For Life Recap 12/09/20: Season 2 Episode 4 “Time To Move Forward”

For Life Recap 12/09/20: Season 2 Episode 4 "Time To Move Forward"

Tonight on ABC their new legal drama For Life inspired by the life of Isaac Wright Jr. airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 9, 2020, episode, and we have your All Life recap below.  On tonight’s For Life season 2 episode 4 “Time To Move Forward” as per the ABC synopsis, “AAs a favor to Jamal, Aaron defends a man in a witness tampering case, while tensions rise at home in the run-up to the Wallace family Thanksgiving.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our For Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Aaron is jogging, he is thinking about his brother. Marie is home, Jasmine asks if she can go to Ronnie’s house, she says no, her grandparents are coming in. The phone rings, Marie answers and it is Jamal on the phone, he says he was trying to get in touch with Aaron, who just walks in the door. Jamal has a case for him, it is Davide’s cousin, Benjamin – Aaron says ok.

Aaron says he needs to go, Marie asks where and finds out it is two hours out of state. He says he will get permission, but she is worried that he will be late coming back home with his parents coming, and he hasn’t seen his mother in ten years. Aaron says that was her choice, if she has to wait another couple of hours to see him, so be it.

Aaron calls is parole officer, tells him that he has to go out of state for a case. In court, Aaron finds Benjamin and goes to speak to him. Benjamin doesn’t want anything to do with a lawyer that Davide sent, but Aaron says that right now he has no choice if he wants to get off. Benjamin tells him that there was a fight between a friend of his, Geovanni and this other guy, they were brawling over a parking spot. Geo is a good guy, he has helped a lot of people in the neighborhood. He got in trouble for asking someone to be a witness to help Geo. Aaron says to let him see what he can do.

In court, Aaron tells the judge that his client has no criminal record and is not pleaing, he is a single father with two children and he is gainfully employed. The judge sets $2500 bail. Geo tells Aaron to speak to his mother, she can take the children and don’t ask Davide for any favors, he doesn’t want to owe them.

Aaron goes to see Ben’s mother, he tells her that she needs to find the money to get him out. She says he has never been in trouble, he is different than his brother and sister. Geo walks in, he tells Aaron to tell Ben that he is sorry.

Henry is working on Jamal’s case, he gets a call from Aaron who says no bondsman will take the bail money, he thinks the judge low balled them so they couldn’t get bail. Henry says taking $250 is not worth it with all the paperwork they have to do, then he says they are making progress on Jamal’s case.

Aaron’s mother arrives, she asks Marie how Darius is doing, he did live there for over a year. Marie says they should both keep their reasons and personal lives in a box and not discuss it.

Aaron is home, his mother walks up to him and touches his face, she tells him that he looks good. Then she hugs him and calls him her baby, her boy. But, Aaron is not really hugging her back. They sit down, she tells him it is remarkable what he did, become a lawyer. Later, Marie catches Aaron put utensils in his pocket, he says old prison habit. She tells him that it was nice seeing everyone together. She asks him if his mother apologized, he says there is nothing to apologize for, just move forward.

Aaron is heading into court, Jamal tells him if anything smells bad, he has a family, he should just walk away. Aaron sits with Ben, he tells him that his mother couldn’t come up with the money. But, she wanted to ask her sister. Ben says no, he doesn’t want to owe Davide, and he doesn’t want his children to either. Aaron asks him why he went to his neighborhood in the beginning, what was he trying to accomplish.

Aaron is with Henry, he tells him that Ben told the neighbor straight up not to say what she seen. He tells him to take a deal then. Aaron says no, he is going this for Jamal and has to think of what to do. Then Aaron tells him that his mother hugged him and he didn’t feel anything. Henry tells him that he is taking on a lot and real fast, he needs to take a breath. Aaron says he should be speaking to his wife, but he doesn’t trust her. Henry says trust can be lost, but it can also be earned back if there is love.

Marie goes downstairs to make some tea and Aaron looks at her phone, reads messages from Darius.

Its Thanksgiving, Aaron’s father serves the turkey and his mother reminds him that they need to first to give thanks. Marie says she is grateful to have her husband home and her baby. His mother says she prayed for the day that her baby would be home again, with his family and thanks the Lord for his blessing, and asks for healing. She apologizes to Aaron, she wasn’t there for him. She says she couldn’t see her baby in shackles, and she knew how much she hurt him and hopes he can forgive her because they have a new start now, they all have a brand new start.

Aaron doesn’t give him, he works with the opposing attorney to come up with a plan to get Ben off. Aaron texts Jamal and lets him know about Ben. Meanwhile, Aaron meets with Darius, he tells him that he thought they were best friends and had each others back. If the roles were reversed, he would never have looked twice at his woman. Aaron asks him how is supposed to move forward when he has his stench in his bed.

Aaron wants to know who made the first move, he says he did, it was all him. Aaron says he knows him forty years and he still can’t lie. Darius tells him that he hopes he can forgive Marie. Darius leaves, Aaron thinks back to happier days and cries.

Aaron goes home and tells her that he saw Darius and he went through her text, and he was surprised that she didn’t delete them. He tells her that she wrote him off, she could have had any man she wanted, but she went for his best friend, she took him away from him. She asks him if he is moving out. He says he loves her, but if he stays now this will finish them.

Aaron packs up his things, says goodbye to Jasmin and leaves with Henry.