Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, February 23, 2024, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below.
On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 2 “Dropping Bombs”,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Danny and Baez join forces with Danny’s old partner, Jackie Curatola (Jennifer Esposito), when a serial killer reappears. Also, Eddie faces backlash whens she tries to help a woman who accuses a sergeant of rape.
Jamie clashes with his nephew, Joe Hill (Will Hochman), when Joe interferes with Jamie’s undercover operation; and Frank is blindsided when Mayor Chase publicly suggests bringing back a Commission of Police.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!
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In tonight’s Blue Bloods episode, a woman claimed to have been sexually assaulted by a police sergeant. The woman made an outcry. She told Officer Edie Jenko what happened. Edie was a woman. She was there. She was the only one to stop and talk to this young girl in a holding cell. Maybe that’s why the victim made an outcry to her.
The woman claimed she was raped after she got arrested for drug possession. It does look like the girl was on something, but was there enough in her system to qualify a crime or possible confusion? There’s no way to tell. The rape either happened or it didn’t. Edie either had to do her job by reporting the crime or she becomes another dirty cop covering for another dirty cop. And so Eddie chose the reporting route.
Edie called her sister-in-law at the District Attorney’s Office. She reported what the woman said. She also called for an ambulance so that the EMTs could treat the victim and she informed IAB about what happened. Edie did all of this without informing her lieutenant or her partner. Edie didn’t wait to get the ball rolling.
This was going to turn into an investigation one way or another. She got in trouble with her boss over this. She got in trouble with her partner over this. They both didn’t think that Edie should instantly believe this woman.
This woman could be lying to get out of charges. Eddie’s partner was so mad that he might ask for a new partner after this. He told off Eddie. The two of them went with the woman to the hospital.
They had to stay to guard her. Luis was worried about how that would look back at the station. Eddie didn’t just paint a target on her back with this one. She did it for Luis as well. They could both bear the brunt of this for days if not years. Edie will be able to walk away because she’s a Reagan. He wasn’t.
Only Erin stopped by the hospital. She brought along Anthony. Anthony helped Luis see the truth. This woman’s story needed to be investigated and it was a good thing that it was. The rape kit found DNA. She did have sex with someone.
She was claiming that Sergeant Sampson had told her that she had to sleep with him or he was going to make sure she was denied bail. Sergeant Sampson was claiming that she threw herself at him. He said they had sex. It might have happened after she was in custody. And technically a woman in custody can’t consent to sex because she’s under arrest. And that made things look bad for the sergeant.
The rape did happen. It did occur. It doesn’t matter if the sergeant threatened her or if he fell for her feminine wiles. He was in a position of power over her. It was rape as plain to see. Edie had been right to report it. Not that anyone else at the station saw it that way. They left her a rat in her locker. They also spelled out rat on her locker in blood if the hanging rat wasn’t enough to get the message. It was times like this that she misses Jamie, but Jamie was away. He was undercover with some bad people.
His nephew almost ruined his cover. Joe was investigating a drug supplier by the name of Ruiz. He followed Ruiz into a meeting with the people that Jamie was investigating. Joe broke up the meeting. He arrested Ruiz who didn’t have a felony among of drugs on him. He had to let him go. Now the people that Jamie was spying on wants to kill him.
They want to kill Joe to protect their human trafficking and drug smuggling ring. Jamie wanted Joe to be thrown off the case. Joe wanted Jamie to be thrown off the case. Neither of them were going to get what they wanted. They were told by Frank’s people to work together no matter what.
For them to do that, they had to stop playing the blame game. Joe threw his dead father in Jamie’s face. He implied that maybe it was Jamie’s fault that his dad died. Jamie said they’ve all played the blame game. They all tried to talk Joseph out of joining that unit. He did so because he wanted to stand on his own. He wanted to show that he wasn’t just the Commissioner’s son. It ended up costing him his life. Joe needed to hear that about his father because he didn’t know his father. Their conversation helped them to agree to work together.
Danny meanwhile has been looking for the serial killer’s latest victim. Somehow Dr. Walker managed to grab another woman. Danny was able to manipulate him into telling where he stashed his latest victim.
And so all the case did was bring Jackie back into Danny’s life. Danny hasn’t been dating anyone seriously and who knows about him and Jackie. There might be a door opening sometime in the future. Only Frank was starting to think he couldn’t work with Mayor Chase. The Mayor was too erratic with his word choice and he was worried about elections while Frank was simply trying to do his job.
And the next family Sunday dinner was a hit. Joe was back to attending. He and Jamie were on a better page of their relationship. Edie was proven right about her victim. Sergeant Sampson was suspended pending investigation. They all did great work today. It sadly wasn’t enough to protect Joe’s C.I. She was murdered by Ruiz that night.