9-1-1: Lone Star Winter Premiere Recap 01/20/25: Season 5 Episode 10 “All Who Wander”

9-1-1: Lone Star Winter Premiere Recap 01/20/25: Season 5 Episode 10 "All Who Wander"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, January 20, 2025, season 5 episode 10, “All Who Wander” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 5 episode 10 as per the FOX synopsis, “Judd literally walks straight into the line of fire when an armory catches on fire, sending bullets flying everywhere.

Owen questions Judd’s pledge of sobriety. Marjan introduces her boyfriend Joe (guest star John Clarance Stewart) to her visiting parents, Waleed (Michael Benyaer) and Nasreen (Anne Nahabedian), but their dinner doesn’t go as smoothly as she hoped .

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonights 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, Judd is an alcoholic. He started drinking after his wife went away. She left to go do missionary work. Judd greatly respects her for doing so and he wasn’t angry about it, but he was left alone with his two children. It was hard for him. He helped his oldest go through physical rehab.

Wyatt was now independent. He was living with his own family now. Which left Judd basically secluded with his toddler. His little girl was a sweet child. She was a typical kid and even that was hard on someone doing it by himself.

Judd also couldn’t use work to hide from his demons. He left the AFD last year. He’s back now and unfortunately he returned to work after he already started drinking again. Once you start, it’s harder to stop.

He’s only stopping now because of Owen. Owen found him drunk. He found all of the beer bottles. He advised his friend to get help. Judd couldn’t risk being drunk back on the job and so Judd did what he thought his wife would want him to do. He joined a faith-based alcoholic group. It helped him stop drinking for twenty-eight days.

It just didn’t help with his demons. Judd stopped drinking to save his job. Only it doesn’t mean he stopped acting out. There was a fire at an ammunition factory. There were bullets going off all over the place.

Owen told his people to stay back until it was safe. Judd ignored the order to go into the building. He saved someone’s life while also showing Owen he was struggling. Owen saw the look on Judd’s face when he went into that fire. It looked like Owen was staring into the void. He later tried to talk to Judd about it. And Judd tried to use his AA meeting as an excuse to get out of that conversation.

What he didn’t expect was that Owen would go to the meeting with him. Owen wanted to know if Judd was being honest with him and he learned he wasn’t. Owen saw Judd accept a month coin he didn’t deserve.

Judd was still drinking. He injured his hand while he was drinking. He lied to Owen about it. He lied to the pastor running AA about it. Owen called him out and he got Judd to confess to everything.

Judd’s little girl doesn’t live with him anymore. She thought it was too sad to stay at home without her mommy and now she lives with her grandparents.

Judd goes home to an empty house every night. He doesn’t have his family. He doesn’t want to appear weak in front of his friends. He was lost and he finally admitted to that tonight.

Judd needed serious help. Owen has been down this road before. He helped his son get clean. He was now going to do the same for his friend. Owen asked Judd to move in with him. This way Owen can keep an eye on Judd and Judd doesn’t have to face an empty house every night. Owen doesn’t want to lose another brother.

Owen also benched Judd at work. There was a troubling faucet in the kitchen. Owen put Judd in charge of fixing it and the others never suspected a thing. They were all talking about Marjan.

Marjan’s parents were in town. She introduced them to her boyfriend. He goes by the name Joe when really his legal name is Yusuf. They met when he became Marjan’s physical therapist. She was better now and she really loves Joe. They have a life planned together. Her parents on the other hand didn’t like that plan.

They didn’t like that Marjan was going to move in Joe’s apartment. They wanted her to live in a house. They wanted their future grandchildren to have a yard.

They also thought Marjan would leave work when she became a mother. Marjan’s parents were so upset with the future she planned with Joe that they were threatening to never give them their blessing. Marjan can’t get married without her parents’ blessing. She was raised to respect her elders. She was never going to be happy without their blessing.

Marjan was seriously considering ending things with Joe. Joe didn’t want to try again to win over her parents. He asked her who she really was? Was she “Firefox” or was she “Mouse”?

Her parents call her Mouse. It just shows Joe that they don’t really know their daughter. Marjan was fearless. She was unapologetically herself. She just wasn’t that around her parents and so it took a call at work to open her eyes. Marjan saw a little sister almost die trying to help out family. It made her realize that it’s fine to have limits with her parents.

Marjan went to her parents’ hotel. She told them that Joe was great. Also, that he goes by Joe. They wanted to get married. Marjan was so sure about him that they wanted to get married before her parents left and her parents agreed with it.

The only reason they held off on giving their blessing was because Marjan was all over the place when they met her boyfriend. They thought that must have meant she wasn’t too sure about him and they were glad they were wrong. They worked out the details when Judd told Owen why he started drinking again.

Judd stopped believing in God. He was so lonely. He was in such a dark place that he sent his wife a text message hoping from a sign from God and the message never went through. He felt that was his sign.

He thought God didn’t exist. He hated that his wife was wasting her time. He got angry at the world and so Owen told him after they answered their next call – after they saved someone’s life – that that was his sign.

Judd along with everyone else later attended Marjan’s wedding. She had an amazing wedding pantsuit. She apparently ordered it after she dated Joe for a month and so Marjan always knew what she wanted. She just had to fight for it. And they had a beautiful wedding.

It made Judd miss Grace even more. He almost drank again. He was about to when he asked for help. He asked God to help him. God responded when Grace contacted Judd and asked if they could talk. Grace saved Judd’s life again with that one message. She forever remains the answer to his prayers.