NCIS Winter Premiere Recap 01/03/22: Season 19 Episode 10 “Pledge of Allegiance”

NCIS Winter Premiere Recap 01/03/22: Season 19 Episode 10 "Pledge of Allegiance"

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, January 3, 2022, season 19 episode 10 called, “Pledge of Allegiance” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below. On tonight’s NCIS season 19 episode 10, “Pledge of Allegiance,” as per the CBS synopsis, “NCIS is called in when Navy Chief Warrant Officer Rafi Nazar is suspected of trying to sell stolen classified Navy software used to pilot combat drones.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS episode, the military police went looking for Navy Chief Warrant Officer Rafi Nazar. He was wanted for espionage and it seems he did a runner. He didn’t tell anyone where he went. Not even his poor fiancé. Kay had no idea that her fiancé had stolen the master key to all American Naval drones and once told she refused to believe it. Kay said that Nazar is a good man. He would never betray his country. He also didn’t act suspiciously before his disappearance. He went for a drive the night before and he was there that morning to make Kay breakfast. The team was brought in on this manhunt. They used their resources to track down Nazar’s last known movements and they went to the location to see if Nazar returned.

The team didn’t find him. But they did find a body. The victim appeared to be shot by a 9mm and Nazar does have a weapon like that in his possession. He was a known gun user. They searched the home he shares with Kay and they found the weapon missing. The team therefore came to the conclusion that Nazar killed the victim. They just didn’t know the victim’s name or his connection to Nazar. It also didn’t help Nazar’s defense that he was missing. Innocent people don’t run or hide. Nazar was originally Serbian. His family was known to be a part of the Serbian conflict that killed many and so he could be a plant.

Nazar could have come to the country with the sole intention of infiltrating the military. Or at least that was the team’s working theory as they continued to look into him. Nazar met his fiancé nine months ago and so she hasn’t even known him for long. She said they got engaged so quickly because when you know you know. Only that rush into things could explain why Kay never suspected anything was wrong and so the team asked people who should know Nazar better than anyone. They asked the men and women that he worked with.

None suspected that Nazar would turn traitor. There was this one guy who suspected Nazar wasn’t what he seemed but it was clear that guy was just a racist and he doesn’t trust anyone with the ability to speak “foreign”. His words. The military police also ran a forensic analysis and they determined that the hack to get the master key had come from Nazar’s computer. Nazar later contacted his fiancé. He told her that he was innocent and he asked to meet up. The team was wire-tapping her phone. They heard the conversation and confronted her.

They told her that Nazar couldn’t be trusted. They also mentioned that packing their passports wasn’t going to help either of them get out of the country and so Kay listened. She agreed to help them. She went to the designated spot to meet Nazar and, before he could get close, she yelled at him to run because it was a trap. Nazar then ran off. The team chased him and lost somewhere down an alley. They went looking for him. They couldn’t find him. They later learned that he sought asylum at the Afghanistan embassy and that chatter on the dark web says the master key was just sold for free.

Everyone assumed that Nazar sold the master key for a cause. Not for the money. They couldn’t touch him at the embassy and so they threatened him instead. They told him that either he gives himself up or his fiancé was going to be charged as an accessory to his crimes. Nazar apparently really does love Kay. He gave himself up and he was saying goodbye to her when he was shot. Someone shot him from a car before driving away. Nazar was being rushed to the hospital when the EMT confirmed that he’ll make it and so Parker asked that they be taken to NCIS instead.

Parker claimed that they have a doctor on staff. He failed to mention the doctor was in fact a coroner and so Nazar was taken to NCIS headquarters. He was interrogated. He was questioned for everything and that’s when it came out. Nazar wasn’t a traitor. Kay was. She used his face and access card to get the information for the master key. She wasn’t innocent. She’d been playing Nazar the whole time and she had almost killed him too. The Navy was able to deactivate the master key and so now it was of no use. She and the domestic terrorists couldn’t plant a jihad on American soil.

She and her coconspirators were all going down. Not that it will help Nazar much. He still gets looks in spite of his name being cleared and the nightmare will never truly be over for him.

Later, McGee and Palmer were informed that the money in their accounts came from Gibbs. He donated to their kids’ college funds. It was a college fund that he first began for his daughter Kelly and he kept adding money to it even after she died. And so since then, Gibbs has been helping agents with their own kids’ college funds.