William Levy Dancing With The Stars Quickstep Performance Video 3/26/12

William Levy Dancing With The Stars Quickstep Performance Video 3/26/12

William Levy danced the Quickstep tonight as Dancing With The Stars continues with its second episode.  On this week’s episode the 12 couples return to the ballroom performing either the Jive or the Quickstep.  We recapped the tonight’s show for you and if you want to see how all the couples did go HERE!

William Levy and professional dancer Cheryl Burke, dancing the Quickstep – William said about dancing the Quickstep: William Levy danced the Quickstep tonight “I think we can do it.  This was really hard for me to do at the beginning [and] the other dance that we’re working on is really hard, so hopefully at the end it can happen something good too, you know?”  The ballroom audience loves William and the show makes show to play it up to the max.  Are you loving William??

Judges CommentsBruno – even fully clothed you have the ability to dazzle, you played it well, you have sparkle, superb.  Carrie Ann – you know how to turn the heat up, the technique and posture was great, you are like the Harry Connick Jr. of the dance floor.  Len – good movement and posture, need to improve your footwork, it was good but not great.

Scores:  Scores: Carrie Ann 9 – Len 7 – Bruno 9 – Total: 25  WEEK 1 – Scores:  Carrie Ann – 8  Bruno – 8  Len – 8  Total – 24  TOTAL 49/60

Vote for William and Cheryl at # 1-800-868-3408

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