Tonight on NBC Law & Order SVU returns with an all-new Thursday, May 2, 2019 episode and we have your Law & Order SVU recap below. On tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 20 episode 22 as per the NBC synopsis, “A pop star is assaulted in her home, and the SVU investigates the public feud between her rapper husband and a competing recording artist. Meanwhile, Fin’s family ties to a suspect take him off the case.”
Tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 20 episode 21 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 11 PM ET for our Law & Order SVU recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!
Tonight’s Law & Order recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
A famous singer named Dallas is attacked in her apartment. Liv and the team arrive at the scene. A gun has been found under the victim. They discuss her recent run-ins with the law. The police have been by to see her and her famous rapper husband on domestic calls.
Carisi and Tutuola head to the Apollo to tell her husband Snake. He heads with them back to the station. On the way, he tells them about a paparazzi who he recently attacked. Carisi learns that Tutuola knows Snake. Their mothers are friends.
Carisi and Tutuola hit the streets to find the pap. After talking to him they learn Snake hangs out at a place where people go to break things for fun, relieve steam. They head there and are shown video of Snake smashing things. As he hits objects with a baseball bat he yells about Dallas. They head back to the hospital and cuff him.
Stone and Liv watch as Tutuola interrogates Snake. It gets heated. Liv pulls him out of the room. Snake’s mom shows up at the station and slaps Tutuola. He never called her following the arrest. She did a lot for him when he was younger. She wants them both to fix this together to help Snake.
Liv questions Tutuola about how close he is with the family. She heads out to see Dallas. Liv and Rollins question Dallas, who tells them that her husband didn’t do this. It was a man dressed in black who broke into her house. She cries as she tells them. She talks about their fame and enemies, especially on Twitter.
Carisi and Rollins pay a visit to a rapper who has been in a war with Snake.
Out on the street, Liv and Carisi see a rapper with a gun. Tutuola and Snake pull up. They take the rapper into custody. He tells them at the station that he has an alibi. He was with a lady friend. As Tutuola digs deeper he learns that Snake’s mother and Dallas have issues with one another when it comes to the couple’s money.
Rollins and Tutuola pay a visit to a woman who was paid by Snake’s mother. They pay her a visit. She tells them she was with Snake. His mother paid her off to keep quiet about his teaching. Later, Rollins and Tutuola confront Snake and his mom about the pay-off. They confess he did cheat but just once.
After some back and forth and surveillance, the team circle back to the night of the attack. A man on a bike was outside when Dallas was attacked. They connect him to the woman who was paid off. It is her son. She may have put him up to hurting Dallas. Liv takes the twenty-something-year-old into the station while Tutuola questions his mother across the city. Neither cooperates. They learn that the young man’s father Malik used to run with Snake, who many say killed Malik.
Tutuola visits the young man. He has been booked for the attack on Dallas. Tutuola pays a visit to Snake and asks him about Malik. He doesn’t say much. Tutuola warns him that things will eventually come around just like it did for the man who killed his own mother.