When Martha Stewart was asked who was the better lifestyle guru, between her and Gwyneth Paltrow, she scoffed at the question and said, “You have to live to be a coach.” Uh oh, better watch out, GP, Martha clearly doesn’t want to be your BFF. While Gwyneth has tried her hand at jumping into the business, Martha has dominated the industry for years and years, and she has an endless amount of experiences that Gwyenth simply doesn’t have. Like jail. Like criminal life. Like endless amounts of knowledge on how to properly stack random plastic containers in closets. She also has her own line of glow-in-the-dark paint. Beat that, GP.
Gwyneth is currently on a mission to share all of “life’s positives,” according to her e-commerce and digital media company, goop: “Gwyneth started goop in the fall of 2008 to share all of life’s positives. From creating a delicious recipe to finding a perfect dress for spring, Gwyneth began curating the best of lifestyle to help her readers save time, simplify and feel inspired. Determined to publish a genuine and resourceful issue each week, for many, goop has become their most trusted girlfriend on the web.”
What do you think about Martha and Gwyneth’s ongoing little feud? Who do you think is the better lifestyle coach? Who do you think could arrange a better wreathe? I say we have a throwdown.
Image credit to FameFlynet