Chicago PD Recap 1/11/17: Season 4 Episode 11 “You Wish”

Chicago PD Recap 1/11/17: Season 4 Episode 11 "You Wish"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with and all new Tuesday, January 11, 2017, season 4 episode 11 called, “You Wish,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD episode as per the NBC synopsis, “The investigation into the murder of a sex offender leads to a private police force that may be involved in illegal activities. In other events, Halstead has Jimmy’s DNA tested to see if he actually is Lindsay’s father.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10PM – 11PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins with Jimmy (Tony Crane) arriving at the precinct to see his daughter, Dt. Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush). Sgt. Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) asks him what it is regarding and he tells her he is Erin’s father. Trudy asks if Erin knows this? He asks her to just let Erin know he is there. Trudy brings him to the room and Erin is getting coffee with Dt. Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer). Jimmy gives her the photo album he was telling her about, Jay makes fun of her younger pictures.

Sgt Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) comes in and shakes hands with Jimmy but the tension is intense. Jimmy tells him he did a great job raising her; Voight says he was happy to help and informs Erin and Jay they have a case. Erin tells her dad that they need to go, he tells her to keep the album but she says she likes that he kept them all these years. He takes the album back telling her he will text her.

Jay takes his mug and tells Erin he is taking it for DNA, she tries to stop him but he tells her they need to know if Bunny (Markie Post), her mother, is telling the truth.

Sgt Voight and Dt Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) arrive on scene, where Dt. Kenny Rixon (Nick Wechsler), Dt. Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) and Officer Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) bring him up to date on the body. Voight wants to know why it is a potential hate crime; Burgess shows them that the victim’s penis was severed.

Back at the precinct the Intelligence Unit find out that the victim, Greg Sanford was a registered sex offender with scores of other arrests, including drugs, DUIs, and robbery. He also had 4 restraining orders against him. They don’t know if his cause of death was an overdose or if he bled out. Voight says given the rap sheet there is no shortage of suspects, and they need to figure out whether it was a hate crime or not.

Jay says him and Erin already started investigating and they discovered a man covered in blood stole bandages, and medicine from a corner store. Voight sends Kim and Olinsky to follow up. Kenny brings over the crime scene photos to Atwater, who refuses to look at them, Kenny laughs and goes back to his desk.

Erin comes to see Voight asking him about remembering Jimmy. Erin asks why he hasn;t said anything since jimmy came back in the picture. Voight tells her that he wants what she wants and if this is filling a void for her that is all that matters. Voight admits that after losing Justin he has come to appreciate the value of family.

At the corner store, the clerk tells them their response time sucks. Olinsky asks him for the footage, he says the cameras are for show only. He does show them the video he took on his camera. The man is very pale and bleeding profusely from his groin. The clerk laughs and says he must have been on something. Kim checks to see if there was a call to 9-11.

Kenny and Atwater go to the 9-11 center where they are told about the call and they ask for the recording and all service calls in the area. She tells them they need the watch commander’s approval so they have to come back in a few hours.

Atwater tries to coerce her with a promise to get her backstage to see Duran. Kenny corrects him saying he means Duran Duran; Kevin thought it was a misprint and only one Duran. The woman gives them the information on the 9-11 caller as George Higgins and his address. Atwater tells her he will see her on Saturday.

Erin and Jay visit George at his house, who says he was outside smoking when it happened. Erin asks him why he would thought it was a sexual assault. He says there was screaming and a female went one way, a male the other way. Jay asks if he could see the female. He said she looked goth, but it appeared she threw something in the bushes. Jay asked if he went to look, he said he called 9-11 and the rest of it is their job.

Jay digs into the bush and finds a blade with blood on it. Erin says they need to call the crime scene techs to come. George tells them which way the female went. They find a video from the boys and girls club down the street. She is identified as Emily Vega, who hangs out with the homeless to get high.

Kim and Olinsky find Emily and chase after her down the tunnel. Kim manages to grab her and cuffs her while Olinsky asks her why she is running. Kim tells Voight she is in the interview room. Voight asks Olinsky to come with him and he tells Voight to let the “kid” take it. Voight tells her they found the knife with her fingerprints and the blood matches the man in the photo. She says she lost the knife a few days ago and tells them to ask him.

Kim asks her what happened and she tells her he tried to rape her. She was partying in the park with her friends and when she realized she lost 20, she went back to the park to find it. When he tried to rape her, she found a second and sliced him and ran. Voight asks if she has dealings with him prior to last night and Voight tells her he is dead. She says, “What goes around, comes around.”

She tells them after she sliced him she ran to catch up with her friends. Voight says the problem is they found him in another location. Kim says they have detectives at the morgue who are going to know the cause of his death. She is adamant he tried to rape her at the park and when she ran she never saw him again.

Voight asks if it was self defense why didn’t she call the police. She says every time she has gone to them, they never do anything. She is upset that even know they are questioning her about a murder she didn’t do instead of making sure she was okay. Kim offers her that apology.

Atwater won’t even look at the body but the medical examiner says the actual cause of death is strangulation. Kenny looks at the body as she shows them the bruising around his neck, saying he was choked to death. Jay had the DNA fast-tracked and reveals that Jimmy isn’t Erin’s dad. She takes the paper and asks Jay if he is happy now?

The Intelligence Unit gathers together to review their case. The blood work confirms the victim’s movements and now they need to figure out who killed him and dumped him in the alley, if Emily didn’t do it? Jay asks why they are ruling out Emily. Erin says she is too small to have done it.

Jay looks at Erin and says that she could have had some help with it considering people lie through their teeth all the time. Voight says she isn’t ruled out and they need to take another run at her. Kenny leans down and asks Atwater if Halstead and Lindsay are dating? Atwater confirms it and Kenny says that explains everything.

Kim returns to the interrogation room and asks Emily if there is something she wants to add about what happened that night. Kim presses because she lied when she saw his photo. Kim says she would have told her friends if a guy tried to rape her and she cut off his penis. Emily looks at her and tells her she can’t tell if she is trying to trap her right now, or not. Kim swears she isn’t and Emily admits she did tell some friends, but won’t reveal who they are. Kim says she needs to and she believes her but she could end up in jail for it.

Erin and Jay are arguing in the coffee room, Voight comes in asking them if there is something he needs to be aware of. Jay lies and says he went through the victim’s rap sheet and there was an issue with an apartment building a couple blocks from the park. Voight tells them to check it out, but Erin asks for personal time, Voight looks concerned and Jay tells Voight that he will go with Kenny instead.

Jay asks Kenny about his relationship and laughs when he says he has a girlfriend and they are thinking about moving in together. They arrive at a man’s house asking if he filed a complaint about a guy named Sanford Greg; he says it was the previous tenants and to talk to the special police. He says if something goes down there, those cats will be up and in it. He goes back to his video game.

Kenny and Jay go to see Sgt Lodell from the Special Police. He says they have run into the victim a few times causing problems. Jay says they need any paperwork they have on Sanford and Kenny says they will need to interview all the “special” police officers involved. Lodell tells them they need a subpoena. Voight informs them that the private police force has the legal right. They are denied a subpoena. Jay calls Erin and leaves a message saying he is sorry.

Erin goes to meet Bunny and informs her she ran Jimmy’s DNA and he isn’t her father. Bunny acts shocked and wants to know who sent in the DNA, Erin asks if that is all she is concerned about and wants to know what kind of con she is running. Erin asks her if she should tell him or will Bunny? Bunny asks her not to tell him. Erin smashes everything off the table, screaming at her mother asking why she keeps doing this to her and she spits and leaves.

Voight brings Jay into his office asking him what is going on between him and Erin. Jay says its a personal matter and talk to Erin. Voight says he turned a blind eye to them being a couple in his unit. Jay tells Voight that Jimmy isn’t her dad and he is the bad guy. Voight nods saying he is pretty sure Bunny knew the truth.

Kim and Olinsky reveal that one of Emily’s friends told them Emily got into a fight with Sanford 3 days ago. She had lied again to Kim; Voight says it is Olinsky’s turn to talk to Emily. Olinsky tells her they have an eye witness who seen her argue with Sanford earlier than what she said. Olinsky tells her he knows she has something on her chest and to tell him. Olinsky swears they are trying to help her and she has nothing left to say and wants a lawyer. Kim is watching through the mirror, visibly upset.

Erin comes to meet Jimmy, both upset about the truth. Jimmy says he is glad she ran the test because it saved him a lot of time. He throws the photo album accusing her of being in a con with her mother. He orders her to never call him again or he is calling the Feds, pointing his finger saying they have a whole division for scam artists like her. He gets in his truck and leaves, Erin picks up the pictures off the sidewalk.

Jay finds a report about a body that was found by Sgt Lodell. Voight and Jay arrive at the morgue and find out that the officer said it looked like an overdose. Voight asks if they can have a look. The medical examiner reveals that this victim died also from strangulation. At the same time, the private police force is holding down another drug user when Voight walks up and introduces himself to Odell.

Voight talks to Lodell that he is sensing a troubling pattern when his squad responds. Voight tells him he is talking to him cop to cop, hoping they can resolve this issue. Lodell tells him there isn’t a problem so Voight tells him he ran his records of how he was a top cop in Milwaukee when he took the fall. Voight promises he is going to find out what happened with Sanford. Lodell tells him to spend his time on the murder rate in the city.

Kenny and Atwater are out to see another woman who filed a complaint about Sanford. Voight watches as Jay looks at his phone clearly worried about Erin. When Kenny and Atwater tell the woman that Sanford is dead. She admits that he showed up at her door last night, looking injured but she didn’t let him in; she called the special police instead.

She says they did their job when they got there, unlike Chicago PD. She says only one officer showed up, Officer Mooney and he was pissed when he saw Sanford. Voight says to pick him up but to not go in hot because he is practically one of theirs.

Trudy comes upstairs to tell Voight that Bunny is there to see him and she isn;t leaving until she talks to him. Voight comes to see her. Bunny blame shim for running the DNA test. She has been drinking and tells him since he couldn’t have her, he took her daughter, and he is still doing it. Bunny suggests that Erin run a DNA test on Voight. He tells her, “You Wish!” Bunny says he would like to think that night never happened, he walks upstairs after locking eyes with Trudy.

Olinsky and Jay arrive to bring James Mooney in, they see his wife is very pregnant and ask him to put his shoes on and it is regarding Sanford Greg. He wants to know if this is a friendly conversation or is he a suspect. Olinsky tells him to put his shoes on, telling him they would prefer to keep it friendly with his wife there.

Jay informs him they have an eye witness that saw him with Sanford that night. Jay asks if they are having a serious conversation about a guy like Sanford. Voight encourages him to talk, asking him if his Sgt put him up to this. He says he isn’t a rat. Voight tells him he needs to start thinking about his baby. Trudy interrupts them saying someone is there to see them.

ADA Steve Kot (Chris Argos) is there wanting information, he wants to press charges with Emily. Trudy returns to give James water, and he hung himself. Jay breaks the glass to save him. Kenny helps lift him and Trudy calls for an ambulance. James begins to breath and Jay orders him to stop moving.

Atwater gives Kenny the picture of James and Lodell arrives to talk to Voight. Voight says he is charging him with homicide, and Lodell tells him about Milwaukee. Voight apologizes for what his sgt did to him. Lodell says Sanford was warned over and over again, and he asks if it will bring down Mooney’s sentence and charge if he says he took the body? Lodell confirms Mooney was following orders.

Emily is released from her cell by Kim, who tells her it is not too late to get her life together and she can help her and be there for her every step of the way. Emily says she will call her and leaves. Kim sits at her desk telling Olinsky she didn’t want to hear it, he tells..Kim sits at her desk telling Olinsky she didn’t want to hear it, he tells her to not let it stop her from saying it.

Kim sits at her desk telling Olinsky she didn’t want to hear it, he tells her to not let it stop her from saying it.

Erin texts Jay and tells him she is okay and she will be home later. Erin is at the bar with a friend Annie who tells her there is only so many times she can fix the engine before buying a new car. Her friend encourages her to leave Chicago. Erin says if she could move and start over somewhere she would. Annie asks her what is stopping her and she takes a shot.