Prince William’s Arrogant And Out Of Control Behavior Insult to Queen Elizabeth And Her Legacy

Prince William's Arrogant And Out Of Control Behavior Insult to Queen Elizabeth And Her Legacy

Prince William has sure landed himself in some hot water recently, hasn’t he? Our dear old Prince is facing a major PR scandal, and it’s all due to his own arrogance and lack of self-awareness. After all, Prince William would neveeeeer get chastised for taking a vacation, would he? He’s the prince of the most famous monarchy in the world! Oh, but of course, he underestimated the damage his reputation has taken over the past few years, and moreover, he didn’t seem to quite understand that what he did this week finally crossed a line.

For those of you who haven’t been keeping track of Prince William’s adventures, here’s a quick recap: for some reason, Prince William thought it would be a good look to ditch Kate Middleton and his entire family for the Commonwealth Day celebrations and jet off to go party in Switzerland. He was caught flirting on camera with a famous blonde model, and then dancing at a Swiss nightclub – with two very young women.

Oh, but he’s just so “tired” after all of his duties, forgive him. That’s what his team will crow. But, when you’re making the argument that a 34-year-old man was less inclined to do his JOB than his 90-year-old grandmother – well, then you’re in trouble.

This wasn’t just any old party of celebration William missed, it was one of the most important celebrations of the year for the Queen, symbolizing much more than just a just a party, but everything that their family stands for. But no, Prince William had to miss it because he really needed to be partying in Switzerland with his bro friends and hot models, while his wife Kate Middleton and family stayed behind.

The royal family barely managed to recover from the scandals caused by Prince Charles in his heyday, but whatever else you could say about the man, at least he did his job. He was dutiful, he was (mostly) respectful, and he did work hard – both at doing his job and ahem, otherwise. But, Prince William? He doesn’t seem to have his private OR his public life together. He’s constantly jetting off to vacation, and often with groups of people (like his ex-girlfriends) that he should be nowhere near.

The Queen’s health is frail, and Prince Charles isn’t getting any younger; when Prince William eventually ascends to the throne with Kate Middleton, the question now is – will there be any monarchy left? There is a very, very strong possibility of the answer being no, especially if Prince William throws cold water on Queen Elizabeth’s legacy the way he’s been doing for the past few years.

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Prince William's Arrogant And Out Of Control Behavior Insult to Queen Elizabeth And Her Legacy

Image Credit: FameFly