Nashville RECAP 10/30/13: Season 2 Episode 6 “It Must Be You”

Nashville RECAP 10/30/13: Season 2 Episode 6 “It Must Be You”

NASHVILLE continues on ABC tonight with a whole new episode called, “It Must Be You.” On tonight’s season 2 episode 6  Rayna and Juliette both attend Nashville’s biggest Polo Match of the year, with different agendas. Did you watch week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last week’s episode in advance of a benefit concert starring all of Edgehill’s best acts, label headed Jeff Fordham (Oliver Hudson) demanded that his new artists sold themselves as hot, sexy personas—which was a major struggle for Scarlett, and Layla knew it. Since Rayna was unsure about her future as a singer, she plotted to buy out Edgehill’s rights to her music, and Gunnar and Avery decided to record new songs with Zoey, Scarlett’s best friend. However, by the end of the concert night, nothing was the same.

On tonight’s show Rayna sets the record straight on all things personal and professional in a candid interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts (as herself). Determined to be her own boss, Rayna attends the Belle Meade Polo Match to seek out investors for her own label, Highway 65, but is surprised by the reaction from Nashville’s elite. Meanwhile, Juliette, who is also at the event, runs into Charlie Wentworth, and Luke Wheeler (guest star Will Chase) and Deacon have an awkward encounter. With her life about to change dramatically, Scarlett leans on Avery for advice, and Teddy announces to the press that he and Peggy are getting married.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Nashville, so far?  Check out the sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

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Rayna is being interviewed and she’s asked about Lamar’s recent arrest. She says as far as she knows her father always had legitimate interests and she believes in innocent until proven guilty. She mentions her new label and her first artist Scarlett. The interviewer asks her about romance and Rayna says – no comment.

Deacon is playing piano and singing when his lawyer GF comes in and tells him he has a nice voice. He tells her she’s tone deaf and she asks if it’s easier playing the piano than guitar and he says it is the way he plays it. She invites him to come to a work event at a polo match. He says he’d rather have a root canal and she tells him she’ll invite someone else.

Rayna tells Scarlett not to let Jeff get under her skin. She reassures her and Bucky says she’s going to perform at the Blue Bird and that there will be critics there. They want to build her fan base before she even gets into the studio. Jeff keeps calling Bucky asking when he’s going to get the buy-out offer and she says that’s changed because her dad’s assets are frozen. They discuss which tour to get her on and mention that Juliette’s might be a good idea.

Juliette gets in invite to the fancy polo match and she says it must be a mistake. Glenn tells her it was hand written to her and she says she must have arrived. She asks her stylist what you wear to a polo match.

Teddy has a press conference about the music festival and they ask him about Lamar’s arrest. He reminds them the first thing he did when he became Mayor was to cut ties with Lamar. They ask him about his engagement and remind him he once denied the relationship. He says they were long time friends and only began dating after the divorce.

Gunnar and Avery listen to a recording of the song they’ve been working on that they recorded in Juliette’s studio. Avery says who would have thought the two of them would ever make beautiful music together. Avery mentions bringing Zoe in on the next song and Gunnar acts nervous and says it would be a bad idea. Scarlett comes in and Gunnar freaks out and leaves. She says it’s unexpected to see them together. Avery says he likes producing their work. Scarlett has come to him for advice on her performance for the critics at the Blue Bird. He says he’s happy to help.

A news report says Lamar pleaded not guilty and that bail hasn’t been set. Rayna and Tandy watch it and Rayna tells her she did ask him for a loan and told Jeff to kiss her ass. Tandy says she should be glad that she didn’t take a penny from their dad. Tandy says that her knowledge of business can help. She tells Rayna to go to the Belle Meade polo match to look for investors and tells her she knows she loves bug hat events.

At said event, Rayna says she hates the big hats and she and Tandy make small talk and pose for photos with the rich fans. She is rushed for autographs and says she wants to talk to the ladies later. Tandy says it’s good that Lamar’s arrest isn’t impacting Rayna’s star power. Rayna says she hopes they find some investors otherwise it’s wasted time. Rayna is surprised to see Juliette as she’s rushed by some young fans.

Charlie is there as a player and drags Juliette away by the arm. He reveals he sent her the invite and she asks what’s wrong with him. But then his wife is there and hugging her. She tells J to come out with her because she doesn’t know anyone. J glares at Charlie as his wife drags her away to socialize.

As the players prepare to play, Deacon makes his way around the even uncomfortably. Megan is surprised and says she thought he had a root canal and he says he thought she had another date and she asks how does he know she doesn’t. She asks if he can go out to dinner with some work friends and he grudgingly agrees.

Rayna tries to snag an investor but the woman excuses herself. Luke catches up with Rayna and tells her he’s been trying to catch her eye all day. She says he doesn’t seem the polo type and he tells her he’s got a few horses playing.

Avery tells Scarlett how his situation with Dominick blew up and he tells her he blew a lot of good things last year and he says if he did get another chance, he’d do it differently. She asks why he’s working at the Blue Bird when Juliette is going out on tour. He says he’s rather work at the bar and make his own music than wear golden handcuffs.

Teddy chats up Charlie while he checks out Juliette. Teddy talks to him about the music festival and Charlie says he could sponsor it. He tells Teddy that Juliette would be the perfect face for the festival. J asks what he’s getting her into and Teddy agrees. Charlie asks if she’s having fun and she tells him it’s awkward hanging out with his wife. She tells him to show him her horse but not to touch her as they go.

Gunnar tells Zoe he really likes her but she says she can’t be with him because she broke the girl code and feels like a slutty bad friend. He says he likes her and this is stupid. She says they made a huge mistake and Scarlett can never find out. She walks out.

Rayna talks with another potential investor when Tandy comes up and confirms to Bill (the mark) how good Scarlett is. Bill tells Tandy she shouldn’t be there because Lamar’s arrest has tainted her she since she worked for him. She reminded him she left and he reminds her she did it right before he was arrested and the timing is interested. He tells them they shouldn’t expect anyone to open their checkbooks to them. Tandy tells him and his checkbook to go to hell.

J tells Charlie she wouldn’t have come to the match if she had known the tickets were from him. She tells him he has a charmed life and that he needs to stick with his perfect wealthy life. She tells him it’s a joke. He asks why she sent the car back and says he loves it because everyone is trying to get something from him. She says he loves that she’s not his wife. He tells her things aren’t always as they seem. The horn sounds and she walks away saying his match is starting.

The match is on and Deacon is surprised by a big hug from Luke who asks what the hell he’s doing there. Luke says that’s what rich people do. Deacon says he wouldn’t know about that. Deacon asks about his kids and he says they’re with his ex. He asks about Deacon’s hand and he says he has another. Luke tries to ask him if he and Rayna are a thing but Megan interrupts.

Rayna comments that even Teddy is ignoring her now. She says that all the stuff with her dad and Jeff makes her grateful to have Tandy. Rayna asks if there’s any truth to what Bill was saying and Tandy gest upset. She tells her she’s totally changed her life to be there for Rayna and her girls and Rayna apologizes. They agree to do one lap and leave.

Charlie and J laugh at the rich people kicking over the divots. She says it’s time for her to go. He tells her that he did inherit the money but has always worked. He says he just dated Olivia for a long time and marriage just seems inevitable. He tells her these people aren’t his people. He insists he’s just a plain simple person and he’ll prove it to her.

Avery and Scarlett play a shooter video game and she’s shocked when he whips her. He asks if she’s feeling better about her Blue Bird performance and then apologizes for talking career stuff. He tells her it’s okay and that he’s proud of her. She says she’s proud of him too. He tells her that her coming into her own is incredibly sexy. She kisses him. He kisses back.

Deacon is telling tour stories to Megan’s coworkers and has them totally enthralled. In the story, he woke up on the wrong bus. He goes to get them drinks and runs into Rayna at the bar. She tells him he’s the most surprising person she’s seen there all day and he says ditto. He introduces her to Megan who says she’s glad to hear that Maddie is okay. He’s pleased that Megan doesn’t seem threatened by Rayna.

They call Charlie to pick up the winning team cup but he’s nowhere to be found. He’s in the barn taking care of the animals and drinking beer with Juliette. One of the stable hands gets out a guitar and plays a song for them. J joins in singing with him. Another stable hand takes up the harmonica. Charlie watches her sing smiling.

Scarlett and Avery cuddle in bed and he tells her he’s glad she’s there. He says he wishes she could stay and she says she should get going. He tells her what he meant was that he wishes she would stay. She tells him she’ll see him at the Blue Bird since he’s working while she’s performing.

J and Charlie walk smiling back into the main polo tent and Rayna finds her. She gives her a look and J says they’re just friends. Rayna cautions her that being too friendly with a married man can cost her female friends. J tells her that after that comment she can forget Scarlett coming on tour with her.

Scarlett comes into the Blue Bird and tells Zoe she slept with Avery. Zoe asks how she feels and Scarlett says she feels stupid. Zoe says the heart wants what the heart wants and Scarlett says she’s not sure that’s what her heart wants but it did feel like home.

J overhears Olivia chewing out Charlie. She tells him she doesn’t care about these people and then she slaps the crap out of him. Holy cow – is he an abused husband? Olivia tells him she’s taking the jet and stomps away and runs into Juliette. She puts on her polite voice and says it was so nice to see her. Charlie looks horrified that J oversaw the conflict.

Avery tries to talk to Zoe about what happened with him and Scarlett. He tells her that he wants to get back with Scarlett and says he would be different. He asks if Scarlett would give him another shot.

At Deacon’s he tells Megan polo was pretty much what he expected – rich guys smacking a little ball. She asks if he pulled her away from Rayna because he was freaked out. She reassures him and says she’s not threatened – she gets that they share a past and a daughter. He’s pleased and asks her to stay the night.

Gunnar approaches Scarlett – he’s working the shift as well. He tells her that it seems like a long time ago the first time they sang there together. Rayna comes in and tells her it’s her night and she should have fun. She introduces her to reps from USA Today and Country Weekly. She handles them sweetly. Luke shows up and Rayna hugs him and tells him that these are her people – moreso than the stuffy polo types.

Zoe tells Gunnar she really needs to talk to him and he tells her he’s really busy. She asks for 5 minutes later and he agrees.

Charlie is drinking at his hotel when J comes up. He offers to buy her a drink and she says she can buy her own. He agrees that she doesn’t need him for anything. He tells her that the argument she oversaw is a glimpse of what his everyday life is like. She basically tells him waah and that she has her own sad story. She tells him they should work on Teddy’s music festival together. She says it will give them six weeks together and then they can be done. He slides a key to his hotel room over and says he’s in the penthouse. He gets up and walks away and J palms the key card.

Scarlett sings at the Blue Bird beautifully… The crowd listens in utter silence – they are rapt. Avery watches her from behind the bar and is transfixed. Gunnar watches from the soundboard and he can’t take his eyes off her either. She looks at Avery as she sings. Rayna looks on like a proud mama hen.

Deacon and Megan are kissing passionately on his sofa and getting busy…
Juliette is in bed with Charlie enjoying herself.

Zoe finds Gunnar in the back and tells him she takes it all back – everything she said – and tells him to kiss her. So he does.

Scarlett finishes her song. The crowd goes wild. Rayna hugs her and tells her she’s so proud. Rayna introduces her to Luke. The critics are wowed. She heads over to see Avery who hugs her and says she’s like lightning in a bottle. He tells her he won’t keep her if she needs to go work the room. She says they have time to figure out what happened between them since she’s not leaving on tour.

Luke tells Rayna that Scarlett is a special girl and that they’re lucky to be working together. Rayna asks him about Scarlett opening for him on tour. He kisses her and she says it was unexpected. He tells her yes because Scarlett is talented and he’s looking forward to seeing Rayna out on the road as well. He tells her good night and leaves. Rayna looks stunned.

Olivia comes into the penthouse and sees J with her husband. They don’t see her and keep on doing what they‘re doing. Olivia leaves quietly and closes the door. She pauses with a shocked look on her face.