In Season 5 of Real Housewives of New Jersey we see something very familiar. Caroline Manzo decides once again that she needs to meddle in fights that are none of her business. She seems to think if she doesn’t get involved the problem won’t be fixed. Her latest victims are Teresa Giudice, Teresa’s brother Joe Gorga and his wife Melissa Gorga.
Previously I wrote that in season four the family fight between Teresa and the Gorgas was being made worse by well meaning family and friends defending each of them to the other side. What could have been a conversation between the Gorgas and Teresa often ended up being an all out war.
An example is baby Joey’s christening. Teresa congratulates Joe and Melissa on their new baby’s baptism at the event’s reception. Joe told Teresa to get lost. Melissa’s sisters decided they needed to say something, too, because they say they are disgusted by Teresa’s behavior. The next thing you know Joe is starting to flip a table (it’s a family thing) and a brawl breaks out.
Throughout season 4 Caroline was often involved in group efforts to tell Teresa that her thinking is delusional and she is the bad guy in the family mess. One time she walked in on a screaming match between her sister in law Jacqueline Laurita and Teresa. Caroline immediately started tearing into Teresa with her own opinions about this particular fight. Season 4 ends with all the ladies wanting nothing to do with Teresa ever again.
Now in season five the red haired dragon (who still despises Teresa) has decided she has to end the fighting between the Gorgas and Teresa. Caroline herself has an estranged relationship with her younger sister (and former Real Housewife of New Jersey) Dina Manzo and she does not want the same for Teresa and Joe and their families. In episode one the Franklin Lakes bully and buttinsky sets up a meeting with Joe. She offers to go to Teresa on his behalf. Melissa is not happy. She bluntly says Caroline should mind her own business. Caroline writes in her Bravo blog “Teresa and I have a long history that spans over many years. We have both experienced the highs and lows that each and every one of us has in the game of life. We have laughed together, cried together, fought for and against each other too. Regardless of where we are in our lives, I can’t sit and watch this family disintegrate. The bottom line is they do love each other and are both fiercely devoted to their respective husband and wife, children, mom, and dad.”
In episode two Teresa gets a text message from her the woman she insulted at the season four reunion as having three rolls of blubber. In the text Caroline asks Teresa for a meeting. Teresa thinks Caroline may want to apologize to her so she agrees to the lunch invitation. As the conversation begins Teresa realizes Caroline asked for a meeting so she could voice her opinions about her family affairs. Teresa tells Caroline Italians believe when a third party enters a fight nothing good can come from it. I guess Caroline did not get that memo. After all, she is only as Italian as the Olive Garden.
Teresa then asks Caroline point blank if she is now talking to her estranged sister. Caroline said no. Teresa writes in her blog “I didn’t ask her about her family to start a fight. I just wondered (and was hoping) that’s why she thought she could fix my family”.
Caroline took a lot of heat from the fans for butting into Teresa, Joe and Melissa’s fight. She wrote in her Bravo blog “I received numerous Facebook and Twitter comments about my meeting with Joe Gorga. They ranged from mind your own business, to you have a great big heart, to I have a thing for Joe. Two out of three of you are right in your opinion. Maybe I am overstepping my boundaries, and yes, it’s my heart that is putting me there. As to the third, grow up.” I’ve read the comments to the Bravo blogs submitted by viewers for season four and so far for season five. Defenders of Teresa ferociously lay into Caroline with comments for both women’s blogs. Caroline is the real villain of the show, not Teresa. There is even a Facebook page called Leave Teresa Giudice Alone. Most of the articles and comments posted on this page also refer to Caroline as a horrible person for what she did to Teresa.
All the ladies said they are in a better place this now, and that we will see how it all comes together in the new season. In the coming weeks we will see if Caroline’s plan worked or if the Gorgas and Teresa come together on their own. One thing Caroline did accomplish by meeting with Teresa is she succeeded in hurting herself. Getting involved with the Gorgas and Teresa feud intensified her hurt over her own estrangement with Dina. Teresa was right…a third party makes the situation worse.
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