Camilla Parker-Bowles has spent 2013 completely wrecking havoc on the family that has never really accepted her as one of its own. She has threatened to divorce Prince Charles over his refusal to fight for the crown which she sees as his birthright. She has tried to bully Queen Elizabeth into respecting her and then there is poor Kate Middleton, the young woman who represents everything that good old Cami will never be. Kate was bullied while pregnant and Camilla has tried to disrespect and smear her every chance she gets. Finally the Duchess of Cornwall realized that her bad behavior is getting her nowhere and so she attempted a totally different tactic.
According to the Jan. 6th print edition of GLOBE Magazine Cami decided to spend part of Christmas apologizing to Queen Elizabeth, complete with crocodile tears. She thought that maybe if she owned up to some of her bad behavior and cried tears of guilt then Elizabeth would forgive her and view her in a different light. Instead Prince Philip intervened and demanded that Charles keep his wife away from the ailing Elizabeth. Behind closed doors Cami and Charles had one hell of a blow out and shortly afterward she was spotting raging on her cell phone while sipping from her handy-dandy flask of gin. Apparently that rehab in India didn’t stick!
Do you think there is any way that Queen Elizabeth will ever respect Camilla? Is there anything at all that this chick can do to crawl her way onto the throne beside Charles? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!