Chicago Med Finale Recap 05/22/24: Season 9 Episode 13 “I Think I Know You But Do I Really”

Chicago Med Finale Recap 05/22/24: Season 9 Episode 13 "I Think I Know You But Do I Really"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, May 22, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 13 finale called, “I Think I Know You But Do I Really,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Ripley and Charles treat a high-risk prisoner who may have dementia.

Archer and Sean clash when a resident from Margo’s facility lands in the E.D. Crockett receives shocking news.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, just when Dr. Ripley was getting somewhere with Dr. Hannah Asher, he gets called into work. They needed his help covering the late shift. He went in and he was constantly on his feet ever since. He first had to help Dr. Archer as well as a returning Loren with a hunter that got impaled by Bambi’s antlers.

That one was pure karma. It was also a long surgery to safe remove the antlers without killing the patient. Ripley tried to catch some sleep after that and he was down for a few minutes when he got called to a high secure patient. He was high secure because he was a prisoner in jail for murder.

The felon’s name is Doug Green. He seemed very confused at first. He didn’t know where he was. He confused Ripley with someone else. Ripley was worried he might have a head injury. He wanted to run all the tests. He wanted to keep the prisoner overnight for observation and the guards had a problem with that.

They said that Doug was faking his injuries. Doug was found passed out in his cell. They refused to give him any pain medication because they thought he was looking for a fix. The guard in charge even claimed that Doug got the bruises on his face from starting a fight the day before.

There was just one problem with that. Ripley didn’t see any bruises on Doug’s hands. Why would he start a fight if he didn’t want to defend himself? He was also so confused that Ripley became concerned he was experiencing a form of dementia. He later ruled out a head injury.

He needed to rule out dementia as well. He had ordered the necessary test on Doug. He then called in Dr. Charles to speak with Doug. Charles wanted to speak to him alone except the guard in charge didn’t want that. Nor did he remain silent as Doug was talking to Charles.

Charles was trying to ask some basic questions. The guard kept interrupting him. The guard obviously considered Doug filth. He went as far as to say as much in front of Charles.

He said Doug didn’t deserve anything good after all the things he did. He was making Doug anxious. Charles tried to regain control of the conversation. It simply wasn’t easy with that guard in the room. He wouldn’t even trade positions with someone else. Let someone else guard Doug. He demanded to stay in the room just to belittle Doug. It didn’t matter that Charles also felt Doug had dementia.

Charles felt that after their conversation that he was either a great actor or he really has dementia. The extra tests that Ripley ordered would be able to detect that. Doug needed a CT.

Sharon sped up the process to make sure he got it next. Sharon thought all the police detail was too much. They were taking up necessary room in the ED. Anyways, the test came back. It showed that Doug really did have dementia. It made his situation a lot more complicated because of his stay in prison. He needs around the clock care. The prison wasn’t built for that.

Both Ripley and Charles recommended he be moved to a mental hospital. This way he could receive treatment. He doesn’t have to worry about getting another beating.

There will also be someone to feed him and help wash him when he forgets how. The doctors went to Sharon. Sharon agreed to put in the paperwork. They were going to do their best to make sure Doug goes to a mental hospital. Sharon called the prison. She called the Attorney General. She did everything she could and it wasn’t enough.

Ripley also checked in on Sully. Sully was still doing chemotherapy. The two old friends were reconnecting when Sully asked Ripley what he was going to do about the man that sued him. Ripley said he’d leave the man alone. Sully said that he didn’t sound like him. The Ripley used to know lived for getting payback.

Ripley tried to claim he changed. Only that old guy came out when he heard the Attorney General wasn’t going to move Doug to a mental hospital. She didn’t want to risk coming off as easy on criminals during an election year. She was going to send Doug back to prison and Ripley wasn’t okay with that.

Ripley lashed out at Dr. Charles for not doing enough. He didn’t know that Charles has been advocating for better conditions in prison for years. All Ripley knew was that Charles gave up on him when it was Ripley in a juvenile detention center. He tried to argue about it with Charles and the other man refused to get into it again.

Speaking of again, Archer later treated a drug addict named Dustin. Dustin was attending meetings. Archer’s own son Sean was even Dustin sponsor in the drug program and so Sean took it personally that Dustin was using again.

Dustin fractured his wrist because he was high on drugs. He also swallowed a bag of heroin so that the paramedics wouldn’t find it. Archer had to remove the drug bag from his stomach. He disposed of it easily enough. Sean was upset by that because he wanted to turn in Dustin. He wanted Dustin to go to jail for using drugs.

He said it helped him get clean. He also didn’t like that Archer was talking about treating addicts with care because this was the same man that kicked him out of the house for being an addict. Archer practiced zero tolerance back then. He’s since changed. And that’s in thanks for things he experienced on the job.

Crockett meanwhile lost a patient. The kid he was hoping to give a new liver to had died while waiting on the list. His father had also killed himself after the son died. And so Crockett was spiraling right now.

And Sharon realized she couldn’t keep trying to help Bert on her own. He was getting worse. Sharon talked to her children and they all agreed to put him in a home. He’ll get better treatment that way.

And Pawel returned to the hospital after someone in a mask beat him with a bat. He naturally blamed Ripley and Pawel’s sister took his side.