9-1-1 Recap 05/23/24: Season 7 Episode 9 “Ashes, Ashes”

9-1-1 Finale Recap 05/23/24: Season 7 Episode 9 "Ashes, Ashes"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 airs with an all-new Thursday, May 23, 2024, season 7 episode 9, “Ashes, Ashes” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 season 7 episode 9 as per the FOX synopsis,“The 118 and Tommy are presented with the Medal of Valor for their work on the cruise ship rescue. Meanwhile, Hen and Karen encounter an unforeseen hurdle in their foster care journey, while Eddie’s emotional affair develops further.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, Firehouse 118 received the Medal of Valor for saving all those people on the cruise ship. Naturally, their Fire Chief forgot the part where he told them not to go. He threatened to fire them if they did go. He also left out the part he only got onboard after the fact so that he could take credit for their once in the lifetime save.

They made the news after that. The boss gave the medals to Hen, Chimney, Eddie, Buck, and even Tommy for a job well done. They happily accepted it. Bobby was also supposed to get a medal and he turned it down. He publicly did that. He didn’t want a reward because he knew it was politics behind it.

The boss was trying to stop him from retiring. Bobby wanted to leave the 118. He thought Hen was a great fit to take over and ever since he remembered his past – he’s back to thinking he doesn’t deserve good things.

Bobby was like that at the start too. He blamed himself for his family’s death. He started drinking to punish himself and it was years before he climbed out of that bottle. His life didn’t change until he met the 118. They became friends. They became family. They protected him when he needed it the most and so he hasn’t told them he’s leaving.

There’s a part of Bobby that knows his friends can talk him out of retiring. The same goes for Athena and that’s why he held off on telling her until he got the Fire Chief to agree.

Athena came to feel like the whole thing was impulsive. She later reached out to Amir Casey. She talked to him because she thought might be able to help Bobby. Bobby was punishing himself for not being the same mess he was before. Athena thought that him talking to Amir again will help him finally forgive himself.

Bobby didn’t tell the rest of the team about his decision. He just enjoyed what time he had left with them. He’s been teaching Buck to cook and so he finally let him take over the kitchen.

With great result. Bobby gave his prayer book to Eddie. He helped boost Ravi’s self-confidence during a call. Bobby said goodbye without saying the words.

He was already out the door when the firehouse found out that Eddie was having an emotional affair with a woman that was a dead ringer for his late wife. The woman’s name is Kim. She dropped off brownies at the firehouse for Eddie.

Buck saw her. He instantly thought of Eddie’s late wife, Shannon. He also remembered Eddie’s current girlfriend. The one he was cheating on so that he could relive the past with another woman. Buck being the good friend that he is had chosen not to gossip. He stopped by Eddie’s house. He said Shannon’s long-lost twin came in and that she was acting like Eddie’s girlfriend. She stopped by the firehouse because she brought brownies. Buck wanted to know what was going and unfortunately Eddie didn’t have a good answer for him.

Eddie was still with Marisol. He loves Marisol. He tried to claim that Kim was just a friend. Buck simply knew him too well to fall for it. He asked Eddie if Kim has met Marisol and Chris. She hasn’t. Eddie knew instinctually that her meeting Chris was a bad idea. Chris was still struggling with losing his mother. He developed a bond with Marisol. He loves her as a stepmother. Him seeing Kim would just confuse everything. It would remind Chris of his loss and Eddie didn’t want to hurt his son. It was him thinking of Chris that finally motivated him to end the affair.

Buck helped Eddie see that his future doesn’t lie with Kim. He called Kim. He had her stop by the house when no one was home and he showed her photos of Shannon. They were practically identical. Kim realized that Eddie wasn’t interested in her for her. He just wanted her around because she reminds of his late wife. Kim put a stop to whatever it is they had. She left heartbroken. She had thought Eddie was too good to be true and she went against her instincts to keep seeing him. She regrets that now.

Athena also regrets reaching out to Amir. Amir stopped by their home. He saw the photos of what a great life Bobby has. It just ticked him off. He was storming out of the house when he saw Bobby and he said he refused to prop him up. Amir didn’t help Bobby. He reminded Bobby of his past. Bobby used to have a rule. He would save lives in honor of the three people he lost. He thought after a certain number that he could kill himself. As if he had done enough to finally die happy. He finally talked to his wife about all those emotions and she told him that he was still out on the ledge with his current actions.

Bobby wasn’t allowing himself to be loved. Only his team needed him. They especially needed him after they learned that Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz put a stop to Hen and her wife adopting Mara. She actually had Hen and Karen’s fostering license revoked. She had Mara forcibly removed from their home. She didn’t care that Mara loved her two moms. She loved having Denny as an older brother. She was happy after years of PTSD over losing her parents. Ortiz merely wanted Hen to suffer because she blamed Hen for the death of her son.

Her son was a pompous jerk that drunkenly crashed into a family. He didn’t care about the people he harmed. He just thought his important mother would get him out of trouble and not even she could stop death.

Kim also returned to the house to give Eddie closure. He finally got to say goodbye to Shannon. Then Marisol and Chris came in and it didn’t look good for him.

And Bobby suffered a cardiac event after someone set his house on fire and he had to carry Athena out of there.