Kate Middleton and Prince William Require Well-Rounded Maid at Kensington Palace: Help Wanted Ad!

Kate Middleton and Prince William Require Well-Rounded Maid at Kensington Palace: Help Wanted Ad!

Now that Kate Middleton seems to be rebounding from the severe round of morning sickness, it’s time to start thinking like a woman whose life is about to radically change. She and Prince William have prided themselves on leading as quiet a life as possible. They do most household chores and shopping themselves and up until now have been as low maintenance as possible. It’s also rumored that Kate has absolutely no intention of employing a team of nannies to take care of her baby, instead she’ll be as hands-on as possible.

They will however need a bit of help and Buckingham Palace has just posted the job, as an internal position that will become available later this year. The assistant at Kensington Palace, where Kate and William are expected to move to by early fall,  must polish silverware and glassware, remain loyal, and ensure ‘all areas of the residence are cleaned and maintained to a high standard at all times’.

The position requires a minimum of 37 hours a week and the perfect candidate is also expected to handle driving and dog walking duties. I hope they are paying a nice salary because it sounds like they are cramming an awful lot of work into too few hours each week!

We’ve seen a pretty low maintenance Duchess over the last 18 months so I’m thinking maybe all of the extra help is to enable her to really focus her energies on her new baby. One of William’s prerequisite’s for a wife was that she be hands on with their children, just as his mother was. It all sounds to me like they are really putting a plan in place to ensure that everything is done and the baby is both Kate and William’s number one priority.

How much do you think the job is going to pay? Can you imagine taking care of Kensington Palace each day? Kate Middleton’s pregnancy appears to be going somewhat well, but before you know it that lil’ royal nugget will be out in the world — they better find the help fast!

Image credit to FameFlynet