General Hospital (GH) spoilers say that the residents of PC have seen a lot of heartache in recent weeks with the loss of Port Charles’ golden boy, Police Officer Nathan West (Ryan Paevey). Unfortunately GH buzz teases that it is only going to get worse when the root of why Nathan got caught up in the crossfire and died emerges.
General Hospital viewers have watched Nina Reeves Cassadine (Michelle Stafford) and Dr. Leisl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) mourn the death of their beloved son and brother. Nathan was the one person that made both women feel normal – his unconditional love made them feel whole and now it is gone forever.
Nina and Dr. O have histories of doing insane things to people who they feel wronged them or their loved ones. General Hospital spoilers tease that Nina will find out hubby Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) is knee deep in the diabolical scheme that killed Nathan.
Viewers have watched as Valentin has comforted Nina in every moment of grief. In a GH episode last week (February 19-23), Nina went back to Crimson for the first time since the shooting and the blood of Nathan was still there stained on the carpet. Nina was drowning in grief as she scrubbed the carpet to the point of hysteria – during this heart-wrenching scene Valentin walked in and seemed to feel her pain, comforting her.
Yes he loves her and feels sadness for her and the loss of her brother but is there more to his compassion for Nina than empathy – maybe guilt because he knows he played a part in Nathan’s death?
As Nina lives her stages of grief daily and Valentin gives comfort to his grief-stricken wife GH buzz says Nina overhears a conversation between her ‘comforter in chief’ husband Valentin and Peter/Heinrich (Wes Ramsey) that puts Nathan’s death into a whole new perspective.
Nina has been living her grief in sadness but the next stage will be anger which Valentin will feel once she overhears the scheming connection between Valentin and Peter! Nina will be horrified as she realizes that all the while Nathan was risking his life in pursuit of Faison her dear husband was in cahoots with Peter, the monster’s other son and traitor! We will see the dark side of Nina emerge as she struggles to deal with her loss and now this ultimate betrayal by her husband.
Auntie Leisl and Nina get closer as they share the same pain and intense need for revenge. Both women have to blame someone for the pain that they feel and dead Faison (Anders Hove) does not satisfy that. Nina will no longer see Valentin as her loving husband – she will see him as her #1 enemy and accessory to the murderer of Nathan. Valentin has proven himself to be a habitual liar, these recent events will be the final straw breaking Nina’s capacity for forgiveness.
Nina and Dr. O will keep what they know to themselves and set a trap to expose Valentin and Peter’s lies and ties. The question is when will all of this go down? General Hospital spoilers reveal the month of March will be exploding with secrets revealed.
Will Valentin and Peter’s ties be exposed for all of Port Charles or will Liesl do what she has always done to her enemies, hide them away and punish them? Leisl feels she has nothing left to lose, everything in her life has been stripped away. She is no longer Chief of Staff at General Hospital, she is no longer Nathan’s mother and her daughter Britta (Kelly Thiebaud) is in prison – the perfect recipe for the rage-filled Liesl to emerge and wreak havoc!
One thing is for sure, Liesl will have Nina’s blessing to exact revenge on Valentin Cassadine and will be helping the whole way! General Hospital spoilers say March is the month to watch out for as there will be many characters caught up in the crosshairs of the Port Charles drama! Stay with CDL for all of your General Hospital spoilers and news!