NCIS: New Orleans Fall Finale Recap 12/17/19: Season 6 Episode 10 “Requital”

NCIS: New Orleans Fall Finale Recap 12/17/19: Season 6 Episode 10 "Requital"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: New Orleans returns with an all-new Tuesday, December 17, 2019, season 6 episode 10 called, “Requital,” and we have your NCIS: New Orleans recap below. On tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans season 6 episode 10 as per the CBS synopsis, “Pride is cut off from the team and backed into a corner after the investigation into Eddie Barrett uncovers a malicious plot.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our NCIS New Orleans recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our NCIS New Orleans news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Edward Barrett is a cult leader. He gathers people that are lost and confused. He convinces them somehow that he has all the answers when he doesn’t. He was just a manipulative jerk. Eddie was also so used to getting his way with his flock that he thought he could do the same with NCIS. He tried to dictate to Pride. He sent a kid to Pride with a message and the message was that the rest of Pride’s team had to leave. The had to exit compound or he would know. Pride, however, gets to stay because he’s invited inside.

Eddie said he wants to talk to him. He was fooling no one with his choice of words because NCIS saw the hostage situation for what it was and tried to convince Pride to leave with them. They didn’t want their boss putting his life at risk, but Pride said he got this. Pride went into the house and the rest of his team left. They drove up the road only they didn’t truly leave. They merely waited for backup to arrive and, once they had a cavalry, they returned. They soon had the compound surrounded.

They then used their much stronger position to demand Pride back. The team told Eddie that they wanted their man back and that Eddie should turn himself over peacefully, but Eddie refused. He seems to have a plan. He told Pride as much and so Pride tried to figure out the man behind the cult. He talked to Eddie. One on one. He asked Eddie what he wanted and Eddie claimed he wanted peace. He also accused Pride of coming to the compound to kill him and he was wrong. Pride said he came to arrest him.

Pride has to arrest him. Eddie killed a federal agent and there have to be repercussions for that. Eddie didn’t just get away with things because he claims a higher power. There was no higher power and Pride was the only one at the compound that saw through Eddie. He knew all Eddie cared about was the attention. He wasn’t even surprised when he learned that Eddie called the media and so he watched live footage of his team. His team had reacted a member of the cult came outside waving a gun and rather than kill him they instead brought him alive.

Which worked against Eddie’s plan. Eddie wanted the feds to kill his man on live tv because it played into his victim scenario and so Eddie became angry when his plan failed. He blamed his members for what happened. He also moved Pride away from the footage because he didn’t want Pride to see his plan fail and so Pride was left alone when he tried looking around. He had spotted some wires you see. He didn’t know where they led, but he was following it when the same kid as before had pulled a gun on him.

Pride was cornered. He tried talking Tom down and the best way to do that was by poking holes into Eddie’s doctrine. Pride told Tom that Eddie was up to something. He pointed to the wires and he said they didn’t connect to the electricity or the tv. Pride believed the house was rigged. He was questioning why Eddie would do that and this, in turn, got Tom to question it as well, but Eddie then walked in and he grabbed the gun from Tom. He slapped the child and told Tom that Pride has a greater destiny than this.

Eddie got rid of Tom. He was then left alone with Pride and so Pride confronted him. Pride said he knew Eddie wanted a spectacle, but the media was going to grow bored eventually and the end game shouldn’t involve children. Pride convinced Eddie to let the children leave. He thought he had finally gotten through to Eddie and they both watched as the children left the compound. But then Eddie put into action his plan. He had his people shoot at the feds that were moving the children. It seems Eddie wanted to excite the crowd with a new stunt and unfortunately the children just got in the way of it.

It was all about the attention. Eddie was willing to do anything and to hurt anyone as long as it got him attention and so the team realized they had to put a stop him their way, not his. They found blueprints of old moonshine tunnels. They were going to use the tunnels to get into the house and they got a tip from Pride who told one of the children to pass on the message that the house was rigged. So that’s what Gregorio and Sebastian found it once they knew to look for it. They found the house was wired with an accelerate and Sebastian worked on shutting it down. He was doing that while the FBI was set on hitting the building.

The feds had to do it after Eddie fired at them. They came in and Eddie found he couldn’t set off the bomb in the basement. He tried to set it off, but Sebastian had already defused it and so that’s when Eddie ran. He apparently had an exit plan this whole time. He used the tunnels to make it out of the house and Pride followed him.

Pride had broken away and he had a gun, but Eddie didn’t want to be taken alive and so he pushed Pride.

Eddie revealed he knew where Rita and where Pride’s daughter was.

Eddie then said he could get them at any time and so Pride shot and killed him.

Pride would later claim that Eddie went for his gun, but his team didn’t really believe him, even as they covered for him with the FBI and everyone else.

Pride held off on giving a statement because he wanted some alone time to see LaSalle’s grave and tell his late friend that they got the bastard that killed him.

And so Pride came home out of sorts when later he started having those odd dreams again.