FBI: Most Wanted Recap 02/04/25: Season 6 Episode 10 “Ars Moriendi”

FBI: Most Wanted Recap 02/04/25: Season 6 Episode 10 "Ars Moriendi"

Tonight on CBS FBI Most Wanted airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 4, 2025 season 6 episode 10, “Ars Moriendi” and we have your FBI Most Wanted recap below.

In tonight’s FBI Most Wanted season 6 episode 10 as per the CBS synopsis, “After witnessing a murder in broad daylight, the Fugitive Task Force must hunt down a team of killers competing in a twisted online game. Meanwhile, Remy and Abby struggle to get on the same page.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI Most Wanted episode, FBI SSA Remy Scott was out enjoying lunch with his team when they heard gunshots. Some guy shot this woman in broad daylight. He didn’t even know her. He just walked up to her and asked her what her name was. How old she was.

She thought he was just an average pest. She asked him to leave her alone. His response to that was to shoot her. He killed her and he ran when he heard the FBI announcing themselves behind him. The feds chased this man on foot until the guy got into a car. They then chased him with their own car. And their perp ended up crashing the car.

You would think he’d give up after that, but not this guy. He went back to running away on foot. He was shooting at them and running. He eventually spotted a delivery driver on a scooter. He stole the scooter. He shot the driver. He got away from the feds.

Only they were hunting him now. They were only in that area to serve a warrant. Remy passed that off onto the US Marshalls because he took this man shooting at his people personally and he wanted to look for him himself. He made sure to keep this case in spite of the rules.

The case was technically NYPD’s territory. The murder victim was identified as Nellie Spence. She was a retired teacher. Her husband was deceased. She lived in that neighborhood for years and she didn’t have a problem with anyone. There was nothing about her murder that upped this to a federal crime.

Not that Remy let that stop him. Remy still held onto the case because the man shot at feds and that in itself was a federal crime. They quickly identified their shooter. His name is Jay Lark. He was a practically a ghost. He disappeared a few years ago. He was now twenty-five.

His license expired on his twenty-first birthday. He never updated it. His last known address was his parents’ place. He doesn’t seem to have a job. He somehow got a gun.

The gun originally belonged to a retired cop. The cop kept it out in the garage in a safe. He didn’t want it in the house around his new grandson and he didn’t realize it was missing until the feds asked to see it. It could have been stolen at any point over the past few months. The retired cop also never met Jay Lark. He has no idea who that man was.

No one knew who Jay Lark was until he popped up on a social media website. The website was owned by a Hong Kong firm. They don’t believe they have to abide by American laws and so they allow anything to be shown on their site. Hamas used that site to show off their attack. People use the site to buy guns as well as drugs. Lark was now using that site to show off his kills. He posted Nellie’s murder on the site. He got so many new fans from that. It made him even more smug about what he did.

Lark literally killed someone just for views on social media. The feds also accidentally made it go viral because they could be overheard in the background coming after him. Lark has friends on that site and he told them that he didn’t feel a single thing when it happened.

It didn’t spark joy or sadness. Something about the way he said had his friend worry about him. Lark also kicked off a trend. Jill Potts was the agent that was monitoring the website. She’s the one that informed the team that Lark posted the video. She also helped them to get his account deleted.

Unfortunately, it was too late to put the genie back into the bottle. Lark had sadly kicked off a trend. There was someone else who killed a man on livestream and he went further than Lark did. He tortured his victims with a rat before he finally killed him. Lark then got jealous of that guy. He went back out to kill someone and all he has to do was use a new email address to create a second account on that stupid site. Julia said it was like whack-a-mole. There was always going to be a new account popping up with fresh horrors.

Lark’s next murder victim was a police officer. The poor guy was working the nightshift for extra money. His killer came up behind him and strangled him. The officer was found dangling from a tree. The cops were looking for Lark with full force for that. Killing one of them meant he was no longer safe in all of New York.

They found out what happened to Lark’s family. His parents died of covid. Lark dropped out of college after that. He had to sell his parents’ home to pay off the funeral costs. He was left with ten grand. He moved into a crappy place and he cut himself off from the rest of the world.

The only one that Lark talks to is his friend, Jarret. Jarret Bahri was the one that tortured the guy with the rat. He was a trust fund kid. He lived with his father in a sprawling penthouse apartment. His father thinks he’s a loser. Jarret wanted to prove him wrong and so he did what Lark did. He killed someone.

Then Lark killed a cop to win. Now, Jarret was looking for a win. Or he would have if Lark hadn’t contacted him. Lark saw cops in front of his apartment building and he ran off. He needed to get out of the city. He offered to name Jarret as the official winner of their little game if Jarret helps him lay low.

Jarret didn’t want to be thrown a win. He betrayed Lark. He tied him up when he showed. He put Lark in the garage and was going to kill him live on the site when the FBI arrived.

The feds tried to get Jarret to hand himself in peacefully only Jarret didn’t care about that. He wanted to look big and bad in front of his new friends on the internet. Him livestreaming helped the feds pick the best time to knock down the door. They did that and killed Jarret before he could hurt anyone else.

Barnes later ran into Jill again after everything was done. Jill was single. She heard Barnes was single. She didn’t know that Barnes’s mother was trying to get her to sign up on a gay dating app, but she did shoot her shot with Barnes. And the two of them left work early that day.