Taylor Swift the Neighbor From Hell? – Find Out Why So Many People Are Angry With Her!

Taylor Swift the Neighbor From Hell? - Find Out Why So Many People Are Angry With Her!

Taylor Swift has gained something of a reputation of being the ex-girlfriend from hell. At this point no one wants to have deal with a possible break-up from her simply out of fear. She is that girl, but is she an even worse neighbor? It starting to look like her exes aren’t the only people with room for complaint. Her neighbors up in Rhode Island seem to think she’s nothing more than an entitled young woman bent on destroying the seashore.

It all came about when Taylor reportedly ordered a construction team to build her a sea wall. A sea wall is when you create an artificial harbor as in surrounding yourself within a picturesque barrier.  It’s basically a fence yet it sounds prettier when use the hoity toity term sea wall. Moving on, to create this sea wall the construction team has been taking massive boulders from the nearby sea in order to build the fence and well that does create a lot of noise not to mention I’m pretty sure anything pulled from the sea was someone’s natural habitat. So with all respect, looking at the situation in that context,  Taylor does appear to be nuisance.

“One giant machine, part crane, was lifting big appliance-size boulders up out of the ocean with its mechanical claw and moving them,” fumed one resident. “With all the earth movers working, you might think they were building a landing strip or a mall.” (Alloy Entertainment)

Why should people who’ve lived in the area suddenly have to face loud construction noises? They’ve been there for years while Taylor has recently moved into the area. And then there’s the other side where it could be said Taylor does need  a sea wall out of safety concerns. She is a popular singer and she’s probably got her own share of stalkers and general crazies. Still this high profile person moved into a quiet neighborhood instead of a gated community or into a condo.  She had other options and chose to create drama. Sorry, but it kind of sound familiar!