Quantico Recap 2/20/17: Season 2 Episode 13 “EPICSHELTER”

Quantico Recap 2/20/17: Season 2 Episode 13 "EPICSHELTER"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 20, 2017, season 2 episode 13 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 13 as per the ABC synopsis, “The recruits learn what to do if they’re ever exposed; and a death leads to an FBI investigation at the Farm. In the future, Alex (Priyanka Chopra) returns to the crisis zone and exposes the traitor.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 12 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM – 11PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Quantico kicks off where we left off last week – everyone is freed from the hostage crisis, but it’s far from over. While the medics and police are tending to the injured, Alex and Lydia track down Ryan. They explain to Ryan that they need to go back inside – Dayana is missing, and so is Will, along with the drives that Lydia hid from the AIC. Flashback


Alex and Owen just made a shocking discovery – they thought they were tracking the AIC, but instead they found the lair of someone who has been stalking everyone at the training camp. When they left the building, it exploded, and they a man was inside, but they didn’t get a look at the victim’s face.
Alex is freaking out, she thinks they should go to the police because a man could have just died. Owen tells her they should just go back to the training camp and wait, whoever set the bomb and is stalking them will make a move soon.

The next day, Alex corners Ryan about the lair that she and Owen found. Ryan tells Alex to drop it, there is no AIC. Miranda called and told him to pull out of the mission.

They head to class, during the lesson, two officers arrive and want to talk about the explosion the night before. They show Owen a photo and reveal that the man that died in the explosion is one of his former students, Jeremy Miller.


Alex, Ryan, Lydia, Harry, and Leon get suited up and back in to the crisis zone to try and find Dayana and Will. They have to keep a low profile, the last thing they want is for the FBI or police to know what they are up to. They split up to cover the area faster.

Meanwhile, Shelby is interrogating Rayna and Miranda – she shouts at them that she should arrest them for treason. Rayna insists that they were trying to do good, and they had no idea that the Citizens Liberation Front would spill so much blood.


In class, the CIA students are learning what to do if their cover is ever exposed and they need to be extracted from their mission ASAP. Meanwhile, the police keep pulling the students out of class one at a time to question them about Jeremy Miller’s death. They seem to be honing in on Owen, they know that he had the students break in to the NSA. Apparently, Owen had ulterior motives.


Alex and Lydia spot Dayana and Will slipping in to a door and they chase after them. Interestingly, it certainly doesn’t look like Will is being held hostage by Dayana, like everyone expected.


After class, the CIA students head to the local bar for some drinks to blow off some steam. Harry pounds some drinks and gets a bit emotional. He’s leaving the far soon, and totally cracking up over his own personal demons. Harry reveals that he is an under cover agent from MI6, and that England sent him there to get dirt on all of the new CIA students so that they can use it against them in the future if need be.

Meanwhile, Alex gets a call from Shelby – she gives her a heads up that Owen is taking the fall for planting a bug at the NSA, and it’s a federal crime. He’s going to prison. Alex isn’t happy, she knows that Owen didn’t plant the bug and he’s just taking the fall for her his daughter Lydia. Shelby warns her to stay out of it. But, we all know that isn’t Alex’s strong suit.

Owen and Lydia share an emotional goodbye before he heads off to prison. Lydia begs him to reconsider taking the fall, but Owen won’t hear it.

In the morning, Harry sobers up and packs his bags, and says goodbye to the other students and Sebastian.


Miranda explains to Shelby that Jeremy Miller contacted her after his death was faked. He revealed to Miranda that she was right all along, there was an AIC, it was called the Citizens Liberation Front. The CIA staged the kidnapping to sniff out the members of the Liberation Front. Miranda had no idea they were going to kill so many people, or this would go so far. She thought that she was just helping the CIA located members of the rogue group.

Alex finds Dayana and Will and pulls her gun on them. Dayana is confused, she explains that she didn’t take Will hostage, Lydia told her to hide in the tunnel with Will and the drives so that they could destroy the drives. That’s definitely not the story that Lydia told Alex. While Alex is talking to Dayana, someone sneaks up behind her and shoots her in the back.

Alex wakes up on the floor a few minutes later, she was wearing a bullet proof vest and the shot just knocked her out. She rushes to the drives, but it’s too late, Lydia has already uploaded them to the main frame. Will gets to work trying to stop the uploading, but he’s too late. Alex and Lydia brawl through the building, beating the living crap out of each other until Ryan and the guys finally arrive and handcuff Lydia and take her away.

Back at the FBI, Shelby returns to the interrogation room. She reveals that a cell of the Islamic front has taken credit for the terrorist attack, which means that neither the CIA or FBI will be held responsible for what happened and all of the blood that was shed.

After everything has died down, Alex and Ryan have a tough conversation about their relationship. Alex thinks that drifting apart after they left the camp was probably best for both of them because their lives are so tangled. They say goodbye and Alex promises that she will always love him.

President Haas summons Shelby, Alex, Dayana, Rayna, and Ryan to her chambers. Alex and Ryan are shocked to bump in to each again so soon. Haas announces that they are all members of her new covert task force, and it will be their mission to stop the windfall from the drives that Lydia uploaded, they are going to take down the leaders of the AIC. And, Caleb Haas will be leading them.