Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Recap 10/16/17: Season 4 Episode 14 “No Place Like Home”

Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Recap 10/16/17: Season 4 Episode 14 "No Place Like Home"

Tonight on VH1’s hit series Love & Hip Hop Hollywood returns with an all-new Monday, October 16, 2017, episode and we have your Love & Hip Hop Hollywood recap below for you.  On tonight’s season 4 episode 14, “Safaree says goodbye to Hollywood and makes one last play for Nikki Baby; Teairra returns from rehab with a new perspective; a confrontation rocks Fizz’s B2K reunion; Brooke and Bridget transform the showcase; and Hazel comes for Ray J.

Tonight’s episode of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood will be packed full of drama that you won’t want miss. Don’t forget to bookmark this spot and head over for our Love & Hip Hop Hollywood recap tonight at 8PM 9PM ET! While you wait for our recap of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Season 4 episode 3, don’t forget to check out all our L&HHH recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Love & Hip Hop Hollywood recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

This week on the season finale of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood Moniece and Nikki go to visit Teairra in rehab. She tells them “The one thing that I don’t want anyone to do when I come home is to put pressure on me. I have to decide who is going to be in my life.” Nikki asks her “Have you talked to Cisco?” Teairra says “No. I haven’t talked to him while I’ve been here. I don’t really know if I want closure with him or not, but I am going to focus on me.” Both Moniece and Nikki are happy to hear that she is going to cut Cisco out and focus on herself.

Fizz is disappointed that Omarion is not ok with coming back for the B2K reunion. When it doesn’t pan out Fizz decides to go with his backup plan and insert Ray J into Omarion’s place. When Fizz puts together a meeting with Boog to introduce the idea of Ray taking Omarion’s place it is not received well. Boog tells Fizz “I think B2K should stick with the original line up and I’m not sure I can get with this.” Ray wants to incorporate a new t-shirt with himself at the center of the group and Boog completely loses it at that point. He tells Fizz “I can’t rock with you at all on this.” Ray gets angry and tells Boog “Don’t act like B2K is still the best thing out there.” The two men have to be separated by security. Boog tells Ray “I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Fizz is not happy that his plan has backfired.

Keyshia and Booby are meeting to finalize their divorce. It is an amicable divorce. Booby tells her “I know we have been separated for a long time and I just wanted to tell you that I love you.” Keyshia is happy that things are finally moving in the right direction and they can plan their lives. She tells Booby “We just need to be good parents for DJ.”

Safaree meets up with Ray at the skating rink. Ray tells him about the incident between him and Boog. Ray says “Fizz has been hitting me up and wanting us to squash it, but after he called me a fake Michael Jackson I just want to jump him.” Safaree tells him “Just squash it and move on.” He then reveals his decision to move back to New York. Ray tells him “We are going to miss you.”

The night of the showcase arrives and Moniece is the first one to perform. After her performance, there is a scuffle between Brooke and Bridget. Brooke asks Bridget “Are you going to be singing my song tonight?” Bridget tells her “I didn’t steal your song.” The two women got physical and started throwing popcorn at each other. After Brooke performs she is in her dressing room when Booby shows up with flowers. Brooke tells him “You should take those to your girlfriend Bridget.” Booby looks confused. Brooke tells him “You took her to Catalina and didn’t tell me. What did you expect?” Booby tells her “What did you expect me to do? I planned the trip and you sent me a text to let me know. I had no idea where we stood.” Brooke says “I was just mad that you didn’t tell me. We don’t keep secrets like that from each other. We need to work and figure out what we are going to be with each other.”

Ray J, Fizz and Boog meet up to try and hash out the issues that occurred in the studio. Ray tells Boog “You made it sound like B2K was the biggest thing to ever happen and that comment about me being a fake Michael Jackson didn’t sit well with me at all.” Boog tells him “ If I offended you I apologize that wasn’t my intention.” Ray accepts Boog’s apology and asks Fizz “What’s the deal with the reunion?” Fizz says that he is letting it go.

Marcus and Brooke meet up to talk after she learns about the hurricane in Houston. She tells him “I didn’t think you were serious about us being together between you still being married and then you and the paralegal. Then you gave Bridget my song,” Marcus tells her “I was very serious. This is how serious I was.” He then pulls out the ring he’d bought to propose to her. Brooke is stunned when she sees the beautiful diamond. She tells him “I’m sorry Marcus. I love you.” Marcus tells her that he loves her too, but that they are not ready. They are going to continue to see each other but not get engaged.

Safaree’s going away party is fun. He asks Nikki if they can hook up one more time before he moves back to New York. AD wants to get back with Moniece. She tells AD “Give me some time to figure it out because if I say yes I want it to be because it’s what I really want.” AD understands. Bridget confronted Booby about the trip to Catalina. He tells her “I just want us to continue getting to know each other. The issue with Brooke is over.” Bridget is skeptical but agrees to keep seeing him.

Hazel decides to confront Ray at the party. She tells him “I thought you and I were better than that.” Ray tells her “We are better than that. I have never heard you sing like you did that day and anyone who knows me knows that I push people to do their best.” Hazel accepts Ray’s apology and tells him “I’m going to get a drink.”

Teairra skips the party and invites Cisco to her rehearsal for a final confrontation. She tells him “I was in rehab.” Cisco says “I didn’t think you had a problem that was that serious.” Teairra tells him “It’s not your problem. We’re not together anymore.” Teairra confronts him about Amber and after Cisco admits to his mess up he asks how she feels about him now. Teairra tells him “I don’t feel any way about you. All I want to do is work on my music now.” Cisco is hurt.



On part one of the Love and Hip Hop Hollywood reunion Nina kicks things off by talking about the feud between Alexis and Masika. Alexis reveals that she is pregnant. She is backstage. Nina asks her “Who is the father of your baby?” Alexis says “Ask Masika.” Nina says “I’m asking you.” Alexis says “It’s Fetty’s.” Lucci speaks up and says “That could be my baby!” Alexis tells him “You know that it’s not your baby.” Nina asks Masika “Why do you think Alexis feels the need to come after you?” Masika says “Fetty has plenty of baby mothers, but none of them have a television platform.” Nina then asks Lyrica “How did you feel about having to choose between Alexis and Masika?” Lyrica says “Not good. I met Alexis through Lucci and I just liked the girl. I had no idea that I was getting involved in a beef between Alexis and Masika.” Suddenly a shouting match breaks out once again between Masika and Alexis and Masika jumps up and wants to confront Hazel. Hazel is removed from the stage. She is not coming back to the reunion.

When the reunion returns Nina addresses the issues between AD, Moniece and AD’s best friend Tiffany. Nina asks them “What is the status of your relationship now?” Moniece says “We are together and in a relationship that we are going to continue to work through. I’m super emotional, but I love her.” Nina asks Tiffany “Do you have feelings for AD?” Tiffany says “No. It’s not for me.” AD and Tiffany get into an argument. and AD asks her “Why are you so invested in my relationship?” Tiffany says “You were my best friend and you were calling me talking to me about things that made me not like Moniece.” AD says “This is a side of he that I never saw before.” Nina asks Moniece about the future. Moniece says “I am focusing on my family and my music.” Tiffany mutters “I wonder if she is preparing for all of those lawsuits she has coming up.”

When the reunion returns Nina talks to Ray and Princess about their fertility issues. Nina asks Princess “How long were ya’ll trying to get pregnant before you realized that there was a problem?” Princess says “We weren’t trying, but we weren’t trying.” Nina asks Ray “You know Princess was serious about getting pregnant. Why did you invite her to the hotel?” Princess says “He likes to make me mad.” Ray says “I was just trying to consolidate.” Nina then asks Lyrica “You were the one who told Hazel about the bet. Why did you do that?” Before Lyrica could answer Safaree pipes up and says “Lyrica tells everything!” Ray says “Hazel was a pleasant surprise when she came to the studio. She blew us all away.” Nina says “It sounds like something good came out of something bad.”

When the reunion returns Nina addresses the situation between Keyshia and Booby. Nina asks Booby “How does it feel to see Keyshia going out on a date?” Booby says “It was odd.” Nina asks Booby “Are you happily single?” Booby says “Yes.” Keyshia says “That’s a lie. Booby is all about marriage. He is not happily single.” Booby says “I don’t have to let mistakes of the past define me. I can move on.” Nina asks Brooke “Has Booby ever talked to you about his relationship with Keyshia?” Brooke says “No, everything he has ever said about is that she is amazing.”

Nina moves on to talk to Bridget and Ray about her career makeover. Nina asks Bridget “Were you ok with the money shooting out?” Bridget says “After a couple of drinks Yes.” Nina asks Bridget “Do you think that the Pretty Girl video shoot led to your break up with James?” Bridget says “Yes, I wish he had told me before that he wasn’t over it.” Nina says “It seems like there is a bit of a double standard. When a man cheats on a woman the woman is expected to forgive, but when a woman cheats on a man everyone thinks he should leave her immediately.” Nina then asks both James and Bridget how many times she cheated. Bridget says “It doesn’t matter. Cheating is cheating whether it was once or multiple times.” Nina asks about the state of the relationship and both Bridget and James agree that it is over.

When the reunion returns Nina addresses Fizz’s attempt to bring B2K back together. Nina asks Fizz “Why do you want B2K back together?” Fizz says “There aren’t any boy bands out there.” Chanel says “There are Boy Bands out there getting back together and I thought it would be cool.” Nina asks Ray “How did you feel about Boog saying that your career wasn’t on par with B2K?” Ray says “I didn’t like that at all.” Ray then tells Fizz “I have nothing but love for B2K though in spite of everything.”

When the reunion returns Nina addresses the feud between Zell and Misster Ray. Nina asks Ray “What was your beef with Zell?” Ray says “When I came in I told them that I didn’t want to deal with him.” Zell says “When I get around Misster Ray he makes me uncomfortable.” Masika tells Zell “I went to sleep as your friend and woke up as your enemy.” Nina asks Zell “Why do you always talk about Ray’s weight?” Zell says “I know it’s bullying. When I’m painted into a corner I never know what I’m going to say. I never had a beef with you.” Nina asks “Can we call a truce between you two?” Zell and Ray agree and Zell moves across the stage and attacks Ray……. To be continued next week!