Yes another Justin Bieber cover – he has been on a blitz this month. Justin Bieber and Usher cover this week’s issue of The Hollywood Reporter. The cover titled ‘The Business of Bieber’ How Usher and L.A. Reid cultivated a YouTube street act into a $100 million it boy, complete with grammy noms, a 3D movie and the sheiks of every tween — and what they’re doing to ensure it lasts.
The story is clearly about Justin’s development and the approach he and his team have taken to turn him into a superstar. They have been successful from Justin Bieber nail polish, to albums and 3D movies Justin is everywhere.
Justin recently said about his future: On his future, Justin says, “I don’t like to focus so much on the future. Right now I just want to love what I’m doing, and that’s making music and making people smile. I hope I get to do that for a long time to come.”
You can catch Justin at the Grammys this weekend. Wonder if he will show up with Selena Gomez?