Somewhere Between Recap 8/1/17: Season 1 Episode 3 “The Hunter and the Hunted”

Somewhere Between Recap 8/1/17: Season 1 Episode 3 "The Hunter and the Hunted"

Tonight on ABC their new crime drama Somewhere Between premieres with an all new Tuesday, August 1, 2017, episode and we have your Somewhere Between recap below.  On tonight’s Somewhere Between season 1 episode 3 “Laura and Nico set a trap for the serial killer, and it puts both of them in danger. Meanwhile, Tom grows concerned about Nico and Laura’s partnership since Tom was the attorney who convicted Nico’s brother Danny.

So make sure to come back between 9 PM – 10 PM for our Somewhere Between recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, photos, spoilers, videos and more, right here!

Tonight’s Somewhere Between episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Somewhere Between begins tonight with Tom Price (JR Bourne) waking up to a text message saying, “Don’t text my private number, Your persistence not helpful.” He goes to his office and removes a package with a yellow object inside covered in blood, takes a photo; but before he can send it he gets a call from Laura (Paula Patton), who demands to know if Serena (Aria Birch) is okay. Tom wants to know why Laura lied to him and is distracted by Serena who wakes up and wants to know what the package is; he dismisses Laura and brings Serena back to bed promising to sing to her.

Laura and Nico Jackson (Devon Sawa) are at the police station talking to Captain Kendra Sarneau (Samantha Ferris) explaining what happened with the girl in the skull shirt; she acknowledges there is a killer, but catching him and proving it isn’t going to work with what Laura and Nico are doing by assaulting one of her officers.

She gives them the option of either telling her how they knew what was going to happen or she will arrest them for obstruction. Laura stands and reminds her the constitution says all kinds of things about immunity but Sarneau tells them if he kills another girl and they knew something that could have helped her, she will nail them for it.

Laura and Nico leave the police department, where he suggests they just tell the police the truth, but Laura says she can’t visit her daughter in a psych ward. Laura tells him the girl he kills tonight has never been claimed and the body was never identified. She recalls the news story and says the girl is wearing a blue wig and a short fuzzy jacket and a picture with a 3-headed dog.

Nico knows the Cerberus is the guardian of the underworld and thinks it could be an underground gentlemen’s club she worked out of. He has people who go to that club who would speak to. Laura says the plan s for him to call her when he finds the 3-headed dog and they will go there and wait. Nico tells her they have moved the needle on fate, but Laura still frets that Serena drowns in a lake instead of the bay. Laura comes home and finds Serena sound asleep in her bed.

Grace Jackson (Catherine Barroll) writes Laura a letter after Ruby (Imogan Tear) told her that Laura worked for the news; she pleads with her to put something on about her son Danny (Noel Johansen) who was executed but innocent. She sends along articles that prove the syndrome Danny had was not violent. She begs her to open her heart and think how she would feel if she knew her child was about to die.

Jenny (Carmel Amit) asks Nico where he is going as she searches for 3-headed dogs? He says he isn’t going to squander his second chance as he heads out of the office door. Tom comes into the kitchen and Laura tells him she didn’t lie to him, she was working in the field to track down a story on the killer. He admits he is worried after watching her go crazy the past few days and asks when she last saw her therapist; she says it was too long and promises to see her. Serena is thrilled her mom is staying home to spend time with her, but asks her if she is feeling alright when she says she has to go out later tonight to work on her story.

Nico comes to see Ruby at school, asking her what’s got her down; she says she misses her friend and scared about her dad too. The bell rings and the kids are called inside but Nico promises to see her really soon; smiling as he calls her Elsa, as she wishes to be the Disney princess who whisks her father away to safety.

As Laura sleeps, Serena sneaks out of bed, grabs a yellow scarf and flies it out the window; Grace Jackson happens to be dropping off the letter and looks up. She has a flashback to an officer telling her that Suzanna (Hilary Jardine) was strangled with the scarf she was wearing before she was stabbed, those yellow fibers were in the wounds. The scarf is missing, but Danny’s DNA was on the knife; she insists if the police find the scarf they will find the right killer. Laura calls Serena for lunch and when she runs off, she leaves the window open but before Grace can grab the scarf she retrieves it.

In class, Ruby’s teacher asks his assistant to hold the fort and he will be right back. He is sweating profusely and goes to the back room where he lifts his shirt, revealing a deep wound on his abdomen.

Laura sings to Serena while they lay together in bed; once Laura knows she is sleeping she gets a call from Nico who says Jenny found the discreet club called The Hounds of Hell in the financial district. He discourages her from going saying her daughter wants her alive as much as she wants her alive. Laura says she will meet him in 10 minutes, she tells Tom she has to go into work, asks him what he is looking at and he says its something from a persistent citizen. Tom tells her to be safe as she leaves.

Tom goes to his office and grabs the package only to discover the yellow scarf is missing. He nudges Serena awake, apologizing for waking her up, he asks about the yellow scarf, she says she saw it and wasted all the yucky stains off it so she could play with it. He tells her he loves her and to go back to bed and leaves with her teddy bear and scarf.

Nico and Laura arrive at the club, she runs towards the building but he says she can’t run into a fire. As everyone is running out, one man dressed in a firefighter uniform approaches the girl in the blue wig, she cries out for his help but Laura grabs her and runs the other way.

Nico closes the door behind them and says there is no fire; Nico says they are with the police and Laura says they have information that someone was planning on hurting her tonight.

When she confirms she was meeting someone tonight, her phone rings and it is him. She answers and he says he was held up and picks a new spot to meet. Nico calls Sarneau asking if she wants to catch a killer; and Laura gets dressed up in the blue wig and white fuzzy jacket. Nico loves how Laura looks and suggests for backup, but says he wasn’t worried about her.

Sarneau arrives and thinks they are nuts and will not sign off on what they are doing until she knows the plan. Laura tells the truth and Nico explains it too and Sarneau says she could arrest them for so many things and Nico says they can do that after they catch the killer at the Hey Venus club. She says she will be no more than 10 feet from her every second but Laura says she only trusts Nico and they can’t change anything if they don’t keep her alive.

Nico sits with the woman who was on the original list to kill and he wants to know more about her. She shares that she has a son who is 16 and will be looking for her soon and she prefer him to think of her as a rogue college student who gave him up for a better life. She presents Nico with a sweater she made for herself and offers it to his niece. Suddenly a towtruck arrives to tow Nico, she gives him the keys to come back to her apartment and leaves her inside.

A man approaches Laura and says she is just the girl he is looking for and the police rush in and arrest him. Laura rips his shirt open and says there is no stab wound so its not the killer. Nico returns to the apartment, knocks on the door and goes inside. He calls out for Mimi, but no response. He sends a text to Laura giving the address and 9-11.

Nico finds Mimi in the bathtub, stabbed and bleeding. He lunges at the shower curtain where the killer is hiding behind. When he tackles him down and finds out it is Ruby’s teacher; who says this has everything and nothing to do with Ruby. He says if he gets locked up, who is going to be the man in Ruby’s life? Nico punches him, but the killer escapes, Nico races after him with Sarneau right behind him.

He says he lost the killer again and she said she life got dull without him and she loved it. Laura sees the killer running down the street and jumps into the driver seat, she runs him over but he manages to jump into the car, knocks her out and drives off with her; Nico sees it all happen and follows her from the tracker he has.

He asks her why she is following him and how does she know where he is always going to be? Laura puts on her seat belt and causes the car to crash, he screams that he is trapped as she crawls out and begs her to get him out when he smells gasoline. She remembers the mysterious lady telling her to remember to wait until the price is paid in order for one to live, one must die.

She lights the matchbook and throws it into the fuel. Nico runs from his car saying this isn’t the way, but she says he has to die for Serena to live. Nico kicks in the window and rescues the killer. She screams that he has to die.

The fire department puts out the fire as he is arrested; Laura demands to know how Nico could let him live after killing those girls and Serena. He says the Governor has nothing on her and he wants to know the connection to Ruby and if he dies the answers die with him. They find out Mimi is alive, she is in a coma but will pull through and if she fingers him then there is no way out of the noose.

The teacher, Haskell (Aaron Craven) asks why he is under arrest when Laura is the one who attacked him? She stands up and begins to pick out glass from his cuts, he jokes that she is starting to sound like his mother. He praises her for being a great mother for Serena and she says his mother would do the same for him but he says she worries about his brother. Tom watches and hears the intimate conversation before he makes his presence known.

He covers Laura up and says Barry is watching Serena. Sarneau says without his wife, they never would have collared him and when she says Laura has given her statement, he says he is going to take her home and pulls her away from Nico. She says Nico doesn’t want anything from her, he was simply helping her as a private detective. Tom doesn’t believe its a coincidence as he put Nico’s brother on death row. Tom is furious that she would dress like a $10 hooker and light a suspect on fire. He pulls her against the car and they begin to kiss; she tells him to make sure he stays caught.

Haskell’s lawyer says his client has been attacked two nights in a row by the same woman, which has been substantiated by Laura’s statement about hoping to pin murders on his client.

Laura talks to Mara (Erica Carroll) and says she is staying home from work until Serena has fully recovered from the allergy attack. Serena says she wants to go to work today because of her art project. Tom gets a call and says they are on their way; Nico’s phone also goes off and when he answers he is told by Inspector Glenn “Cupcake” Kupner (Daniel Bacon) that none of the DNA they had showed up in Mimi’s apartment.

Tom is yelling at Sarneau who had told him there was no question about the killer and now he is furious with Laura because he has to go before a judge and tell him there is no physical evidence tying the suspect he now filed charges against to this crime or any of the murders. Nico learns there was nothing, Laura insists he tossed his jacket and asked if the police searched every car?

Tom says he has no credible witnesses as one is in a coma, the other assaulted the suspect and the other was fired from the police department for the brutal beating of a citizen – something Laura didn’t know about. She still insists there has to be another way of charging him.

Laura goes to the washroom, and slouches against the wall in tears. As she is washing her face, another woman in the bathroom takes off her ring to wash her hands. Laura has a flashback, leading her and Nico to ask the officer about the ring missing from another victim. Nico says he is going to check it out, and if he finds anything he will leave it where he found it; he is told if he is caught tampering he will be charged with a felony – Nico asks for the code.

Laura and Nico search the entire apartment but are interrupted when the police come in from a noise complaint; Nico and Laura hide in the shower. The officer says if someone was in there, they must have slipped out and reports nothing. Nico looks at the jar he caught in the shower before it fell and they both see the ring inside.

The officer presents the evidence to Sarneau and Tom, where Laura says if they are trophies she is sure the families would recognize them and persuades him to bring in the victim’s families. Laura turns on the microphone and asks the one man to look at the jewelry again, asking him to think who the initials could be. Tom tells the Captain to thank the families for coming in and when he learns there is no luck on the bloody jacket he tells Laura he has no choice but to release him; he isn’t giving up but has to go by the evidence.

Laura begins to have more flashbacks as the teacher/suspect eats a sandwich and smiles. She grabs the officers gun and locks everyone out. He points his gun at her and he wants to know what her sick obsession is with him. She says if he lives, her daughter dies. He says Ruby is his favorite student and he would never hurt her best friend. He then tells her to take the safety off but the police break in before anything happens.

Outside, Tom tells her to get a hold of herself, he holds her back as the suspect is released. Tom asks Laura if she gets arrested, what will he tell Serena. He says he will help her but Sarneau says she assaulted him and he says he would be grateful if this were just a family matter. He tells Laura he needs to stay and clean up this mess and orders her to go home.

Nico says he will stay with Mimi until she wakes up but Sarneau says he is a person of interest and isn’t going anywhere. He wants to be called a witness and she says he can speak to her or she will have him arrested as a suspect.Nico tells Laura to call Jenny to watch Haskell while he stays, promising her he will be okay.

Nico tells Laura to call Jenny to watch Haskell while he stays, promising her he will be okay.

The officer pushes a cart of evidence down the hall and Tom knocks it over, stealing the bag of jewelry, saying he was just being clumsy. He takes a picture of it with his phone and sends it to the person who sent him the text earlier about being persistent.