Chicago Fire Finale Recap 05/22/24: Season 12 Episode 13 “Never Say Goodbye”

Chicago Fire Finale Recap 05/22/24: Season 12 Episode 13 "Never Say Goodbye"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, May 22, 2024, season 12 episode 13 called, “Never Say Goodbye” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Fire season 12 episode 13 as per the NBC synopsis, “Boden makes a decision that impacts the race for Deputy Commissioner. A tense call brings up painful memories for Carver and Damon. Mouch struggles to adjust to the new Truck.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 12 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap, check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Fire episode, a permanent DC will be named within the next few days. Chief Boden was in the running for the position. Chief Robinson was also in the running.

The difference between them was that one tried to sink the other’s prospects. Robinson has displayed a ruthlessness that he sinks her more than helps her. She planted a spy at Boden’s firehouse.

The spy was easily caught. He also was a little too squeamish with people in danger and so Robinson fired him rather than let him sink her chances even further.

The guy went to Boden after that. He warned Firehouse 51 that Robinson will do everything she can to rise up through the ranks. And if she could turn against an ally so easily, what would she do to an enemy?

Boden was out of town when the incident happened. He was helping James clean up the house. He was back now in Chicago and he’s heard about everything that happened with Robinson.

He also knows that Severide can lead the firehouse in his absence. If Boden gets promoted, he was going to need someone to fill his spot. Severide did great work. He also said that Herrmann helped with the peer counseling. Both men stepped up to help Boden. Boden sees good things for them. He and the rest of 51 were later called to a work accident.

Some men in construction were dangling off the side things that brings them up in the air. Well, whatever it’s called had snapped. The men were dangling by ropes that couldn’t carry the full weight.

Firehouse 51 helped rescue four out of the five men. The fifth man was so scared that he couldn’t reach out for help when it was right in front of him. He fell. He unfortunately fell on a bag that wasn’t fully blown up and so he suffered a head injury. He was rushed to the hospital. There was no telling if he’ll make it.

It was a hard call for Violet. Violet and Carver were still sleeping together. They both agreed to no relationship. They were just going to keep things casual or at least they were until Carver began hating their situation.

Violet was constantly telling him that it was just casual. She was doing it to protect herself because she lost a boyfriend on the job but repeating it every time she kisses Carver was a little insulting. Carver also had an issue because whenever he spends time with Violet he sees pictures of her dead ex everywhere in her apartment.

Carver was feeling on edge when they took a second call that reminded him of the past. They were called to a restaurant. The restaurant was owned by a family. The younger son had burn injuries on his arm. He also couldn’t say how he started a fire in the kitchen or how he got the injuries on his arm.

It reminded Carver of his own family. Carver suspected the kid’s older brother threw burning water on him. He also suspected that the father was covering it up. Carver had an older brother like that. His brother threw him into a fire and then later told everyone that Carver tripped into it. No one believed Carver when he tried to tell the truth.

Carver therefore wasn’t going to walk away when he saw the same situation repeating. Carver got into a bust up with the father. Damon tackled the older brother. It was a brawl and the family was threatening to accuse them of assault if they go to the cops with their suspicions. Kidd knows why Carver freaked out in that situation. She knows about his past. What she couldn’t figure out was why Damon was involved as well. Damon was still the new kid. He’s the youngest there. He was a floater and he was shaping up to be a good floater before this.

Kidd couldn’t have anyone on her team that couldn’t control their anger. Especially not now when Boden was openly competing for higher office. Kidd was going to put Damon back into the floater pool. She might also get rid of Carver after this too. Carver was having a horrible day that got worse.

Violet accused him of having feelings for Kidd. The fight kicked off when Carver defended Kidd. When Violet came up with her theory, he said they both knew that was a lie because he was in love with Violet. He knew it. She knew it. She was just pushing him away now because she wasn’t over Hawkins.

Violet spoke with Kidd afterwards. Kidd said the brother thing was triggering for Carver. Violet didn’t know what she was talking about because she never asked Carver about his past or his scars. Kidd told her everything. It made Violet realize that she hasn’t seriously talked to Carver. They always discuss her.

They never discussed him. Kidd also changed her mind about getting rid of Damon. She was going to keep him around. It turns out the whole thing was triggering for him too because his father has a temper. And that’s all he’s willing to say on the matter.

Carver took furlough for a bit. He needed to get his head right. Violet tried to reach out to him and it might be too late for that because he wasn’t answering or returning her calls. And so he wasn’t there when Boden finally got the promotion to be the next Deputy Commissioner of the Chicago Fire Department.

Boden was going to nominate Herrmann to fill his spot. Herrmann and Mouch talked about it. Mouch was having trouble driving the new fire truck and they used that opportunity to both say that they’re going to miss Boden. He was the soul of Firehouse 51. Which was why they gave him a great sendoff. Carver missed that too.

And Damon finally told Severide his secret. Damon was the son of Benny Severide and that meant he’s related to good ole Kelly.