sneaking out. He says what he said was true – that he’s in love with someone else. Pam says it was just for fun and says he should look it up. She walks off.

At work, the boss asks Zoey if she knows where Avery is and she says she’ll try to get Gunnar to cover if she can’t find Avery. She hears the phone and follows the sound. Gunnar is in the supply room with Scarlett talking. He asks what she wants and she tells him Avery is a no show and asks if he can cover. He says he can and goes to set up the mics. Zoey is not happy.

Rayna is hosting an annual benefit for Nashville schools and gets a note that Jeff Fordham is a new patron and is forced to introduce him. He comes out and says he has a check for $25k to build a student recording studio at the school. This is greeted by applause and hoots. She says she knows her girls will appreciate it and introduces Daphne and Maddie.

Rayna and Jeff walk offstage and she asks him what the hell he’s doing there and he says his motives are pure. They stand offside and walk her girls perform. Teddy smiles and takes video. Jeff excuses himself and walks away. We see him go outside and sign up for the silent auction for a round of golf with the mayor.

Juliette comes in and tells Emily and Glenn she’s ready to tell them the truth. She says she’s not on drugs and says thanks for the vote of confidence. She says she’s pregnant and Emily smiles and congratulates her. She says she won’t be keeping it and tells them to find a reputable and discreet adoption agency and says no one outside the room can ever hear about it. Glenn asks how she’ll hide it. She says it will all be done when she’s six months along and she’ll disappear.

Emily says she’ll gain weight and be showing by then and Juliette says she’ll say she gained weight for the movie. She says people love that and she may win an award for it. Glenn asks about Avery and she shuts down. She tells them to find the agency for her and reminds them – reputable and discreet. She walks out.

Deacon is backstage at the concert and sees a bunch of people swilling booze including Pam. He asks what she’s doing and she says – shots. He asks if she’s not in AA and she says AAA. He asks her if nothing is sacred. She says she was looking for him and didn’t realize she walked into a meeting. She says it kind of sucked that he rejected her this morning and she was trying to hurt him back a little. She apologizes and says she shouldn’t have joked about booze and should have cracked on his endless supply of denim shirts. She smiles and he cools off.

Rayna pitches Sadie on coming to her label. Sadie is flattered and Rayna tells her she would even take her on tour with her and says they could write together. Sadie says it’s a lot to think about and asks if they can eat. Rayna says she’s strapped for time and asks if she wants to tag on along while she tries on her wedding dress and give her a second opinion. Sadie is thrilled and they go.

Jeff greets Teddy on the links and Teddy tells him to cut the bull and asks why he wanted to golf with him. Jeff says he knew he wouldn’t take a meeting with him based on his history with Rayna. Jeff says Edgehill really wants to get involved with music education. Teddy says he must have an image problem and Jeff tells him to take advantage.

Zoey is packing for her tour and panicking. They talk about Avery and Zoey says he needs to figure it out on his own. Gunnar says his GF cheated on him and cheating isn’t the end of the world. He walks out and Zoey gets an annoyed look. Juliette is at a press conference about the Patsy movie and is holding her own quite ably. They ask about her lack of acting cred and she says she’s been acting her whole life.

She ends the press conference and asks Glenn if he found an agency. He says she has to have a signed affidavit form the father giving permission. He says the agency will advertise for the father even if she says she doesn’t know who it is. She says she’ll buy an island or move to Switzerland if she has to.

Sadie chats with Rayna about the wedding gossip in the tabloids and then oohs and ahhs over her wedding dress. The designer comes in and says there are people outside with cameras. Sadie asks if this is what it’s like to be her and Rayna says this is new. Sadie asks if this is about Ruke and Rayna tells her that’s a four letter word.

Gunnar goes to see Avery and tells him Juliette isn’t worth all this angst. Avery asks how you can love and hate someone all at the same time. Gunnar says he felt the same way about his brother. He says he always believed the best in him and then he’d do something so bad. Avery asks Gunnar why he gives a damn about him and Gunnar says ZAG without him is just ZG. He tries to sober him up.

Pam shows up on the bus where Deacon sits and he asks if she’s stalking him. She compliments his shirt wryly then says she’s just there to play poker. She invites him to play but he says no and goes to another room. Jeff tells Teddy that this could be a great thing and could take off around the country. Jeff admits he used to be a musician himself but says his dreams were bigger than his talent.

He says he loves music and good musicians. He tells Teddy he saw his girls sing and Teddy says music is a family business but he wishes they took school half as serious as music. Jeff tells Teddy he’s signing Sadie and asks if the girls are fans. He invites him to bring the girls to the concert to meet her but he says it’s a school night.

Glenn brings Juliette a binder of potential parents and says he found an agency willing to believe her lies. She says she thought he’d be happy that she’s focusing on her career. He says he doesn’t care about that and says he just wants her to be happy. Juliette says he needs to respect that this is the choice she’s made. Scarlett gets a call and asks Zoey to hold the fort. She asks if it’s Gunnar and Zoey accuses her of sneaking around with Gunnar.

Scarlett says she isn’t doing anything with Gunnar. She tells Zoey she’s her best friend and would never do that to her. Zoey asks why Gunnar begged her to stay in Nashville and Scarlett ask Zoey why she didn’t. Sadie snaps a photo of Rayna in her wedding dress as Rayna complains about TMZ stalking her. Sadie sneaks her out back and into her car. She ducks down and they zoom by the press.

Sadie says the press is chasing them and she speeds up. She cuts through an alley and Rayna tries to hide. They roll up on a stop sign and Sadie runs it and zooms around a semi that cuts off all the press. The women pop on their sunglasses and sing along with the radio happy to be free of the press.

Deacon works on writing a song when Pam comes in and stars singing. He sings back at her. She improvs lyrics with him. She sings and he talks about Rayna. It’s weird. She sings that he needs to move on because the night is still young. She tells him goodnight and goes. He sighs.

Maddie says this is embarrassing as her mom talks to Luke. Rayna asks how badly she ruined their lives. Daphne says it’s cool that Sadie is her mom’s new best friend and says their dad is taking them to her concert tonight. Bucky calls to tell Rayna that Sadie chose Edgehill. Maddie asks if this means the mannie peddies are off but Rayna says nails before business.

Glenn shows up at Avery’s and says they need to talk. He says he doesn’t know what happened between them but begs Avery to talk to her. Avery says he knows how she treats people and asks how he can defend her. Glenn says he’s the only one she’s got right now and says she’s like his kid and he can’t give up on her. Avery says he just can’t and opens the door for Glenn to leave. He goes. Juliette looks at parent profiles for the adoption. She starts having pains.

Rayna shows up to talk to Sadie and takes a call from Juliette who says she thinks she’s losing the baby. She says it hurts and she’s bleeding. Rayna asks how bad she’s bleeding and walks out before talking to Sadie and says she’ll come take her to the doctor. Deacon talks to Pam at a stop on the road and asks her to ride on his bus. He steps closer, they flirt and then they end up getting hot and heavy in a laundromat.

The doctor tells Juliette her baby is fine and says many women spot or cramp. She checks the heartbeat and says it’s strong. Juliette tells Rayna she said the one thing that a baby needs is love and says that’s one thing she’s not good at it. Rayna asks if that’s why she’s considering adoption. Juliette says she just wants her baby to be happy and Rayna tells her she sounds like a mother.

Zoey comes out of the dressing room to shouts of surprise. They are throwing her a farewell party. He says they rented out the Bluebird for the whole night. He says he was just the money guy and Scarlett planned it all. Scarlett stays well away from her but is there.

Pam and Deacon come out of the laundry room after fooling around and find the bus has left them. Pam says she can’t believe Deacon Claiborne’s tour bus left and no one notice he wasn’t on it. Neither one has their phone but spot a motorcycle for sale that says – best offer. They buy it, hop on and speed down the road after the tour bus.

Zoey comes and sits beside Scarlett and apologizes. Scarlett asks what happened to them and says they never used to have to say sorry so much. Zoey says she’s a different person here and says she feels insecure and competitive. They hear a fight brewing and go in. Avery and Gunnar are brawling and Gunnar yells at him and says it’s not about him tonight, it’s about Zoey.

Avery raises a glass and toasts his friend that is going to spend the next few months kissing his ex-girlfriend’s ass. Scarlett says she’ll take him home but Avery jerks away from her and says this is all her fault and it never would have happened if Scarlett wasn’t so damned needy. He rages his way out of the Bluebird.

Juliette roams around her house looking lost and lonely. Sadie finds Rayna backstage and she asks if she’s really signing with Edgehill. Sadie says she doesn’t want to be another of Rayna’s artists – she says she wants to be Rayna. Rayna tells her that she was the one who made Edgehill and says the music industry has changed. She says they used to have so many female artists but now it’s down to two solo females in the top 40. She says all Jeff signs is big hat cowboys.

Rayna says Jeff has signed just one woman – Layla – a reality TV star. She tells her to ask Layla how that worked out for her. Sadie asks why Jeff worked so hard to sign her and Rayna says he needs her to dangle in front of his board but says that then he’ll forget her and won’t support her. Rayna tells her she doesn’t want her to be Rayna James – she wants her to be the one and only Sadie Stone.

Rayna says she’ll fight for that and to get her on the radio because women need someone fighting for them. Sadie looks thoughtful. Rayna tells her to choose her and Highway 65. Zoey is called up for a speech at her party and she says this is all like something out of a dream. She says her memories are of her singing while growing up and always singing with her best friend Scarlett. She asks Scarlett to come up and sing with her.

Everyone applauds but Scarlett has a panic attack and runs out. Avery is passed out in a car in someone’s driveway. The cops are there and tell him to get out of the car. He says it’s his car then says it’s not. They pull him out and arrest him. Zoey finds Scarlett hiding in the stock room and asks what happens. Scarlett says everything isn’t about her. Zoey asks if it’s the audience and Scarlett says to never do that to her again, but says she loves her and they’re fine.

Juliette knocks on Glenn’s door and tells her he’s scared. He’s not wearing his rug! He says he knows and pulls her into a hug while she cries. At Sadie’s concert, Jeff stands in the wings. Sadie says they may have seen her catting around with a certain country star yesterday. She tells the crowd she’s got great news and says she signed with Rayna’s label Highway 65 and says even better, Rayna is here.

Rayna comes out and they sing a duet. Jeff is pissed off and stands glaring. Rayna sings to him and gives him a little wink. Her girls are thrilled and they dance with their dad in the front row. If glares were bullets, Jeff would have shot Rayna dead. The crowd goes wild. Avery is processed at the police station, printed and his mug shot is taken.

They ask who he wants to call and he says his numbers are on his phone but the cop says his phone is in storage. Avery says no one would show up. The cop tells him there must be one number he knows that he can call. Deacon and Pam sit laughing and having coffee at a diner. He says Rayna never wanted him to have a motorcycle and Pam says it suits him and she may get him some chaps for Christmas. The driver tells them the bus is leaving soon but Deacon says they’ll catch up – guess he wants to keep on being an easy rider.

Avery is given his belongings. He’s been bailed out. The door buzzes and the cop opens it so he can walk out. He looks at the person who came to bail him out and he asks – happy? We see it’s Juliette and no, she doesn’t look happy. Outside, she begs him to hear her out. He tells her – don’t. He says if she says sorry, he’ll feel like a jerk for not accepting her apology. He says he can’t hate her or love her because it’s ruining his life. He says he needs to not think or care about her.

He reminds her when she told him that he had the power to destroy her. He says it was her and says she’s the one with the power to destroy people. He says he wishes he never met her and walks away while she cries. Rayna finds Jeff lurking and says he can try again with Sadie but says it won’t do him any good. He tells her she crossed the line. She says he has no moral high ground.

He says he and Sadie had an agreement and she reminds him she and Will had an agreement too and that didn’t stop him. She says he doesn’t deserve to have any women on his label. He tells her the stakes have changed and says everything and everyone are fair game now. She asks if he’s threatening her and walks away. Rayna walks back to the empty stage and her girls run up to hug her.

Jeff gets his evil Grinch look and calls the label and tells someone to find out if he can sign two kids to the label with only one parents’ permission. Uh-oh.