Big Brother 17 Recap PoV and Final Nominations – Audrey Off Her Rocker: BB17 Episode 13

Big Brother 17 Recap PoV and Final Nominations - Audrey Off Her Rocker: BB17 Episode 13

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 17 airs with an all new Wednesday July 22, season 17 episode 13 called “PoV & Nominations”, we’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode the Power of Veto competition is held.

On the last Big Brother, the new headof household moved into their rooms and nominated two people for possible eviction; the battle of the block competition. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s BB17 as per the CBS synopsis “during the veto meeting, the power of veto competition winner can save someone from eviction.”

Big Brother 17 airs tonight at 8pm with an exciting new episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother 17? Who are you rooting for to win? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#BB17 begins with Shelli talking about being HOH and she’s changing her mind constantly. Liz is happy that Shelli is still in charge and will keep her safe. James and Jackie are thrilled they’re safe. He says he’s going to sit back and eat cereal all week and tells Jackie to relax and enjoy the week. Jason and Shelli talk in the kitchen and he says he will fight hard at POV and is trying to put on a happy face. John is not happy to be officially nominated and is upset he lost the BOB when he was trying to win.

He says #FightWinLive. He chats with Becky and says it’s all about the veto now. Audrey tells James she’s pissed at Shelli and he asks why – she says Shelli threw her under the bus to Jason and tells him she was loyal to Shelli and Clay and says they’re naïve to think that no one will rip them apart. James wonders why she’s telling him this and he’s happy to go and tell Clay and Shelli what she was saying. He whispers to Clay that Audrey can’t hear them talking. They make plans to talk elsewhere.

James chats with Shelli and Clay about what Audrey told him. James says he doesn’t know if Audrey was baiting him but she was trash talking them and talking about splitting them apart. Clay says she’s driving him crazy and is digging her own grave. Shelli says Audrey makes her paranoid and Clay tells Shelli that Audrey is ruining her game. Clay chats with Audrey who is crying. She says she doesn’t know why Shelli threw her under the bus with Jason.

Clay says Shelli would never do that. He says things fall apart with her and Audrey says she’s alone and everyone has a pair. She says Austin won’t make eye contact with her and Clay says she’s being paranoid. She asks what happens if Jason wins veto and he says not to even to think that far ahead. Clay is trying to keep Audrey calm for now even though he and Shelli have definitely been talking about back dooring her if John or Jason come down off the block.

Shelli tells Vanessa that Audrey is driving her crazy and admits she screwed up talking to Jason. Shelli says she’s tired of Audrey. Clay comes in and says Audrey is crying and paranoid and scared of a back door. Clay says Audrey has done people so dirty she really can’t be surprised. Shelli tells Vanessa she’s pushing away the people that are protecting her. Clay says let’s just wait until the POV goes down. He says to play calm with Audrey until then.

Liz, Jason and John are called to the diary room. They get their boy band stuff. They are all fitted with white outfits and 90s style head mic’s. They’re the #WhactStreetBoys. They’re outfitted with pagers and other stupid props. Now they have to perform. They send them upstairs then start a song and they have to dance around like morons. It’s pretty awful and embarrassing. Jackie is thrilled and loves it. She says Jason is the sexiest. They all agree that John was the best dancer.

Shelli calls everyone to pick names for the veto competition. It will be Shelli, Jason, John and three others from a name draw. Shelli hopes that Audrey doesn’t get a name draw. Shelli draws Vanessa. John draws Meg. Jason draws houseguest choice. He picks James. Shelli then chooses Steve to host the veto competition. Jason feels good and thinks that some of the POV players would take him off and the others he might be able to convince to take him off.

Shelli says the draws were good and gives them lots of options. Meg comes to see Shelli and Clay and she asks what’s going on this week. Vanessa comes in too. Meg says if she put up Audrey, she would go home. Shelli says this whole thing makes her sick. Vanessa says it’s unanimous against Audrey. She says Audrey has had so many chances and her behavior keeps on going the same way. Then James comes up too. He sees the other veto nominees.

James says one of them will win and asks what to do with noms. Vanessa says they all need to be on the same page. Meg asks who else Shelli would put up and feel good about. Shelli says she has been loyal to Audrey since the beginning. She does not want to put her on the block. Audrey asks James what Shelli said and he says they didn’t talk about replacement nominations. Audrey tells James she’s not worried and says she doesn’t think she needs to be.

She asks James if he will try and win and he says he doesn’t like to throw competitions. She says Jason is most likely to go home. Shelli is freaking and says she could have sent Audrey home two weeks ago and didn’t and now it’s exploding in her face again. She goes upstairs crying and Clay asks what’s going on. She cries and he he holds her. She says he needs to help her through this. She says she doesn’t want to watch this later and regret it. She says she wants to trust Audrey but Audrey won’t take the trust.

Shelli says she has been there for Audrey and she admires her as a person and says she just doesn’t want to be the one to do it. Clay says she doesn’t have to put Audrey up and says if he wins HOH he will damn sure put her up next week. Steve calls everyone outside for the POV competition.

The game is “Saved by the Smell.” Austin says Steve looks like a science geek and he’s tempted to shove him in a locker. They have to make a chemical recipe and if they get it wrong, they have to sit down. Round one starts. They flash five colors then tell them to pour in the third. Everyone gets it right. Round two has six chemicals and they tell them to pour the color not shown. James says teachers knew not to trust him with chemicals and sure enough his blows up all over him.

This one has them pick a chemical after a certain one. Shelli decides to throw it so she doesn’t have blood on her hands and deliberately picks the wrong one. Shelli is covered in an explosion. Now it’s round four and the colors get more complicated because some have stripes. Meg chooses the wrong one and gets covered with a boom. That leaves John, Jason and Vanessa still in it. Round five has all striped chemical colors. John is sure he’s going to win this mental competition.

Then he and Jason both blow it and are covered in goop. That gives Vanessa the #PowerOfVeto. Shelli is thrilled that they can decide together what should happen. Later it’s time for several more Whack Street Boys performance. In the middle of the night, they’re even sent into the backyard to perform again. It goes on again and again and everyone is getting sick of it. John says fewer people are showing up to watch them dance. At 7 am, only Jackie shows up to watch them.

Austin asks Clay for advice on how to proceed with Liz. They quiet down when Audrey comes out and she starts talking about how she has no one there to support her. Clay is annoyed because he just wants to jump rope. He says she turns every conversation into a game talk and Clay says she drives people away with paranoia. She says she has been loyal to Shelli from the beginning and Clay says he doesn’t like her questioning Shelli’s loyalty.

Clay gets upset when she says she didn’t say what he’s saying and he gets upset and says she said it word for word and was asking about her being backdoored. He says she infuriates him and he walks off. Clay says he hates being lied to and walks off mad. He says it’s like she slapped his face. He goes to talk to Shelli about the thing with Audrey. Vanessa is there too. Clay says Audrey likes to play the victim. Audrey then comes upstairs and asks if she can talk to Shelli.

Clay says no and then Audrey says she wants to come in and Shelli can mediate the fight. Audrey says her feelings got hurt and Shelli says she has been safe for three weeks but still doesn’t trust them when they gave her every reason to trust her. Shelli says it offends her that she says that none of them have watched out for her. Audrey goes off on Clay and says he’s making it about him and cornered her outside. Clay says she’s a blatant liar and goes off on her.

Clay says they have proof and facts. She asks what facts and he says he’s not going into this with her so she doesn’t throw anyone else under the bus. Clay says her word doesn’t mean sh-t in this game right now. Audrey tells him he will feel stupid when this is over. Clay says he will sleep great on all of this. Audrey says he’s a terrible person and that’s why. Audrey tells Vanessa she’s an amazing manipulator and goes off on her. Vanessa says James was always her target not Jeff.

Vanessa is not putting up with this. Audrey says she swears and Vanessa says she’s making a huge mistake and tells her to stop. Audrey goes walking around with a blanket over hear head and says she can’t trust anyone and is disappointed in herself for letting the emotions get the best of her. Vanessa calls everyone for the veto meeting. Audrey doesn’t even show up for it and Vanessa says the meeting will go on without her.

Vanessa asks Jason and John to say why she should use the POV on them. Jason asks her not to let his dream end yet. John says his favorite vetos are those used to save him and says it would be cool if she saved him. Vanessa gives Jason her POV. OMG – that means the alliance broke their word to John on keeping him safe. Now Shelli has to make a replacement nomination. Shelli says she’s nominating Audrey and says she’s had more than her fair shot at avoiding eviction.

John says his best move is to do nothing and says he’s just going to focus on the band. Jason is thrilled that Audrey is on the block but does feel bad for her. Clay says he’s happy that Audrey is on the block and hopes she won’t slip by. He says she knows she’ll do whatever is necessary to stay in the house.