The White Princess Recap 4/30/17: Season 1 Episode 3 “Burgundy”

The White Princess Recap 4/30/17: Season 1 Episode 3 "Burgundy"

Tonight on Starz their popular drama The White Princess returns with an all-new Sunday, April 30, 2017 episode and we have your The White Princess recap below. On tonight’s The White Princess Season 1 Episode 3 recap called “Burgundy,” as per the Starz synopsis, “Lizzie endures a difficult labor while King Henry’s envoys embark on a diplomatic mission to Burgundy, a York stronghold abroad. Later, she discovers she and her husband have more in common than she imagined.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The White Princess recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, recaps, videos and more, right here!

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The White Princess begins tonight with Princess Elizabeth “Lizzie” (Jodie Comer) in labor. King Henry VII (Jacob Collins-Levy) meets with his men and Bishop Morton (Kenneth Cranham) discussing Burgundy. He is advised that they may not be receiving the peace envoy as they still pirating their ships. He is warned that Jasper Tudor (Vincent Regan) is a man of war. Henry tells them to bring him good news as he looks up to the window where his mother, Margaret Beaufort (Michelle Fairley) is standing.

Margaret quickly rushes towards Lizzie’s room, where she is begging Maggie (Rebecca Benson) to get her grandmother as there is a curse on her if the baby is to be born. She cries out for her mother. Meanwhile, her mother Dowager Queen Elizabeth (Essie Davis) writes to her sister-in-law to rescue her and her children. Lizzie cries out in labor as Henry feels guilty about not attending to his wife. The Bishop tells him that Elizabeth demands to be with Lizzie but he has refused her.

Jasper arrives in Burgundy as Lizzie struggles through her labor with Henry’s mother, Margaret forcing her to push harder. The baby finally arrives and Margaret demands the nurses hand him over to her. She rushes out to where Henry is sparring and announces the arrival of Prince Arthur; he rushes to be with Lizzie even though his mother calls after him saying he cannot be with her as she is in confinement.

Lizzie cuddles her son and Maggie wants to know what she meant when she talked about the curse. Lizzie tells her it was nothing and they are interrupted by Henry who is excited about the baby. Lizzie calls him in to see his son.

He says he is perfect and she is radiant; he asks to hold him, lovingly looking at him saying he is his father. Lizzie asks if he will send her mother to see her now? He ignores her saying the bells should be ringing from every tower. Maggie reminds her to ask him about releasing their brother, Teddy (Albert de Jongh) from the tower.

At the Palace of Mechelen, France the Duchess of Burgundy (Joanne Whalley) receives letters from both Dowager Elizabeth requesting war and King Henry requesting peace. She is surprised Jasper Tudor and Lord Strange (Nicholas Audsley) are traveling to see her. She is told by Francis Lovell (Anthony Flanagan) that she must stand with Elizabeth and fight. She tells him it is her choice to stay a thorn in Henry’s side, and she will refuse to see them if they come.

Elizabeth comes to see Lizzie and her grandson, Arthur. As she admires her perfect grandson, Cecily (Suki Waterhouse) complains about how loud Lizzie screamed during labor; her mother quickly dismisses her telling her to get her some wine for her parched throat. Elizabeth reminds Lizzie that Arthur belongs to the throne and she must remember what the red in that rose stands for: her family’s blood. Her lover’s blood. Lizzie looks down at her son saying all there is now is Arthur! She kisses Lizzie’s forehead and leaves, running into Margaret saying perhaps this boy who is half York and half Tudor could bring peace to England.

Margaret says he is ONLY Tudor and he isn’t just a boy, he is Henry’s heir and heir to the throne of England. Elizabeth reminds her that she once had 2 boys destined for the throne themselves, so nothing in life is ever certain. The English arrive in Burgundy, where they admire the women.

Margaret meets with Henry advising him that Arthur’s christening needs to happen at once. Henry wants to wait until Lizzie has been churched, but she insists that Lizzie has no function at the service but England needs to know he has an heir. He tells his mother he will consult with his wife, which shocks Margaret.

Jasper and Lord Strange meet Duchess Cecily (Caroline Goodall) and promise they will wait to meet with the Duchess of Burgundy after she is done grieving; they ask if they are granted leave to stay until that time. They are granted a stay and Lord Strange is asked to spar with the children.

Lizzie is tending to her son and shares with Henry that she is upset he is taking Arthur to Wincester for his christening without her. He says her mother is coming and shows her the badge he had created for Arthur, uniting their red and white roses. She says their mothers won’t agree because they enjoy the war between their families. She asks him to release Teddy, he says he will consider it when he returns.

Margaret arrives to take Arthur, she says if they agreed to christen him in London she wouldn’t have to be away from him. Margaret coldly tells her that the priest will come to see her on the 14th day to sanctify her so she can return to court and Margaret leaves with her grandson.

Back in Burgundy, Jasper meets with the Duchess, she tells him to stop play acting and relay the message from his King. He presents her with a gift from King Henry, saying he wishes peace with Burgundy, wishing to return their trading rights and forge new alliances between the two nations. She scoffs at his request, saying Henry has no idea about politics and pain. She is upset that this war has cost her 3 brothers, a father and a husband but cost Henry nothing.

Lizzie is very anxious to be away from Arthur but promises Maggie that as soon as she is blessed they will go to the tower to see Teddy, and she will do her best to make Henry honor his word about releasing him. Maggie asks again about the curse and Lizzie reveals it was a curse to place harm on the person who killed their brother; she promises no harm will come to her baby.

Arthur is christened while Lizzie is sanctified. After the rite is completed, Arthur is handed over to Elizabeth, who gently places him in Margaret’s arms. Dowager Elizabeth is summoned by the Bishop. Lizzie and Maggie go to the tower to see Teddy. Lizzie apologizes that they haven’t come sooner as she had a baby boy; Teddy begs Maggie to take him with her. She says Lizzie is going to have him released soon, as this was a mistake; promising him they will go live somewhere peaceful, far away from castles and court.

In Winchester as everyone is celebrating Arthur’s christening, Henry asks his mother if she is sure it was Elizabeth who betrayed them. She orders him to imprison her.

The moment they return, Lizzie rushes to hold her son asking where her mother is. Cecily tells her about her engagement and suggests she ask her husband where Elizabeth is. She joins Henry in the hallway, where he tells her Elizabeth is in the dungeon for plotting to kill him. He says Teddy is not being released from the tower since he is the one her mother attempted to replace him with. Lizzie says she forbids this, she says to house her mother in an abbey. He ignores her and tells her to prepare for her coronation.

The Duchess returns to speak to Jasper saying he should have told her Lord Strange was such a marvelous court jester. He says Strange is no friend of his. He apologizes for causing her pain. She says she has no love for war, but she cannot like his king. Jasper says he is life and soul for Henry and he will die for him. He knows she has Europe on her side, but what about England?

He shares that he has lost his life to war, like she has lost her kin. He says if they strike for peace, they can be sure no one else she loves is stolen from her. She smiles and walks away from him.

The Bishop escorts Elizabeth and her children to their home, saying she is to pray 4 hours a day and have no visitors. When she inquires about her daughter Princess Elizabeth, he says she is no longer her daughter but King Henry’s Queen as of Sunday. He continues to tell her she may exercise outside for one hour at dawn and again at sunset.

As Lizzie prepares for her coronation, Cecily taunts her about the clothing. Lizzie secretly gives Maggie a note for her mother; Maggie is concerned that they should be helping Teddy themselves.

Henry sends for Lizzie, asking if she is thankful for becoming Queen. She wants to know what her role will be as Queen, he feels she is jibing him. Henry confides about how everyone is two-faced, and its more than he can bear each day wondering if he will survive the day. He says this life had been decided for him since the moment he was born, and he was to be the king for his mother so she could have the power.

He wonders what he would have chosen had his life been ordinary. Lizzie says her life has been the same, a puppet for her mother’s own ambition and she would have settled for a man she loved. Henry says he doesn’t ask for her to love him the way she loved Richard, but he had hoped for tenderness and kindness.

She asks if that is enough for him? He says he has no idea as he never had such burning love. He understands that she cannot love him, but he asks that she doesn’t plot against him, to spare him that humiliation. He leaves after saying she can’t even promise him that.

At the Abbey, Elizabeth picks up an apple that has a note inside the core. Its the letter from Lizzie, asking for help and guidance on rescuing Teddy from the tower.

As Lizzie dotes over Arthur, Margaret approaches her saying she is glad they can be friends at last. She shares that they must be together in protecting their boy as tomorrow she will be the Queen of England.

Lizzie walks towards the coronation celebration, Maggie tells her that she must sneak off to the Abbey where her mother has bribed a monk to let her in. Elizabeth reminds Lizzie that she is the descendant of a warrior goddess and must remember who she is. She is a true white York and she needs her. Elizabeth can hear the bells ringing as Lizzie is crowned Queen. Henry and Lizzie sit on their thrones as he ponders what will happen if his enemies make sure Arthur never makes it to the throne.

Lizzie tells Maggie she isn’t going to see her mother because she will never be able to choose between Henry and her mother, if Elizabeth brings an army. Meanwhile, Elizabeth waits in an empty room as Lizzie undresses with no intentions of seeing her.

Lord Strange continues to entertain in Burgundy as Jasper and the Duchess choose to leave him to the “blood sports”. She realizes that Jasper has regrets about choosing war over life. He says marriage wasn’t in God’s plan for him. He admits there was someone he loved, but it wasn’t meant to be. She is surprised by him.

Lizzie paces her room as she plays her mother’s words in her head. The Duchess tells Jasper there is still time as he is a handsome man and there is still life ahead. She suggests a York and Tudor union could become a fashion.

Elizabeth weeps to God that they have both her Cecily and her Lizzie and she will not have it. She rocks the Madonna statue, damning them all to hell. As the statue crashes to the ground, Mary of Burgundy (Emmanuelle Bouaziz) falls from her horse during her race with Lord Strange.

Lizzie lays in her bed as Elizabeth gathers her young daughters in her arms. Duchess learns that Mary’s back is broken and she will not live. The Duchess looks to Jasper in silence.

Lizzie comes into Henry’s room, lays Arthur in his basket and crawls into bed with him. Henry turns over and holds her, as they sleep in each others arms. Duchess lays Mary down for her funeral as Jasper offers his condolences. She says he promised no one else would die. She orders him to get out, as he isn’t welcome there.

The End