Zoo Recap 7/27/17: Season 3 Episode 5 “Drop It Like It’s Hot”

Zoo Recap 7/27/17: Season 3 Episode 5 "Drop It Like It's Hot"

Tonight on CBS Zoo continues with an all new Thursday, July 27, 2017, episode and we have your Zoo recap below.  On tonight’s Zoo season 3 episode 5 as per the CBS synopsis, “Jamie manipulates Mitch and Logan into helping her hunt shepherds, members of a secretive group responsible for sterilizing humans.”

So make sure to tune in tonight for our Zoo recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Zoo news, spoilers, pics, recaps & more, right here!

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ZOO continues tonight in New York, where the media is reporting about the first hybrid attack on the East coast. Jackson (James Wolk), Dariela (Alyssa Diaz) and Abraham “Abe” Kenyatta (Nonso Anozie) work on having the hybrids follow the plane out to the ocean; the signal is in the plane and hybrids are attacking the plane.

Mitch (Billy Burke) calls and Abe tells him they are taking the plane back to Mexico, hoping the hybrids will follow the beacon into the volcano. He tells them Loan (Josh Salatin) is a lousy cop who shot Abigail (Athena Karkanis) and she managed to escape but he arrested Jamie (Kristen Connolly) for murdering Leanne Ducovney (Sophina Brown). He learns his daughter Clementine (Gracie Dzienny) is still in New York and he says he will track her down as he wishes them luck on their suicide mission.

Greg Mansdale (Jason Cermak), who Jamie has been holding in a cell in the plane, manages to escape when the hybrids short out the locking system. He hides in one of the cars when Jackson, Dariela and Abe come in and see the car, saying it will work to attach the beacon to.

Mitch finds Jamie and tells her not to say anything, she tells him she needs Mansdale; but she may be out of luck as they open the door to the plane and put the car in neutral. Jamie orders Mitch to get home off the plane and bring him to New York to her as the car drops out of the plane and he screams.

Mitch learns from Abe that Mansdale escaped; when Mitch asks how far he could have gone Abe sees on the video that Mansdale hid in the mustang they threw into the volcano. Mitch says that’s unfortunate but he will think of something. Logan tells him Jamie only cares about killing Shepherds and refuses to let Mitch talk to her because he is a cop. Mitch tells him to give him a special consultant badge on him because he is not about to allow Logan to take it out on Jamie that she broke his heart, he blackmails him into helping him.

Abe tells Jackson the truth about Isaac, admitting he was wrong about trying to save Isaac himself. Jackson reveals to Dariela and Abe that Abigail is his sister; as they are talking they see an SOS on their screen and Jackson says he needs to get down there and save them and not let anyone else die because of Abigail and after that he promises to go with them to get Isaac.

Abe chases after Jackson and Dariela calls her contacts, telling them to release Clementine immediately and the deal is off. Her captors want to know what makes Clementine so special, in hopes they can make a better deal now that Leanne is dead and Dariela killed their deal too. As they set up to shock her, she tells them they are making a mistake and tells them she is pregnant and they cannot kill the first baby conceived in 10 years; her captor says they need to call the gentlemen and leave Clem screaming in fear.

Mitch and Logan meet with Jamie, Mitch says her friend is definitely not going to make it and Logan says they have her prints on the door, Leanne’s tablet and her confession at the scene; she says she is representing herself and Mitch is her co-counsel. She pleads with Mitch when he refuses, he takes off his sticker and asks for one that says Co-counsel, demanding to be alone with his client. Logan leaves and Mitch asks Jamie to tell him the truth and that she didn’t kill Leanne.

In Yucatan, Mexico Jackson, Dariela and Abe find the location of the sos, a woman with her face covered pulls her gun on them, then realizes its Jackson. The woman turns out to be Tessa (Hilary Jardine) and she wants to know what they are doing there. She explains the camp was closed in Portland and she came back to help there; they are shocked to learn there have been no hybrids there in years with villagers claiming there is a witch in town who keeps them away. Jackson wants to talk to her, hoping she can find a way to stop Abigail; Jackson leaves with Tessa while Abe and Dariela mind the plane.

Jamie tells Mitch that Leanne was trying to kill her for years and Mansdale has access to the files that have proof she was after her. Mitch tells her what happened to Mansdale ending up in the volcano. She says they can get those files from Reiden Global themselves; Mitch says this is stupid and she needs a real lawyer, she says she just needs someone she can trust and someone who knows her. Mitch leaves a message for Clementine telling her if he doesn’t hear from her he will picture her tied up in a van some place and begs her to call him.

Tessa gets why Jackson lied to her and in a way she was hiding too. She explains when she was little all she dreamed about was being a mother and wanted a whole litter of babies. She knows it sounds simple and old fashioned but it was what she was meant to be. His father destroyed that dream and she moved to Portland to try and help people in other ways, but it wasn’t enough. She says the loss of that dream hurts every day.

Jackson tells her about his wife and son and when they were out, he stopped at a gas station and when he was gone too long he heard what sounded like a bomb. Outside a truck hit the vehicle and killed his 6-month-old son Connor and his wife; Abe is the only one who knows. He reveals if they can find Abigail, they can reverse the sterility; he knows his dream is over but he won’t give up on her dream.

On the plane, Isaac calls Dariela, the message is cut in and out but they have been told Isaac will be returned to his family next week. The doctor says its all the time they have and the feed cuts out again. Abe comforts a distraught Dariela.

Jackson and Tessa arrive at a trailer where the ash from the volcano isn’t touching the trailer or its close proximity, on the door is the same symbol that Abigail uses in her beacons.

The door opens and an elderly woman comes out asking Jackson if he is Mr. Duncan; he says it is him in order to find out what is going on.

Logan tells Mitch he is wasting his time, as she confessed and the case is closed; Mitch tells him Jamie said it was self defense. Mitch says he knows Jamie and knows when she is lying; Logan says he KNEW Jamie 10 years ago and she has changed. He goes on to say 2 years ago, Jamie murdered Mansdale all in pursuit of the Shepherd crusade she has been on. Mitch informs him that Mansdale has been alive this whole time chained to the bottom of the plane.

Mitch says if he knew Jamie as well as he thought he did or if he was a better cop, he would have known that. Logan says they need to work together if they are going to figure this out.

In Hudson, New York Abigail gets out of the taxi she stole, after killing the driver and walks into the woods. Logan asks Mitch if him and Jamie are just going to pick up where they left off; like nothing happened. Mitch said he was in a tank for 10 years, nothing happened and that Logan and Jamie only played house for a couple years until they got bored.

Logan discovers an encrypted letter from Reiden Global, which is illegal in a police investigation and can probably be unlocked with Leanne’s tablet. Logan says it can only be opened by Leanne’s fingerprint so Mitch reminds him they have Leanne and her finger in the morgue; Logan says he needs a court order for this and Mitch asks how much does he want to know the truth.

Dariela and Abe fight over Reiden and Abe says they need to find what Clementine stole from them in order to get Isaac back.

The elderly Mexican woman takes Jackson and Tessa to go see someone named Abendegos who has been waiting for Mr. Duncan. Jackson thinks maybe Abigail wasn’t working alone. Two armed men tell Jackson and Tessa to put their guns down, they walk into the closed trailer and find a creature chained in the darkness that looks part human and part beast.

Abigail struggles through the forest with her bullet wound. She holds a locket and pulls out a satellite phone. Jackson and Tessa are startled when the creature calls out Jackson’s name. Jackson grabs the chain and attempts to bring the creature towards the light and him.

Abe and Dariela search through Clementine’s stuff and she realizes these are the exact supplements to use for prenatal care. She finds a shirt with blood on it and asks Abe to test it.

In the morgue, the guard leaves for a break and Logan and Mitch go in to Leanne’s body. They have 20 minutes before he returns and they bicker; Logan says after the world changed, Jamie changed too, he tried to help her and when he couldn’t he left her. Mitch is surprised to hear he left her and not the other way around; but Logan says every Shepherd she killed, he feels responsible for.

They find Leanne’s body, bring over her tablet and use her finger, after Mitch warms it in his mouth; they are able to unlock the tablet but Logan feels something is wrong. Mitch calls him Nancy Drew and asks him if its a normal thing these days to have a dead person’s eye glow.

Mitch removes the lense from her eye and they think its a bio-processor. Mitch tells him he had her dead finger in his mouth, the lense is all him. He puts it on and can read it. Its not about Jamie but about Reiden buying out a pharmaceutical company. Mitch gives him paper to begin writing what he sees.

Abe does a test on the blood they found; Dariela realizes Clem wasn’t a criminal, she was pregnant and somehow Reiden knew and they were using them. Abe says Clementine needs to be protected, Dariela says its too late and Abe demands to know what she has done.

Jackson tells Tessa they are going to take the entire trailer with them, but she worries about the person who stole the creature and keeping him there. Dariela explains what she has done but Abe is furious; when she says she can fix this he orders her to get out! He sits down shaking his head. Jackson and Tessa escape but the woman shoots at the ground around them ordering them not to move; Tessa tells Jackson she thinks they figured out he isn’t Mr. Duncan.

Mitch and Logan share everything they learned to Jamie. Mitch says its all great, but none of this proves Jamie acted in self defense when she killed Leanne Ducovney. Jamie finally admits Leanne was dead when she found her and she lied so she could get the file. She knew that both Mitch and Logan were so desperate to prove they were right, they would do whatever it took to find the device. Both men are furious she lied to both of them. Dariela calls Mitch; interrupting the meeting.

Alone, Jamie admits to Logan she has never killed a Shepherd; they take lives and futures but she couldn’t cross that line. Jamie says she doesn’t know what this Melvatox -B is but both Reiden and the Shepherds will kill to keep it a secret and they need to find out what they are doing with it and stop them. The doctor who was on the video call earlier with Isaac is seen filling pill cups with the melvatox-B drug and handing it out to all the children, calling it “candy”.

Dariela calls Mitch saying it is Clem and they don’t have much time, she is the only one who can save her. She is sorry, explaining that Clementine is pregnant and somehow Reiden found out about it and she has been abducted. She says they found her and he needs to go to her now. Mitch runs out of the building.

Jackson tries to tell the Mexicans that Abigail is his sister, but Tessa tells them in Spanish that they can help them and its no longer safe to be there; insisting they can bring them to safety; the woman says Abendegos cannot be moved. When Jackson drops he attempts to signal the animals, and several approach them.

Abigail wanders the forest and uses the same signal to stop the hybrid wolves in front of her. Jackson and Tessa hear the sound too and look around as they are surrounded by hybrids; the same as Abigail. Tessa asks if this is happening because the creature smashed his clicker and he doesn’t think so. Abigail points to the hybrid and they all surround her, dragging her away.

Dariela returns to Abe informing him that she told Mitch, she prays he gets to her in time. She acknowledges what she did was wrong but she did it for Isaac and he can’t stand there pretending he didn’t consider turning in Clem himself. She can live with guilt of that but wont be in a marriage where her husband despises her and when this is over and Isaac is safe she thinks they should get a divorce. She cries saying that was his chance to disagree.

Abe says Clementine’s child isn’t just a miracle but their salvation; it is the missing piece to solving the sterility. He looks at her angrily and tells her she better hope they survive because if they don’t, all mankind dies with them.

Clementine wakes up in room and is shown an ultrasound of her baby, while she listens to the heartbeat. She learns its a boy, saying he is beautiful. Outside of the room a man says to tell the gentlemen the bidding will begin at $80 million.