The Equalizer Recap 11/17/24: Season 5 Episode 4 “Sacrifice”

The Equalizer Recap 11/17/24: Season 5 Episode 4 "Sacrifice"

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, November 17, 2024, season 5 episode 4 called “Sacrifice,” and we have your The Equalizer recap below.

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “The team races to rescue a young hacker, who reminds Harry of his past self, being forced to hack for criminals.

Meanwhile, Dante is back in town to visit his father and Mel makes a breakthrough in therapy.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 9 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode, Harry helped out Colton Fisk a few months ago. The CIA Officer was worried about an imminent attack on US soil. He enlisted Harry’s assistance to find the people responsible and it landed them in Budapest. Harry was almost killed. Fisk had to kill a few people. They got an encrypted drive.

Harry was supposed to hack it and he was only able to do it now three months later. Harry called Fisk with the good news. Of course, Fisk told Harry that he took forever. Harry was considered the best hacker in the world. He should have decrypted those file weeks. The fact that he couldn’t before now shows whoever encrypted them was a match for Harry.

Now Fisk was coming back to New York to read those files for himself. Harry also enlisted Robyn’s help. He read through those files and he suspected the other hacker could be in danger.

He saw signs that the hacker was stalling. Harry got the impression that it was a young man involved. He believed this kid was in danger and that he was using stalling tactics because he might get murdered the second he finishes the project. Harry wanted to save the kid. Fisk on the other hand didn’t think they’d have the time.

Fisk later stopped by Harry’s den. He said it’s been three months since they got this call for help. Which was basically what the encrypted files said.

The hacker known as “Kaos” could already be dead by now. Fisk thought that’s what happened. Harry felt differently. Harry wanted to find the kid. He wanted to at least see if the kid was still alive so that they could rescue him.

Harry saw himself in Kaos. He was anti-social as a teen. His mom was gone. His father was hands off. He didn’t have friends until he took to online and made all the wrong kind of friends.

It took Harry a while to get away from those people. He was lucky in the sense that he wasn’t hurt by helping them. He was able to start over in military intelligence and now he was surrounded by love.

Harry wants that for Kaos as well. He wanted to give the younger man the chance to grow up and do the right thing. Fisk didn’t care about that part. He didn’t think they should waste their time trying to find Kaos. He felt they should focus on whoever was forcing Kaos to work for them. And stopping those people from harming the country.

Fisk gave his marching orders. He slipped out right after doing so and Mel saw him. Mel took a break away from equalizing because she was struggling with PTSD, but she was willing to put her health on the line when she saw Fisk was involved.

She went down to Harry’s den. She cleaned up before demanding to know what was wrong. Harry told her about Kaos. He told her that he wanted to help this young man. Mel was wise enough to see that Harry wanted to save the kid because no one saved him when he was the same age.

The two hackers are so alike that they probably did the same thing at school. Mel thought this kid most likely hacked the system to change their grades to an A. Harry got away with it when he did it because it was the early days of the internet. Kaos received a different result. He got booted from school. It even ended up in the local paper.

Kaos’s real name is Jason Smith. He has a health condition. He needed medication for it. Harry hacked several pharmacies. He found the one that has his prescription and the address listed on the card used to pay for the purchase.

Harry and Robyn went into the field to find Jason. Mel was watching from Harry’s computer. She saw when several cars came back and she couldn’t warn her loved ones. Mel went to the scene. She helped them get out of there with their new friend, Jason. Jason was taken to a safe space. They called Fisk and funnily enough Fisk knew Jason. Fisk was Jason’s CIA handler. He used Jason to infiltrate the Dragonfly Collective. It was an organized crime group that hacks governments for huge paydays.

Jason met them by claiming he could up with a program. The program was to lower the US’s defenses right before an attack. Jason was supposed to use that to get his foot in the door, but it took Fisk or Fisk-related people too long to find him. Jason was forced to come up with the program. The Dragonfly Collective didn’t want it.

They wanted to sell it to the highest bidder. Fisk wasted precious time by not trusting them with the full information. Jason was able to check the dark web. He saw that the hard drive he built had been sold. It had to be handed off to another person because there was no way to clone the hard drive or send the file online.

It forced the bad guys out in the open. The whole team including Jason went looking for the man with the hard drive. They were a fake drop. It tied up Robyn and Fisk’s hands while Jason tracked the real person with the hard drive.

The kid was still new at this and so he didn’t see the guy sneak up behind him or that he pulled out a gun. Jason got taken prisoner again. He was being used as a human shield. Neither Harry nor Robyn nor Mel could convince the gunman to put his weapon down. Until Fisk made a deal. Fisk said he was willing to give them the hard drive in return for Jason.

The kidnapper said that he’d take the hard drive and Fisk as his prisoner. Fisk said goodbye to his team and then he blew up the boat with the hard drive on it. Fisk was dead only he sacrificed himself for the greater good. He died protecting his country and he wouldn’t have wanted anything else.

He knew Jason was going to be fine with Harry and Mel. As for Robyn, she rushed to the hospital to be there for a friend. Detective Dante was in town. His father woke up from a coma and he doesn’t recognize his own son.

Robyn cancelled her date with Miles to be there for Dante. She told her Aunt Vi about it. She couldn’t tell Dee because Dee was worried about her college essays. Only Aunt Vi asked if Miles was a truly a priority or a band aide now that she can’t be with Dante.