Finding Carter Recap 4/14/15: Season 2 Episode 3 “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”

Finding Carter Recap 4/14/15: Season 2 Episode 3 "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"

Tonight on MTV Finding Cater returns with an all new Wednesday April 14, season 2 episode 3 called, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the Wilsons celebrate Joan and Buddy’s  [Robert Pine] anniversary.

On the last episode, the Wilsons sought justice for Carter’s kidnapping. In other events, Carter’s friends celebrated her safe return while Taylor struggled with Max’s emotional recovery. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the MTV synopsis “the Wilsons celebrate Joan and Buddy’s anniversary; and Max takes a job from an unlikely source.”

Be sure to tune in for FINDING CARTER on MTV at 10 PM EST and check here for a live recap of this all new show. Hit up the comments to tell us what you think of this new show called Finding Carter. In the meantime, check out the preview for tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#FindingCarter starts with Carter listening to her parents argue through a closed door. David says he should have told Liz before this and he’s sorry. She asks how Carter knew and he says she confronted him. She says Lori is trying to take he and Taylor from her too. Taylor comes up and asks what’s going on but Carter says she couldn’t really hear. She asks Taylor what’s up and she says she broke up with Max over the whole Crash thing. She says some things are just unforgivable.

Carter says now isn’t the best time to break up. Taylor says she was ready to give up everything when he got shot and he thought forgiving Crash was more important. Their parents start yelling and Carter says a fight doesn’t mean people have to break up. She asks her not to go but Taylor walks off. David asks Liz if she thinks the girls heard and she asks him why he slept with Lori. He says they were having problems. She says it’s not about the cheating but the kidnapping it turned into.

David says he couldn’t have known she would do this and it had been two years since they stopped seeing each other when Carter was taken. Liz says she can never get past this. Max wakes to Grant telling he and Carter there’s a family meeting and he’s not getting any Disneyland vibes from it. Carter says this is all her fault but Max says no. She reminds Max he thought it was his fault when his parents split. She says she can fix it. She also says she’ll fix he and Taylor.

Max says he needs to get his truck fixed and head back to Pennsylvania. She asks him not to go. The three kids sit for the #WilsonFamilyMeeting. Liz says they’re splitting up. Liz says they just need some time and David says they’re not planning on a divorce. Liz says they have stuff they need to work through. David says they hope it will go back to normal soon. He says they will take turns sleeping there with them. He says he’ll spend his nights off at his office and Liz says she’ll stay with her parents.

Taylor reminds them it’s Joan and Buddy’s anniversary party tonight. Carter says they should all go as a family. Liz says she has to tell her parents this on their anniversary but Carter says she doesn’t have to tell them right then. Liz agrees. At school, Taylor chases Carter down and asks why they’re splitting up. She asks if it’s Kyle or something Lori did but Carter lies and says she couldn’t hear what they were arguing about. Taylor says everything is under control yet they’re breaking up and Carter doesn’t seem surprised. Taylor asks if she’s keeping something from her.

Carter gets a collect call from Lori from the jail. Carter says it’s Lori and Taylor says not to take the call. Taylor leaves for class. Grant says he can’t go to the party because his suit doesn’t fit and says he told him three months ago. David says he can skip school and he’ll take him to buy a suit after class. He loads grant in his SUV and throws in his suitcase. Max takes his truck to Crash to get looked at. He says it’s a couple thousand worth of work and tires. Crash says he can do it then asks about rehab.

Max says he can’t do it and Crash says to get a job and he says he had a job then Crash shot him. Crash offers to get him a job at the shop and he says no but does accept a ride home. Carter comes to check on Liz before the party and she says she doesn’t know if she can smile and pretend things are okay. Carter says this must be so painful for her. She says she knows dad loves her and asks her to remember that. Liz says everything that Lori said is just in her mind and she’s thinking back through their lives.

She says she feels alone but Carter says she’s there and they all are. She says it doesn’t matter what Lori says and says Lori knew she was listening and was manipulating her. She says Lori doesn’t get to win and Liz says she’s right. She holds up a dress and Liz says it’s okay then says no. She says she needs to go shopping and asks if they need anything. Carter says yeah but says Taylor isn’t home yet and asks if she knows she and Max broke up. They hear a car and Liz looks outside then blows up.

It’s Crash dropping off Max. Liz shows up and starts yelling at Crash. She says he escaped justice again but isn’t allowed near her family. Carter tells Crash he needs to go. Max thanks Crash for the ride and Carter asks for a minute. Liz and Max go back inside. Carter asks why he came there and he says he was just dropping Max off but says he was hoping to see him. He says he won’t come back around if that’s what she wants. He asks if that’s what she wants and Carter says she can’t think about him.

She walks off. Inside, Liz asks if Taylor knows about him hanging out with Crash. Max says he just wants to forgive him and move on. David introduces Grant to his TA Hilary and he asks her to make an excuse for him for the meeting and she comes up with a story. Carter pulls out some suit jackets and tells him to pick one so he can go to her grandparents party. She says he has to go but he asks about Taylor. She says they want him there. She says Taylor will be busy with a college person.

Carter asks if he still loves her and he says he doesn’t think she loves him. She says they should try and be friends even if the relationship doesn’t work out. He relents and chooses a suit. Grant asks David if he’s dating his TA and says he and mom are separated and David says it’s not like that. David says he’s hoping he and his mom will make up. He asks Grant if he likes this suit and he says no but no one cares about what he wants.

They run into Liz at the store and David says Grant is feeling insecure. Liz says she doesn’t want Grant to think she’s the bad guy. Taylor comes out in a short black dress and David says it’s too revealing. Taylor’s phone rings and she says Lori just tried to call her. Carter tells them that Lori tried to call her earlier too. They wonder #WhyIsLoriCalling and Taylor asks why can’t she leave them alone and what she wants from them. Liz says she’ll file a complaint with the warden.

The Wilsons all head to the anniversary party. Taylor sees Max and David asks if that’s his suit. Carter says she invited him and Liz says Grandma is crazy about him. Taylor says Grandma isn’t his GF and Grant says neither is she. Taylor gets mad and then goes to try and snag a drink. She lies and says she’s on break from college and her Grandma calls her for photos. Joan and Buddy position them all for a photo and then she asks Taylor and Carter to swap places. She keeps on and Liz tells her enough.

Joan grabs the girls and takes them outside. Carter asks Taylor if she talked to Max yet and says it’s not a good time to break up. Taylor tells her to stop it. Joan introduces them to Anne Wallace and the woman seems more interested in Carter. Joan leaves them both with the woman who’s Dean of Admissions at Stanford. She tells Carter she should fly out to campus and Taylor says she’s applying there. Anne asks Carter where she wants to go to school but Carter says Taylor is the smart one.

Anne says she should think about Stanford too and says her story and life experience would likely sway things her way. She says they’ve had some amazing women come through the school. Carter tries to turn it back to Taylor and Anne asks if someone from the admissions team can call Carter. Taylor is annoyed and walks off. Carter says she’s only interested in her past and walks off. Joan finds Grant and tells him he looks handsome in his new suit.

She asks Grant what’s going on with his parents and says if he doesn’t tell, she’ll make him slow dance with her. He tells her they’re splitting up. Joan grabs Liz and pulls her aside to talk about their split. Liz reminds her mom she doesn’t even like David and calls him a loser. Joan says she wants her to be reasonable and asks if she’s talked to a lawyer and Liz says she hopes it’s just temporary. Carter finds Max at the bar and asks if he’s seen Taylor. Max says she went off with a waiter.

They find her playing drunken quarters in the kitchen with the wait staff. It’s #TipsyTaylor. Max and Carter find her as she’s guzzling booze and she asks who’s next. Max steps up and Taylor says he can’t drink because he got shot. She tosses him the ball and he asks if they can talk. She shrugs and walks off. Grant complains about the party and Joan says she heard a security guard talking about kids racing golf carts on the back green. Buddy says he’ll give him his cart.

David asks Joan if she knows and she says she knows it couldn’t be easy him showing up tonight. Max puts his jacket on Taylor and she says she can’t sit or she’ll get sleepy. Then she starts dancing. Max says he likes that she does a play by play when she’s drinking. She asks him to dance but he says he’s pushing it already. He pulls her down beside him and says he’s sorry to hear her folks are breaking up. Taylor asks why he came tonight and he says he was invited.

Max says he wasn’t ready to leave her and Taylor says she misses them and kisses him. #MissingMaxlor He says they should be together and asks what she thinks. Taylor says she’s not ready. Taylor says nothing has changed and he still let Crash back into his life. He tells Taylor he loves her. She says she almost lost him and that feeling shouldn’t be more important than him forgiving Crash. She says if he had died, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

She says that’s why she needs to take a step back and focus on her future. She says she can’t even do that anymore with Carter. She says Carter has ruined her life and he says Carter wants them back together. Taylor says it’s not up to her. She goes to confront Carter and tells her to stop butting and says she doesn’t want her in her life. Carter asks if this is about Stanford. Taylor tells Carter that she’s Lori. She says she takes after David and Carter takes after the nutbag who’s in prison.

She tells Carter to stay out of her life and stomps off to the bar. Carter follows her to the bar where Taylor tries to score a drink. Taylor tells Joan that Carter is going to Stanford and then Joan tells Taylor she’s drunk and is embarrassing the family. She tells Joan she’s not even her grandmother and Joan asks what she means by that. They all go sit and Taylor tells them she’s sorry and she thought they knew about the egg donation. Joan and Buddy want to sue the clinic over what Lori did.

Joan asks if there are any more secrets but Liz says no. Carter looks unsure. The party winds down and they walk out. Taylor says she’s sorry she wrecked their party. Buddy says at least they entertained their friends. Joan talks about the taking turns at the house and she asks David if he can take the first shift so she can take Liz home with her and take care of her. He agrees. Liz gets a cuddle from her parents. Taylor and Carter come into Taylor’s room and she asks Carter what just happened.

Carter says it’s so strange they never told Grandma about the egg donor. Taylor says she’s sorry for saying Carter is like Lori and she tells Taylor that Lori won’t stop calling her. Carter says she’s so angry and wants to say awful things to Lori. Taylor takes her hand. Crash finds Max asleep in his truck and Max asks about the job. Crash says he’ll introduce him to his uncle. Max asks if he can clean up first and then calls Crash a lifesaver and thanks him. Crash laughs and says he almost killed him.

Carter wakes to a ringing phone. It’s Lori again. She shows the phone to Taylor. She tells Carter she doesn’t have to talk to her again. Carter takes the call. She tells Lori to stop and says to leave her family alone and then hangs up on her.