Scott Disick Returns Kourtney Kardashian’s Gifts For Party Cash!

Scott Disick Returns Kourtney Kardashian's Gifts For Party Cash!

I really would have thought that Scott Disick would be thrilled to receive expensive gifts from longtime girlfriend, Kourtney Kardashian and guess what, I’d be wrong. Apparently Kourtney loves to spoil her man but his reaction is cold, if not flat out insulting. Recently the reality star bought Scott a pair of $595 Gucci loafers and he ran back to the store the next day to get his hands on the cash instead. According to the May 6th print edition of Star Magazine, Scott actually left the sentimental card that had accompanied the shoes in the box when he returned them!

Sources close to the couple say that this isn’t an unusual scenario. Scott always returns the things that Kourt buys him because he prefers to have the cash in his pocket. It brings that same old question back to the forefront of my mind – is Scott just using her for money? Let’s face it, if he wasn’t still linked to the Kardashian family he’d be absolutely nowhere. Hard work eludes Scott and his main job seems to be being the Kardashian’s verbal punching bag. I’m guessing he believes it’s an easy way to line his pocket!

Doesn’t Kourtney ever get tired of his disses though? Maybe she’s just so wrapped up in her kids that she really has stopped noticing what a total putz Scott is. He regularly disrespects her and she seems to usually just roll her eyes or chalk it up to that just being how he acts. She’s got to be sick of it after all this time. Do you think Kourtney will ever walk away and leave Scott for good? Does she have it in her? Would you like to see it happen? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Scott Disick Returns Kourtney Kardashian's Gifts For Party Cash!

Editor’s note: Why does Scott tend to get the blame in the media when Kourtney continues to have children with him and pay him to stick around. It isn’t as if Scott’s ever stopped partying and womanizing while with Kourtney. Who is worse? The prostitute or the John? Scott is getting paid to be with Kourtney – check out the pic – this is what he has to see every day.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet