Paris Hilton Wants People to Petition…

Paris Hilton is begging the Governor to give her a break and is pleading with her fans to sign a petition asking for her pardon.

On her MySpace page this morning, she says her friend Joshua Capone started a petition, and asks that her fans “help and sihn [sic] it,” adding, “I LOVE YOU ALL!!!”

The petition points out she’s an heiress to the Hilton fortune, and that Paris “provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world.”


2 responses to “Paris Hilton Wants People to Petition…”

  1. Anonymous says:

    HOPE?!! All she does is go out and party! what kind of hope is that!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I say she did the crime she should do the time. Give me a break, a model for the young people???? that in itself is reason enough for her to do the time.