Prince Andrew’s Website Scrubbed From Internet – Palace Distances Itself Amid Epstein Investigation

British royals news reveals that Prince Andrew may have just celebrated his daughter Prince Beatrice’s marriage in a private ceremony, but trouble continues to brew for him. As royal watchers know, Prince Andrew stepped back from his duties as a working royal after a disastrous interview on Newsnight in which he was questioned about his former association with Jeffrey Epstein. The interview didn’t go well, to say the least, prompting Andrew to step down.

In a statement released by Prince Andrew at the time, he stated that the situation relating to his former association with Epstein had become a “major disruption” to his family’s work, and that he requested to step back from public duties for the foreseeable future.

Prince Andrew also stated that he “unequivocally” regretted his association with Epstein. “His [Epstein’s] suicide has left may unanswered questions, particularly for his victims, and I deeply sympathize with everyone who has been affected and wants some form of closure,” Prince Andrew stated.

Well, since then there have been some developments. Prince Andrew’s lawyers have been engaged in a war of words with the US Department of Justice (DOJ).

The DOJ has been publicly accusing Prince Andrew of not wanting to talk with them regarding the Epstein investigations, and Prince Andrew’s team has fired right back at the DOJ, saying that it hasn’t reached out to Andrew. The whole thing seems like a big media mess.

The DOJ presumably wants to interview Prince Andrew about the allegations against his former friend Ghislaine Maxwell, who was Epstein’s one-time girlfriend and alleged co-conspirator.

Yet to date, no interview has taken place, with blame being leveled for that by each side. This past week, Maxwell was denied bail, and the palace made an interesting decision regarding Prince Andrew – it removed his own independent website, thedukeofyork.org, from the internet.

At this point, the web address redirects to Prince Andrew’s official listing on the royal family website.

And at that listing, the “About The Duke Of York” link opens to an explanation of how Prince Andrew stepped back from his public duties back in November, along with a link to an official statement by Prince Andrew about the situation.

We should also note that Prince Andrew’s Twitter and Instagram accounts are still functioning, but there have been no postings since the official statement was made.

It certainly seems like staying quiet is the operative agenda right now, and it seems as though the palace is trying to distance itself from someone all too close. At any rate, the information available about Prince Andrew available on the internet is now much more limited.

It will be interesting to see what ultimately happens between Prince Andrew and the DOJ, as it moves forward with its case against Maxwell.

The DOJ surely won’t let the matter of talking to Prince Andrew drop, and it could even get more aggressive in its quest to talk with him now that there’s a new district attorney one the case – Audrey Strauss. She has reportedly asked Andrew to come talk with them. We’ll see if that happens.

Be sure to check back here at CDL for more British royals news and updates.

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